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was and born
Heidenstam was born in 1859, of a prosperous family.
Sherlock Holmes, the ancestor of all private eyes, was born during the 1890s.
Henrietta was discovering in the process of writing, as the born writer does, not merely a channel for the discharge of accumulated information but a stimulus to the development of the creative powers of observation, insight and intuition.
She was born Lilian Steichen, her parents immigrants from Luxemburg.
`` My mother read a book right after I was born and there was a Lilian in the book she loved and I became Lilian -- and eventually I became Paula ''.
By now she was sure she was going to have a baby, deciding it would be born in India or Burma that November.
He was born in Savannah, Georgia, in 1909.
About the only time the Hetman seemed excited was when one of his own pet ideas was born.
On April 10, 1904, his first child was born, a son named George after the late Senator.
Modern warfare was born in this campaign -- periscopes, camouflage, booby traps, land mines, extended order, trench raids, foxholes, armored cars, night attacks, flares, sharpshooters in trees, interlaced vines and treetops, which were the forerunners of barbed wire, trip wires to thwart a cavalry charge, which presaged the mine trap, and the general use of anesthetics.
Deppy is Despina Messinesi, a long-time member of the Vogue staff who, although born in Boston, was born there of Greek parents.
Samuel Gorton was born at Gorton, England, near the present city of Manchester, about 1592.
Whether the Fathers, who died before Christ was born of the Virgin Mary, were justified and saved only by the blood which he shed, and the death which he suffered after his incarnation??
Whether the only price of our redemption were not the death of Christ on the cross, with the rest of his sufferings and obediences, in the time of his life here, after he was born of the Virgin Mary??
In the judgment of Chief of Staff Scott it was ironic that the draft policy of a Democratic President, aimed at Germany, had to be pushed through the House of Representatives by the ranking minority member of the Military Affairs Committee -- a Republican Jew born in Germany!!
Thus, the Church was born and because of its intrinsic character was soon identified as a conservative institution, determined to resist the forces of change, to identify itself with the political rulers, and to maintain a kind of splendid isolation from the masses.
And she replied, `` I was born in America, but I was conceived in Vienna ''.
I was born angry.
He kept his attacks on Republicanism for partisan campaigns, but that is part of the game he was born to play.

was and raised
It is testimony to the deep respect in which Mr. Eisenhower was held by members of all parties that the moral considerations raised by his approach to the matter were not explicitly to be broached.
Serene ( Mrs. Wilson ), 23, was born in Budapest and raised in Manhattan.
I was interested in James Webb Young's Madison Avenue column in which he raised the question: `` Do We Need a College of Propaganda ''??
I raised some kale by hocking the good clothes I had left over from my respectable uptown life, but when that was gone I didn't have a cent.
sometimes when he was pressing, Winston raised her dresses to his face.
Hoag pushed open the door: at the far end of the long dark room Muller was faintly silhouetted against the window, the rifle still raised ; ;
The question was raised, for example, as to what attitude the President would take if Mr. Khrushchev proposes a broad neutral belt extending from Southeast Asia to the Middle East.
When the mast was raised, Alexander gave the order for Small and Cromwell to be placed under arrest, and now three figures in irons sprawled upon the open deck and terror stalked the Somers.
My movement did frighten the snake and it raised its head and trailed delicately a couple of feet and stopped again, and its tongue was working very rapidly.
Lincoln rarely raised objections in the courtroom ; but in an 1859 case, where he defended a cousin Peachy Harrison, who was accused of stabbing another to death, Lincoln angrily protested the judge's decision to exclude evidence favorable to his client.
Creusa left Ion to die in the wild, but Apollo asked Hermes to save the child and bring him to the oracle at Delphi, where he was raised by a priestess.
Recently, the possibility that the alcohol used in mouthrinses acts as a carcinogen was raised, but there is to date no scientific consensus on the issue.
Doubt was also raised about the affinities of Korean and Japanese ; in particular, some authors tried to connect Japanese to the Austronesian languages.
Another possibility, raised in an essay by the Swedish fantasy writer and editor Rickard Berghorn, is that the name Alhazred was influenced by references to two historical authors whose names were Latinized as Alhazen: Alhazen ben Josef, who translated Ptolemy into Arabic ; and Abu ' Ali al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham, who wrote about optics, mathematics and physics.
Born in Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon, Rhône, Carrel was raised in a devout Catholic family and was educated by Jesuits, though he no longer practiced his religion when he entered the university.
"--- what Jesus ’ immortal spirit did after His death and before His Resurrection is a mystery to all but the Latter-day Saints ---" ( Elder Spencer J. Condie, Liahona ,-Church magazine – July, 2003 ) "--- unto the wicked he did not go, and among the ungodly and the unrepentant-- his voice was not raised.
Antoninus ’ father and paternal grandfather died when he was young and he was raised by Gnaeus Arrius Antoninus, his maternal grandfather, reputed by contemporaries to be a man of integrity and culture and a friend of Pliny the Younger.
Due to the crowded nature of Rome at the time, Octavius was taken to his father's home village at Velletri to be raised.
Because of this, Octavius was raised by his grandmother ( and Julius Caesar's sister ), Julia Caesaris.
In 1256, the castrum of Abensprech was first mentioned, and on 12 June 1348, Ludwig, Margrave of Brandenburg, and his brother, Stephen, Duke of Bavaria, raised Abensberg to the status of a city, giving it the right to operate lower courts, enclose itself with a wall and hold markets.
The money raised by the sale was expended in the purchase of stores for the support of the communities, and what was over was devoted to charity.

was and Cyrene
His kingdom consisted probably of Egypt only, as far as the First Cataract, but to this he added Cyprus, and his influence was great in Cyrene.
The school was so called after Cyrene, the birthplace of Aristippus.
It was also known as Pentapolis, the " five cities " being Cyrene ( near the village of Shahhat ) with its port of Apollonia ( Susa ), Arsinoe ( Taucheira ), Berenice ( Benghazi ) and Barca ( Marj ).
J. Wenham asserts that Luke was " one of the Seventy, the Emmaus disciple, Lucius of Cyrene and Paul's kinsman.
Eratosthenes the Cyrene was the first to divide the surface of the earth into lines of latitude and longitude.
It was usually attributed in Antiquity to Cinaethon of Sparta, but in one source was said to have been stolen from Musaeus by Eugamon or Eugammon of Cyrene ( see Cyclic poets ).
The following year he was elected quaestor and served in Crete and Cyrene.
In circa 240 BC, Erastothenes of Cyrene deduced that the Earth was round and measured the circumference of the Earth, using trigonometry and the angle of the Sun at more than one latitude in Egypt.
After the death of Jugurtha, western Numidia was added to the lands of Bocchus, king of Mauretania, while the remainder ( excluding Cyrene and its locality ) continued to be governed by native princes until the civil war between Caesar and Pompey.
She was said to be mother of Lycus and Nycteus by Poseidon ; of Eurypylus ( or Eurytus ), King of Cyrene, and Lycaon, also by Poseidon ; and of Lycus and Chimaereus by Prometheus.
He was counted among the Calydonian hunters and the Argonauts, and was connected with the legend of the foundation of Cyrene.
Euphemus was mythologically linked to the Greek colonization of Libya and foundation of Cyrene.
Some sources state that he was the father of Cyrene, alternately known as his granddaughter through Hypseus.
In Greek mythology, as recorded in Pindar's 9th Pythian ode, Cyrene ( or Kyrene, ) (" sovereign queen ") was the daughter of Hypseus, King of the Lapiths, although some myths state that her father was actually the river-god Peneus and she was a nymph rather than mortal.
Cyrene was a fierce huntress, called by Nonnus a " deer-chasing second Artemis, the girl lionkiller.
Other stories say that Cyrene was not wrestling with a lion but instead tending her sheep along the marsh-meadow of the river Pineios, and that Apollo later transformed her into a nymph to grant her a longer life.
With Ares, Cyrene ( if indeed this is the same Cyrene ) was the mother of Diomedes of Thrace.
Through Hypseus she was grandmother of Cyrene, one of the best known lovers of Apollo.
A minor god in Greek mythology, which we read largely through Athenian writers, Aristaeus or Aristaios (), " ever close follower of the flocks ", was the culture hero credited with the discovery of many useful arts, including bee-keeping ; he was the son of Apollo and the huntress Cyrene.

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