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Page "Second Boer War" ¶ 28
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Some Related Sentences

For and conspiring
For conspiring with Jameson, the members of the Reform Committee ( Transvaal ), including Col. Frank Rhodes and John Hays Hammond, were jailed in deplorable conditions, found guilty of high treason, and sentenced to death by hanging.

For and with
For, with a single exception, nothing had happened to them.
For Tom Horn, it turned out, had a number of rancher and cowboy witnesses ready and willing to swear with straight faces that he had been in Bates Hole the day of the killing.
For a brief period each year, the rays of the sun are warm enough to melt some of the snows piled a mile deep at the base of the headwalls, and then the pinnacles glisten in the daytime at high noon, and billions of gallons of water begin their slow seepage under the glaciers and across the rockstrewn hanging valleys on their long, meandering journey to the sea -- running east past the sky-carving massifs of Gurla Mandhata and Kemchenjunga, then turning south and curling down through the jungles of Assam, past the Khasi Hills, and into Bengal, past Sirinjani and Madaripur, until the hard water of the melting snows mingles with the soft drainage of fields and at length fans out to meld with the teeming salt depths of the Bay of Bengal.
For several months now, Jack Carter, a big overgrown boy of fifteen with a fuzzy, pimpled face and greenish catlike eyes with a lot of red in them, had been haunted by a dream, a vision, of a Woman.
For Mr. Taylor's Images And Reflections she made some diaphanous tents that alternately hide and reveal the performer, and a girl's cape lined with grass.
For the family is the simplest example of just such a unit, composed of people, which gives us both some immunity from, and a way of dealing with, other people.
For several generations much fiction has appeared dealing with the steprelationship.
For the President had dealt with the matter humbly, in what he conceived as the democratic way.
'', and `` Too Marvelous For Words '' ( all with Richard Whiting ) ; ;
William Wimsatt and Cleanth Brooks, it seems to me, have a penetrating insight into the way in which this control is effected: `` For if we say poetry is to talk of beauty and love ( and yet not aim at exciting erotic emotion or even an emotion of Platonic esteem ) and if it is to talk of anger and murder ( and yet not aim at arousing anger and indignation ) -- then it may be that the poetic way of dealing with these emotions will not be any kind of intensification, compounding, or magnification, or any direct assault upon the affections at all.
For some time, despondency in some Northern quarters had been displayed in two ways -- an eagerness for peace and a dissatisfaction with Lincoln.
For if Serenissimus made the sign of the Cross with his right hand, and meant it, with his left he beckoned lewdly to any lady who happened to catch his eye.
For those little men with the short whiskers, shaven polls, and top knots Suvorov reserved a special esteem.
For some reason, none of them were impressed with the territorial capital.
For example, he captured some persons from York County, who with teams were taking to Philadelphia the furniture of a man who had just been released from prison through the efforts of his wife, and who apparently was helpless to prevent the theft of his household goods.
For as his companions gradually dissolve back into a state of primitive confrontation with elemental necessity, as they lose all the appanage of their acquired culture, he is overcome by the feeling that he is at last being confronted with the essence of mankind.
`` For six years my father had had to do too much commanding and convincing, '' writes the narrator, `` not to understand that man begins with ' the other ' ''.
For a dawning sense of illumination occurs in consequence of two events which, as so often in Malraux, suddenly confront a character with the existential question of the nature and value of human life.
In his recent book, Hurray For Anything ( 1957 ), one of the most important short poems -- and it is the title poem for one of the long jazz arrangements -- is written for recital with jazz.
For a particularly fabulous room which houses a collection of fine English Chippendale furniture, fabric wall panels were embroidered with a typically Chinese-inspired design of this revered Eighteenth Century period.
For the first time in history the entire world is dominated by two large, powerful nations armed with murderous nuclear weapons that make conventional warfare of the past a nullity.

For and Jameson
For Jameson, " every position on postmodernism today-whether apologia or stigmatization-is also ... necessarily an implicitly or explicitly political stance on the nature of multinational capitalism today ".
MacGregor quit in 1982 and Nick Jameson returned to play on In the Mood For Something Rude and Zig Zag Walk before turning things over to Kenny Aaronson ( 1983 ) and then Rob Alter ( 1983 – 1984 ).

For and members
For it is the family that, in China, has always provided social security for the indigent, the sick, the down-and-out members of the clan.
For example, the interest of past members of the Foundation's Advisory Board remains such that they place their knowledge and judgments at our disposal much as they had done when they were, formally, members of that Board.
For a number of years, Wesleyan has been drawing varied groups of political and business leaders into these informal discussions with members of the faculty and student body, attempting to explore and clarify aspects of their responsibility for public policy.
For instance, we cannot know whether even for church members the degree of conformity to Christian standards of morality increased or declined as the proportion of church members in the population rose.
For example, in 1693 the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends declared that its members should emancipate their slaves and in 1776 it determined to exclude from membership all who did not comply.
For much of the 19th and early 20th centuries, many linguists who studied Turkic, Mongolic, and Tungusic regarded them as members of a common Ural – Altaic family, together with Finno-Ugric and Samoyedic, based on such shared features as vowel harmony and agglutination.
For example, after having established that the set X contains only non-empty sets, a mathematician might have said " let F ( s ) be one of the members of s for all s in X.
For incumbent management, the contrary views of some of their members were not matters to be weighed in the balance and taken account of in formulation of policy.
For example, the nature of the business entity may be one that is traded on a public market ( public company ), not traded on a public market ( a private, limited or closely held company ), owned by family members ( a family business ), or exempt from income taxes ( a non-profit, not for profit, or tax-exempt entity ).
For example, in the United Kingdom, the Companies Act 2006 requires directors of companies " to promote the success of the company for the benefit of its members as a whole " and sets out the following six factors regarding a director's duty to promote success:
For a very brief period in 1944 the Wills band included 23 members., and around mid year he toured Northern California and the Pacific Northwest with 21 pieces in the orchestra. Billboard reported that Wills outgrossed Harry James, Benny Goodman, " both Dorsies, et al.
For him and for certain other members of the Chilean elite, the initiative for temporary self-rule quickly escalated into a campaign for permanent independence, although other Criollos remained loyal to Spain.
For example, the chairman of the U. S. Federal Reserve Bank is appointed by the President of the U. S. ( all nominees for this post are recommended by the owners of the Federal Reserve, as are all the board members ), his choice must be confirmed by the Congress, and he must appear and testify before congress twice a year.
( For example, " The team are fighting among themselves " may become " the team members are fighting among themselves " or simply " The team is fighting.
For example, in the United States, class lawsuits sometimes bind all class members with a low settlement.
For example, in 1988 the United Church of Canada, that country's largest Protestant denomination, affirmed that " a ) All persons, regardless of their sexual orientation, who profess Jesus Christ and obedience to Him, are welcome to be or become full member of the Church ; and b ) All members of the Church are eligible to be considered for the Ordered Ministry.
" For many reasons, some historical and some religious, Judaism does not encourage its members to convert others and in fact would require the initiative from the person who would like to convert.
For the next four decades, the board members continued to serve as ex-officio trustees of the College of the City of New York and the city's other municipal college, the Normal College of the City of New York.
For the list of the members of the Holy Synod and their official titles see main article The Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria
In addition, he serves on the advisory council of Hope For The Warriors, a national non-profit dedicated to provide a full cycle of non-medical care to combat wounded service members, their families, and families of the fallen from each military branch.
For this group, + 4 and + 3 states are also known for the heavier members and dubnium may also form these reducing oxidation states.
For example, the three members of the Alpha Centauri triple star system are conventionally referred to as Alpha Centauri A, B and C while the formal standard would give their designations as Alpha Centauri Aa, Ab and B respectively.
In the 2004 European Parliament election the EFA was reduced to four MEPs two of the SNP ( Ian Hudghton and Alyn Smith ), one of PC ( Jill Evans ) and one of the Republican Left of Catalonia ( ERC ; Bernat Joan i Mari, replaced at the mid-term by MEP Mikel Irujo of Basque EA ) plus two affiliate members ( Tatjana Ždanoka of For Human Rights in United Latvia ( PCTVL ) and László Tőkés, independent MEP and former member of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania ( UMDR ).

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