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After and study
After a pause, during which he studied Scotty's face as if Scotty were not there and could not study him too, Mr. McKinley would ask the same questions he had asked downstairs.
After `` a prolonged study of the Oder line on a map '', at Teheran, Churchill `` liked the picture ''.
After this essay was circulated in samizdat and then published outside the Soviet Union ( initially on July 6, 1968, in the Dutch newspaper Het Parool through intermediary of the Dutch academic and writer Karel van het Reve, followed by The New York Times ), Sakharov was banned from all military-related research and returned to FIAN to study fundamental theoretical physics.
After reading popular conspiracy theories about the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, participants in this study correctly estimated how much their peers ' attitudes had changed, but significantly underestimated how much their own attitudes had changed to become more in favor of the conspiracy theories.
After graduating from Roosevelt Junior-Senior High School, he went to Adelphi University on Long Island to study graphic design.
After a journey through southern Germany and Switzerland, and a visit to Strassburg, he returned to Leipzig, and set to work upon a critical study of the New Testament text.
After the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War ( 19 July 1870 ), Monet took refuge in England in September 1870, where he studied the works of John Constable and Joseph Mallord William Turner, both of whose landscapes would serve to inspire Monet's innovations in the study of color.
After an initial release in August 1935, the Commonwealth Department of Health decided to ban future introductions until a study was conducted into the feeding habits of the toad.
After extensive study, the Commission issued a final border ruling in April 2002, which awarded some territory to each side, but Badme ( the flash point of the conflict ) was awarded to Eritrea.
After this formal education, Elizabeth spent the next nine years tending to domestic duties, but with her lively mind, energy and vigour, the prospect of a solely domestic existence would not satisfy her, so she continued to study Latin and arithmetic in the mornings and also read widely.
After a year of high-school teaching, he entered graduate school with the help of his former professor from the University of Chicago to study astronomy at the Yerkes Observatory of the University, where he received his PhD in 1917.
After hearing the lectures of Justus von Liebig he decided to study chemistry.
After studying at the Jesuit universities of Dillingen and Ingolstadt, he took up the study of medicine at the University of Vienna in 1759.
After the collapse of the Western Empire the study of Galen and other Greek works almost disappeared in the Latin West.
After studying in Magdeburg, Zellerfeld, and Hildesheim, Telemann entered the University of Leipzig to study law, but eventually settled on a career in music.
After graduating from Gymnasium Andreanum ( with excellent results, despite his musical activities ), Telemann went to Leipzig in late 1701 to become a student at the Leipzig University, where he intended to study law.
After the Challenger accident, a study considered additional shielding and eventually rejected it, in part because such a design significantly increased the overall risk of mission failure and only shifted the other risks around ( for example, if a failure on orbit had occurred, additional shielding would have significantly increased the consequences of a ground impact ).
After qualification he sought adventure as a ship's surgeon, voyaging the Pacific Ocean, taking the opportunity to study local crafts, linguistics, and tropical plants.
After two more years of study and consultation, the pope issued Humanae Vitae, which removed any doubt that hormonal anti-ovulants are contraceptive.
After finishing the college in Osnabrück, he moved in 1827 to visit the University of Berlin to study theology.
After two years of study and research, its final report was published in the British Medical Journal ( BMJ ), under the title ‘ Medical use of Hypnotism ’.
After a short stay at the Leipzig Conservatory, in 1876 he went to study at the Royal Conservatory in Brussels after King Alonso's personal secretary, Guillermo Morphy obtained him a royal grant.
After a few years of quiet study, Calvin entered the University of Bourges in 1529.
After graduation, Madison remained at Princeton to study Hebrew and political philosophy under the university president, John Witherspoon, before returning to Montpelier in the spring of 1772.
After graduation, Polk traveled to Nashville to study law under renowned Nashville trial attorney Felix Grundy.

After and at
After the war, Penny had wanted Keith at least to visit her home with her.
After I paid Monsieur Prieur for Dandy, I brought him home, but he was ill at ease and ran away the same night.
After that, it requires several minutes of concentrated work, including six separate and deliberate actions by a minimum of three men sitting at three separate stations in a bomber, each with another man beside him to help, for an armed bomb to be released.
After he had spent the first three years in New York as associate conductor, at Toscanini's invitation, of the NBC Orchestra, he made numerous guest appearances throughout the United States and Latin America.
After a sort of death march during four days without food, Helion and his comrades were shipped by cattle-car to a labor camp at an estate farm in East Germany.
( After graduation from the University of Chicago, Paula taught for two years in the normal school at Valley City, North Dakota, then two years at Princeton ( Illinois ) Township High School.
After complimenting Morgan and the riflemen and saying he was praising them to Congress, too, the ardent Frenchman added he felt that Congress should make some financial restitution to the widow and family of Morris, but that he knew Morgan realized how long such action usually required, if it was done at all.
After baptism Jesus came up out of the water at once, and at that moment heaven opened ; ;
After a tortuous drive in an open truck and a World War 2, army jeep down soggy trails, the band arrived at a small clearing squeezed between a long, low ridge and a creek-filled gully.
After trimming off the excess on the frames and transom which was used to fasten them to the jig at a working height, the top of the side planking is installed.
After more years of concentrated effort, Roy and his brother Max finally established a thriving family business at the old stand.
After drying the sections under the fan, fixing in acetone, and drying at 37-degrees as in the indirect method, the sections were treated with conjugated Af or Af ( undiluted unless mentioned otherwise ) for 5 - 30 minutes.
After a conversation with another man, he was able to recount practically everything that had been said but could not describe at all what the other man looked like.
After being located for some years in the Village at the Equinox Pharmacy under the supervision of Mrs. Harry Mercier, it is presently located in the Hill and Dale Shop, Manchester Center.
After 1895 the number increases, and in the next thirty years there is only one year for which there is no dated poem -- 1903, when Hardy was at work on The Dynasts.
After a week of precarious uphill landings and downwind takeoffs, Fogg one day looked down at the shattered yellow wreckage of an Army plane strewn across snow-covered Towne field.
`` After your child's baby teeth are all in -- usually at the age of two and one half to three -- it's time for that first dental appointment '', Dr. Brodie advises.
Dr. Karlis Osis, Director of Research at the Parapsychology Foundation, described the basis for the experiment in a tomorrow article, ( `` New Research On Survival After Death '', Spring 1958 ).
After a flood of protests, they were reinstated at the beginning of 1953.
After finding that its coasts led nowhere, however, he turned north again, toward the main, ice-filled passageway -- and the crew, at first uneasy, then frightened, rebelled.
After an earthquake in Japan in 1793 people on the coast at Tugaru were so terrified by the extraordinary ebbing of the sea that they scurried to higher ground.
After promoting Frost's appearance at the Inauguration, he persuaded the poet to return several months later to give a reading to a select audience of Cabinet members, members of Congress, and other Washington notables gathered in the State Department auditorium.

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