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Some Related Sentences

Both and were
Both buildings were in flames.
Both these youths, who greatly admired Henrietta, were somewhat younger than she, as were also the neighboring Friedenwald boys, who were then studying medicine ; ;
Both sides agreed that the theater must stand a moral test, but they could not agree on whether the poets were a good or a bad influence.
Both abolition of war and new techniques of production, particularly robot factories, greatly increase the world's wealth, a situation described in the following passage, which has the true utopian ring: `` Everything was so cheap that the necessities of life were free, provided as a public service by the community, as roads, water, street lighting and drainage had once been.
Both magazines were `` rigid with reactionary what-will-T. S. Eliot-or-Martin Buber-think??
Both were dressed rather formally.
Both home and auto radios were in excellent demand, with retail sales of home sets ahead of 1959 in every month of the first eleven ; ;
Both sexes reported that the discussions on sex adjustment within marriage were extremely enlightening.
Both parties and the Ministry of the Interior were busily at work after the elections trying to unearth the political affiliations of the successful candidates and, thereby, give the elections a confidential but known degree of national political significance.
Both Cook's and Russell's lives were threatened by the Mexicans following the killing, but the company officers felt that in the end, it would serve to quiet them despite their immediate emotion.
Both of them were overcome by the horror of the world in which they found themselves, because at last they could no longer overcome that world with the weapon of a purely lyrical art.
Both of them were my friends.
Both lived in Georgetown, were unattached, and shared an active social life.
Both he and Bridget were exonerated by Lizzie herself ''.
Both were under the meet mark of 1.10.8 set in 1950 by Mal Whitfield.
Both, of course, were remarkable feats and further embossed the fact that baseball rightfully is the national pastime.
Both cars were slightly damaged.
Both of those have had dynamic run-ups in price on the market in recent months, both were selling at higher price-earnings and yield bases than Morton was coming to market at, and everyone who knew anything about it expected the Morton stock to have a fast run-up.
Both elements -- the caution about a meeting, the willingness eventually to hold one -- were reflected in a letter from the President which Ambassador Llewellyn E. Thompson brought back to Russia late in February.
Both were scholastic stars in football, basketball, and baseball ( Mantle in Commerce, Okla., Maris in Fargo, N.D. ) ; ;
Both church and graveyard were smaller than she remembered them ( how many things had lessened while she was gone away ) but the headstones had grown so thick in thirty years that to find one named `` Dorothy Tredding '' seemed suddenly impossible.
Both of these replacements were political moderates and prospectively more supportive of the Commander-in-Chief.
Both were appointed to the United States Military Academy, Davis two years behind Johnston.

Both and thought
Both shudder at the thought of proceeding too far beyond the sewage system and the electric light lines.
Isaacs considered that ' Unconscious phantasies exert a continuous influence throughout life, both in normal and neurotic people, the difference lying in the specific character of the dominant phantasies '; Most schools of psychoanalytic thought would now accept that ' Both in analysis and life, we perceive reality through a veil of unconscious fantasy '.
Both works showed little originality of thought ; they achieved wide popularity at the time of their publication, but have long been superseded.
Both groups found resonance with his themes of personal freedom in both thought and action.
Both Hobbes and Bodin thought they were defending the power of kings, not advocating democracy, but their arguments about the nature of sovereignty were fiercely resisted by more traditional defenders of the power of kings, like Sir Robert Filmer in England, who thought that such defenses ultimately opened the way to more democratic claims.
Both Scrooge and Matilda thought that was because of Fergus ' disapproval of Scrooge's greedy ways but after finding a letter on the way for the treasure ( hence the other title " A Letter from Home ") they learn Fergus's real motive was the fact he thought Scrooge would feel better building his own fortune instead of simply inheriting one.
Both words are thought to be derived from Common Germanic * jeχʷla -, and are cognate to Gothic ( fruma ) jiuleis and Old Norse ( Icelandic and Faroese ) jól ( Danish and Swedish jul and Norwegian jul or jol ) as well as ýlir.
Both Luther and Calvin thought along lines linked with the theological teachings of Augustine of Hippo.
Both classes of these drugs are agonists at the 5-HT < sub > 2 </ sub > receptors ; this is thought to be the central component of their hallucinogenic properties.
Both feats required creative thought transmitted throughout the group, but was only feasible through group action.
Both helminthic therapy and fecal bacteriotherapy induce a characteristic Th2 white cell response in the diseased areas, which is somewhat paradoxical given that ulcerative colitis immunology was thought to classically involve Th2 overproduction.
Both Morgan and Holliday apparently thought they had fired the shot that killed Frank, but since neither of them testified at the hearing, this information is only from second-hand accounts.
Both of these adaptations are thought to derive from improvements in vocalization and the evolution of the ability to speak < ref > and the human larynx is shaped differently from that of aquatic animals, predisposing humans to choking.
Both athletes made the final, in which Blankers-Koen got off to a bad start ( she would later claim she thought there had been a false start ).
Both Johnson and Grant, as well as several members of the Seward family, thought the Secretary was near death.
Both genetic and environmental factors, particularly significant amounts of near work, are thought to contribute to the development of simple myopia.
Both Newton and Galileo, as well as most people up until the 20th century, thought that time was the same for everyone everywhere.
Both traditional Jewish thought and revisionist views may look to different conceptions of the Eclipse of God, from temporary removal of the Divine countenance to inherent limitations to God.
Both films performed poorly at the box office, and audiences thought the plots absurd.
" Both the Dadaist Marcel Duchamp and the Pop Artist Andy Warhol would invert expectations by presenting commonplace objects or graphics as works of fine art ( for example a urinal as a fountain ), simply by presenting them in a way no one had thought to do before ; the result was intended to induce an epiphany of " what art is " or is not.
Both boxers fought a smart fight, however observers thought the decision controversial.
Both animals frequently express themselves through thought balloons when their owners are present.
Both of them developed a system of thought that bridged the Eastern European way of traditional scholarship with the new forces of modernity in the Western World.

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