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Page "James Cracknell" ¶ 16
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Some Related Sentences

is and be
`` That is, if we can be sure this is Colcord's money '' --
`` Dandy is to be our house guest, Louis.
It is hard to see how the situation could be otherwise.
If the circumstances are faced frankly it is not reasonable to expect this to be true.
Ratified in the Republican Party victory in 1952, the Positive State is now evidenced by political campaigns being waged not on whether but on how much social legislation there should be.
Recognizing that the Rule of Law is `` a dynamic concept which should be employed not only to safeguard the civil and political rights of the individual in a free society '', the Congress asserted that it also included the responsibility `` to establish social, economic, educational and cultural conditions under which his legitimate aspirations and dignity may be realized ''.
To him, law is the command of the sovereign ( the English monarch ) who personifies the power of the nation, while sovereignty is the power to make law -- i.e., to prevail over internal groups and to be free from the commands of other sovereigns in other nations.
Work is under way to see whether new restraining devices should be installed on all nuclear weapons.
The box is internally wired so the door can never be opened without setting off a screeching klaxon ( `` It's real obnoxious '' ).
Others are confined to vast reservations, and not only does the Australian government justifiably not wish them to be viewed as exhibits in a zoo, but on their reservations they are extremely fugitive, shunning camps, coming together only for corroborees at which their strange culture comes to its highest pitch -- which is very low indeed.
Unfortunately, it was Muzak, which automatically is piped into the public rooms, and which nolens volens had to be endured.
I consider it to be my job to expose the public to what is being written today ''.
Since attack serves to stimulate interest in broadcasts, I added to my opening statement a sentence in which I claimed that German youth seemed to lack the enthusiasm which is a necessary ingredient of anger, and might be classified as uninterested and bored rather than angry.
William Styron, while facing the changing economy with a certain uneasy reluctance, insists he is not to be classified as a Southern writer and yet includes traditional Southern concepts in everything he publishes.
Lacking the pioneer spirit necessary to write of a new economy, these writers seem to be contenting themselves with an old one that is now as defunct as Confederate money.
As his disciples boast, even though his emphasis is elsewhere, Faulkner does show his awareness of the changing order of the South quite keenly, as can be proven by a quick recalling of his Sartoris and Snopes families.
The approach to the depiction of the experience of creation may be analytic, as it is for Miss Litz, or spontaneous, as it is for Merle Marsicano.
If his dancers are sometimes made to look as if they might be creatures from Mars, this is consistent with his intention of placing them in the orbit of another world, a world in which they are freed of their pedestrian identities.
An order can be chanced rather than chosen, and this approach produces an experience that is `` free and discovered rather than bound and remembered ''.
The sequence of movements in a Cunningham dance is unlike any sequence to be seen in life.
The answers derived by these means may determine not only the temporal organization of the dance but also its spatial design, special slips designating the location on the stage where the movement is to be performed.

is and special
In addition to the authentication and acknowledgment procedures which precede and follow the sending of the go messages, again in special codes, each message also contains an `` internal authenticator '', another specific signal to convince the recipient that he is getting the real thing.
`` Now that Bruno Walter is virtually in retirement and my dear friend Dimitri Mitropoulos is no longer with us, I am probably the only one -- with the possible exception of Leonard Bernstein -- who has this special affinity for and champions the works of Bruckner and Mahler ''.
The strongest appeal of the Copernican formulation consisted in just this: ideally, the justification for dealing with special problems in particular ways is completely set out in the basic ' rules ' of the theory.
The final section of this pamphlet is of special interest in a consideration of Steele's relations with Swift.
But there is one in particular which, it seems to me, deserves special attention.
There is a second feature of the influences of literature, good literature, on emotional life which may have some special value for our time.
The volume is a piece of passionate special pleading, written with the heat -- and often with the wisdom, it must be said -- of a Liberal damning the shortsightedness of politicians from 1782 to 1832.
The concept of labor as a special class is outmoded, and in the task confronting America as bastion of the free world, labor must learn to put the national interest first if it is itself to survive.
Gen. Taylor, the President's special military adviser, is a level-headed officer who is not likely to succumb to propaganda or pressure.
But why is it the special responsibility of the CTA to help these people??
According to the official interpretation of the Charter, a member cannot be penalized by not having the right to vote in the General Assembly for nonpayment of financial obligations to the `` special '' United Nations' budgets, and of course cannot be expelled from the Organization ( which you suggested in your editorial ), due to the fact that there is no provision in the Charter for expulsion.
A special grandstand, protected by awnings from the midsummer sun of Illinois, should be erected for occupancy by honored guests, who should include the ambassadors of all those new African nations as yet not quite convinced that the United States is thoroughly civilized.
It is not within the scope of this report to elaborate in any great detail upon special districts in Rhode Island.
If it is decided to make a small shift which may be required from military aid or special assistance funds, in order to carry out the purposes of the Mutual Security Act through this new peaceful program, this will be a hopeful sign to the world.
Our plan is to keep abreast of these advances, and select for development those fields which seem most promising for our special capabilities.
A salad with greens and tomato is a popular and wonderfully healthful addition to a meal, but add an avocado and you have something really special.
In any case, there is no special milling or rabbeting required for the panels.
The diagonalizable operator is the special case of this in which Af for each i.
In the notation of the proof of Theorem 12, let us take a look at the special case in which the minimal polynomial for T is a product of first-degree polynomials, i.e., the case in which each Af is of the form Af.
The registration card of a person leaving his home territory for a short period is put into a special file for absent persons.

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