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Berengar and was
In Italy, the Iron Crown of Lombardy was being fought over between Guy III of Spoleto and Berengar of Friuli.
Berengar had been crowned king in 887, but Guy was in his turn crowned in 889.
The Calendar of Saints states that her first husband was poisoned by the holder of real power, his successor, Berengar of Ivrea, who attempted to cement his political power by forcing her to marry his son, Adalbert ; when she refused and fled, she was tracked down and imprisoned for four months at Como.
Soon, however, the Duke of Canossa, Alberto Uzzo, who had been advised of the rescue, arrived and carried her off to his castle, where she was besieged by Berengar.
As such he was regarded by Berengar himself and by his opponents Dietwin of Liege ( Theodwin ), Durand of Troarne, and Humbert of Mourmoutiers.
The last such Emperor was Berengar I of Italy who died in 924.
However, on the one occasion that Sergius agreed to crown Berengar in around 906, Berengar was prevented from reaching Rome by the forces of Alberic I of Spoleto and Adalbert II of Tuscany, both of whom had been supporters of Sergius, but were unhappy with his decision to support Berengar.
In the eleventh century, Berengar of Tours denied that any material change in the elements was needed to explain the Eucharistic Presence, thereby provoking a considerable stir.
Berengar of Tours ( c. 999 – January 6, 1088 ) was a French 11th century Christian theologian and Archdeacon of Angers, a scholar whose leadership of the cathedral school at Chartres set an example of intellectual inquiry through the revived tools of dialectic that was soon followed at cathedral schools of Laon and Paris, and who disputed with the Church leadership over the doctrine of transubstantiation in the Eucharist.
Berengar of Tours was born perhaps at Tours, probably in the early years of the 11th century.
Berengar was less attracted by pure theology than by secular learning, and brought away a knowledge of Latin literature, dialectic, and a general knowledge and freedom of thought surprising for his age.
Amid this chorus of praise, a discordant voice began to be heard ; it was asserted that Berengar held heretical views on the Eucharist.
Considerably greater stir was provoked by Berengar, who denied that any material change in the elements was needed to explain the Eucharistic Presence.
By the time this letter was received by Lanfranc in Rome, it had been read by several other people ; and as Berengar was not well thought of there, Lanfranc feared his association with him might prejudice his own interests, and laid the matter before the pope, Leo IX, who excommunicated Berengar at a synod after Easter, 1050, and summoned him to appear personally at another to be held at Vercelli in September.
The synod was held at Vercelli without him ; two of his friends attempted to defend him, but were arrested and condemned to the flames ; Ratramnus's book was destroyed, and Berengar was again condemned.

Berengar and with
Arnulf sent his son Zwentibold with a Bavarian army to join Berengar of Friuli.
In favor of the supposition that Eusebius changed his opinion from deference to the Count of Anjou, the decided opponent of Berengar and his doctrine, it can be adduced that he did not defend Berengar against the hostilities of the court, and that for a long time he sided with this violent prince.
Berengar occupied himself with the study of the Gospel of John, with a view to confirming his views.
At first he showed himself friendly to Berengar, and talked of taking him back to Rome to get Leo IX's authority with which to silence his foes.
Berengar ( crowned emperor with the Iron Crown of Lombardy ) located the Imperial Headquarters in Monza and the city government issued several decrees to the empire itself.
It was occupied largely with the controversy about the teachings of Berengar of Tours.
He took up the task with the greatest zeal, although Berengar had been his personal friend ; he was the protagonist of orthodoxy at the councils of Vercelli ( 1050 ), Tours ( 1054 ) and Rome ( 1059 ).
In the 11th century, Berengar of Tours seized upon “ Scotus ’” book as a source for his view of the Eucharist in his debate with Lanfranc of Bec, and was summarily condemned by the local Council of Vercelli in 1050.
The success of the campaign was made possible by the preoccupation of the Zaragozan emir, Ahmad al-Muqtadir, with attacking the neighboring taifa of Tortosa and defending his northeastern frontier from Ramiro I of Aragon and Raymond Berengar I of Barcelona.
* Antapodosis, seu rerum per Europam gestarum, Libri VI, a historical narrative, relating to events, largely in Italy, from 887 to 949, " compiled with the object of avenging himself upon Berengar and Willa his queen " according to the Encyclopædia Britannica 1911
Louis the German sent first Charles and then Carloman himself, with armies containing Italian forces under Berengar of Friuli, their cousin, to possess the Italian kingdom.
Charles sent Berengar, equipped with an army, to deprive Guy of Spoleto.
Nevertheless, at Waiblingen, Berengar, who by a brief feud with Liutward had lost the favour of the emperor, came in early May 887, made peace with the emperor, and compensated for the actions of the previous year by dispensing great gifts.
In order to protect himself against the intrigues in Rome and the power of Berengar II of Italy, John made a deal with Otto I, king of the Germans.
During his eight years as archbishop, John worked hard with Pope Sergius in an unsuccessful attempt to have Berengar of Friuli crowned Holy Roman Emperor and to depose Louis the Blind.

Berengar and numerous
Berengar, fearing its purpose, avoided appearing, and the king's threats after its session had no effect, since Berengar was sheltered by Geoffrey and by Bishop Eusebius of Angers, and found numerous partisans among less prominent people.

Berengar and Monza
With Berengar I of Italy ( 850-924 ), Duke of Friuli, later king of Italy and from 915 emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Monza returned to the importance it had lost after the death of Queen Teodolinda.
Berengar was the only major benefactor of the church at Monza at this time and also gave the Cathedral of St. John in Monza a cross made in the same style as the Iron Crown, which is still preserved in the church's treasury.

Berengar and including
In 900, Louis, as the grandson and heir of the Emperor Louis II, was invited into Italy by various lords, including Adalbert II of Tuscany, who were suffering under the ravages of the Magyars and the incompetent rule of Berengar I. Louis thus marched his army across the Alps and defeated Berengar, chasing him from Pavia, the old Lombard capital, where, in the church of San Michele, he was crowned with the Iron Crown of Lombardy on 12 October, 900.

Berengar and large
In 947, Taksony led a raid to Italy as far as Apulia, and King Berengar II of Italy had to buy the peace by paying a large amount of money to him and his followers.
Berengar gathered a large army to meet them and refused their request for an armistice.

Berengar and its
Berengar died unexpectedly on the way and, freed of obstacles, the Emperor gave Septimania and its counties and that of Toulouse to Bernard.
About 949 Berengar II, the Frankish King of Italy and Holy Roman Emperor, retook Spoleto from its final margrave.

Berengar and other
With regards to the imperial question, although both Sergius and Theophylact did not support the continued nominal rule of Emperor Louis, they were somewhat unwilling to grant the imperial title to the only other contender, Berengar I of Italy.

Berengar and .
While Pope Stephen V supported Guy, crowning him Roman Emperor in 891, Arnulf threw his support behind Berengar.
That same year, Formosus died, leaving Lambert once again in power, and both he and Berengar killed any officials who had been put in place by Arnulf, as Ratold also fled from Milan to Bavaria.
* 915 – Pope John X crowned Berengar I of Italy as Roman Emperor.
In 1530, Erasmus published a new edition of the orthodox treatise of Algerus against the heretic Berengar of Tours in the eleventh century.
But when he recognized the strength of the opposition, he favored a compromise ; at any rate he advised Berengar is 1054 to swear to the formula presented to him.
Nevertheless Berengar considered him his friend many years later and requested him to silence a certain Galfrid Martini or to arrange a disputation.
The epistle is a downright renunciation of Berengar in case he should still maintain his view.
It is also possible that the fact impressed itself upon Eusebius that the religious consciousness of the time more and more opposed Berengar.
Nevertheless, Berengar ’ s unwillingness to control his vassals also contributed to the papal reluctance ; when Albuinus, the Margrave of Istria began taking papal territory off John, the Archbishop of Ravenna in 907, Sergius had written to Albuinus asking for him to desist.
* 1151-The Treaty of Tudilén ( or Treaty of Tudején ) is signed by Alfonso VII of León and Raymond Berengar IV, Count of Barcelona, recognising the Aragonese conquests south of the Júcar and the right to expand in and annex the Kingdom of Murcia.
* January – Robert de Grantmesnil, his nephew Berengar, half-sister Judith ( future wife of Roger I of Sicily ), and eleven monks of Saint-Evroul-sur-Ouche are banished from Normandy and head to the Mezzogiorno.

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