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Page "Eastern Counties Football League" ¶ 7
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All and were
All were carrying guns they had seized up, but they were half-clad or hardly clad at all.
All of her movements were careful and methodical, partaking of the stealth of a criminal who has plotted his felony for months in advance and knows exactly which step to take next in the course of the final execution of his crime.
All through Albany and Laramie counties, other men were doing the same.
All the doors were open at this hour except one, and it was toward this that Stevens made his way with Russ close at his shoulder.
All that time rifle barrels were pointing unwaveringly at his head and body.
All Captain Gibault took back to Salem were a few items for the town's East India Museum.
All areas of history were either favorably or adversely affected by the geographical environment, and no respectable historian could pursue the study of history without a thorough knowledge of geography.
He and other Soviet leaders responsible for the document were proud of having brought forward some new formulas, such as the early replacement of the dictatorship of the proletariat by an `` All People's State '', and also of having laid down the lines for a much greater `` democratization '' of the whole hierarchy of Soviets, starting with the Supreme Soviet itself.
All these emotions were screwed up to new heights when, after acceptance and the first rehearsals, there ensued such a buzz of excitement among Parisian music lovers that Duclos had to come running to Rousseau to inform him that the news had reached the superintendent of the King's amusements, and that he was now demanding that the work be offered first at the royal summer palace of Fontainebleau.
`` All dey know down dere is it were at Manassas Junction and it were a big fight '', the old man told them.
All of them were there in this loosely knit association of diversified ideologies, and each berated the other and beat his breast for his own approaches.
All of the jobs in the mission might be equal in the eyes of the Lord, but they were certainly not equal in the eyes of the Lord's servants.
All the women got up and offered their chairs, and when they were all seated again, the guests made their inquiries and their explanations.
All subsequent measurements were made on material which had been heated to 375-degrees-C for one hour.
All samplers were operated for a period of two hours except one, which was operated for four hours.
All samples were tested by both the saline and albumin methods.
All of the subjects in the Kohnstamm-negative and Kohnstamm-positive groups ( as defined for purposes of the personality studies ) were compared with those subjects who shifted in Conditions 3, or 4.
All applicants were generally familiar with the work of the receptionist.
All `` democratic and anti-Nazi parties '' were to have the right to campaign.
All responses, except comments, were numerically coded to permit use of data-processing equipment.
All the performances of the evening were smooth and assured, and the sizable company, with Mr. Nagrin and Marion Scott as its leading dancers, seemed to be fine shape.
All, of course, except the Donner party who were bent on starving to death.
All the women were beautiful, and the men were equal to them ; ;

All and accepted
All his children except Abdu ' l-Rahman ibn Abu Bakr accepted Islam, and Abu Bakr separated from his son Abdu ' l-Rahman.
All hypotheses on the origin of Basque are controversial, and the suggested evidence is not generally accepted by most linguists.
All of the murals sketches submitted were accepted by the FAP, however, four were denied creation by the hospital superintendent Lawrence T. Dermody and commissioner of hospitals S. S. Goldwater due to the excessive amount of African-American representation in the works.
* All of our commonly accepted moral duties, from doing no harm unto others to speaking always the truth to keeping promises, are rooted in the one fundamental principle of self-interest.
All of the members of the 1966 NSAUHG accepted Marangella's claim.
All participating parties and international observer groups accepted the results as " free and fair.
From this point of view, the hypothesis that " All ravens are black " is not accepted gradually, as its probability increases towards one when more and more observations are made, but is accepted in a single action as the result of evaluating the data which has already been collected.
More recently, it has been suggested that " All ravens are black " and " All non-black things are non-ravens " can have different effects when accepted.
When the hypothesis " All ravens are black " is accepted,
According to this argument, since the two people disagree about their estimates after they have accepted the different hypotheses, accepting " All ravens are black " is not equivalent to accepting " All non-black things are non-ravens "; accepting the former means estimating more things to be black, while accepting the latter involves estimating more things to be non-ravens.
All social sciences have explicit ontology issues because they do not have hard falsification criteria like most models in physical sciences-indeed the lack of such widely accepted hard falsification criteria is what defines a social or soft science.
All of Denmark's Catholic bishops went to prison until such time as they accepted Luther's reforms.
All the demands of Pope Hormisdas were granted: the name of the condemned Patriarch Acacius as well as the names of the Emperors Anastasius and Zeno were stricken from the church diptychs, and the Patriarch John II accepted the formula of Hormisdas with some qualifications.
All of the features that proponents claim to explain by exposure to an aquatic environment have conventional explanations that are more accepted within the paleoanthropological community.
All of Greece will despise him, and the sacrificial offerings of Thebes will not be accepted by the gods.
" Johnson continued to find reasons not to do the film, and finally Bogdanovich told him, " You, in this role, are going to get an Academy Award ," and finally Johnson accepted, " All right, I'll do the damn thing.
It is generally accepted that the town, formally incorporated on January 27, 1838, was named after Albany, New York, but a local legend holds that, during the vote to determine the location of the county seat, patrons of Dowell's tavern shouted " All for Benny!
All but one house accepted.
When Grenville formed a " Ministry of All the Talents " out of his supporters, the followers of Addington and the Foxites, Fox was once again offered the post of Foreign Secretary, which he accepted in February.
All of them accepted the deal.
The Au Go Go Singers included Kathy King ( who later toured with Bobby Vinton and appeared in the Broadway show, Oh Calcutta and currently works as Kathrin King Segal ), Jean Gurney, Michael Scott ( who later performed with the Highwaymen and the Serendipity Singers ), Rick ( Frederic ) Geiger ( who eventually was accepted into a light opera company in California ), Roy Michaels ( who later performed with Cat Mother & the All Night Newsboys and toured with Jimi Hendrix ), Nels Gustafson, Bob Harmelink, and soloists Stephen Stills and Richie Furay.
All but two of the Irish bishops accepted the Elizabethan Settlement, although the vast majority of priests and the church membership remained Roman Catholic.

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