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Page "Minnesota Fighting Pike" ¶ 8
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was and known
He knew who was riding after him -- the men he had known all his life, the men who had worked for him, sworn their loyalty to him.
But she'd known plenty of handsomer guys, and, conceding his good looks, what was there left??
For Matilda, it was the first she had known in many a night.
Even the knowledge that she was losing another boy, as a mother always does when a marriage is made, did not prevent her from having the first carefree, dreamless sleep that she had known since they dropped down the canyon and into Bear Valley, way, way back there when they were crossing those other mountains.
`` Gyp Carmer couldn't have known about Colcord's money unless he was told -- and who else would have told him ''??
When the possibility that he had not given reconsideration to so weighty a decision seemed to disconcert his questioners, Mr. Eisenhower was known to make his characteristic statement to the press that he was not going to talk about the matter any more.
Besides, Miss Henrietta -- as she was generally known since she had put up her hair with a chignon in the back -- had little time to spare them from her teaching and writing ; ;
The contents of this 195-page document would become known to many before it would become known to the man it was written about.
I had known him for some years, when I was a delegate and before, and this manner had never been his ''.
On one visit he stopped at the office of the American, where he was known surreptitiously as `` the Great White Chief '', and for the first time met his managing editor, fat Moses Koenigsberg.
It need hardly be remarked that Thompson was not generally known for his scrupulosity about keeping his social engagements, which makes his irritation in this letter all the more significant.
The internationally known sportsman and traveler Friedrich Gerstacker was typical of its detractors in the mid-thirties.
What is not so well known, however, and what is quite important for understanding the issues of this early quarrel, is the kind of attack on literature that Sidney was answering.
This was accordingly done, and the plight of the grateful Mrs. Morris was much relieved as a result of the generous loan, the amount of which is not known.
In spite of the armistice negotiated by Amadee two years earlier, the war between Bishop Guillaume of Lausanne and Louis of Savoy was still going on, and although little is known about it, that little proves that it was yet another phase of the struggle against French expansion and was closely interwoven with the larger conflict.
And with the publication of E. T. Leeds' Archaeology Of The Anglo-Saxon Settlements the student was presented with an organized synthesis of the archaeological data then known.
The malady was popularly known as the `` Spanish flu '' from the alleged locale of its origin.
He was placed in charge of athletics, and among other things adapted the type of calisthenics known as the daily dozen.
The CTCA program of activities was profuse: William Farnum and Mary Pickford on the screen, Elsie Janis and Harry Lauder on the stage, books provided by the American Library Association, full equipment for games and sports -- except that no `` bones '' were furnished for the all-time favorite pastime played on any floor and known as `` African golf ''.
In light of the scholarly reappraisals engendered by the higher criticism this is a most remarkable statement, particularly coming from one who was well known for his antifundamentalist views.

was and dive
and Robinson Roy, who had gone down this line ten minutes before to set a new depth record for the free dive, was already back on the surface.
Now it did not occur to him even to wonder whether it was wise for Robinson to dive again: Rob was his boy, the kid he had rescued from the streets, the object of his pride.
He was disturbed by what had happened on the dive and by what he remembered of a conversation he had had the night before with the German, who had come out of the head while he was fixing himself a drink in the galley.
He was most eager to make the dive ; ;
In his teens O'Banion was enrolled in the vicious Market Street gang and he became a singing waiter in McGovern's Cafe, a notoriously low and rowdy dive in North Clark Street, where befuddled customers were methodically looted of their money by the singing waiters before being thrown out.
The problem was remedied by adding a " dive flap " beneath the wing which altered the center of pressure distribution so that the wing would not lose its lift.
The announcement of the sale was also poorly handled, and a dive in business confidence ensued.
In this regard, close air support was provided in the form of the dive bomber and medium bomber.
In the mid -' 90s, Love was known to stage dive frequently, wearing dresses and slips which would often be torn off of her by the crowd, and resulted in her losing teeth and sustaining other injuries.
Created by the Japan Marine Science and Technology Center ( JAMSTEC ), it was one of the few unmanned deep-sea probes in operation that could dive deeper than.
Once a diver is completely under the water they may choose to roll or scoop in the same direction their dive was rotating to pull their legs into a more vertical position.
There was, however, some suggestion that post dive fatigue is due to sub-clinical decompression sickness ( DCS ) ( i. e. micro bubbles in the blood insufficient to cause symptoms of DCS ); the fact that the study mentioned was conducted in a dry chamber with an ideal decompression profile may have been sufficient to reduce sub-clinical DCS and prevent fatigue in both nitrox and air divers.
However Kelly was sunk by German dive bombers on 23 May 1941 during the Battle of Crete.
The Great Auk was known to dive to depths of and it has been claimed that the species was able to dive to depths of.
who was the first to dive below 50m.
Aircraft strength was 4, 201 operational aircraft ; 1, 191 bombers, 361 dive bombers, 788 fighters, 431 heavy fighters, and 488 transports.
The largest failure for the Kampfgeschwader, however, was saddling them with an aircraft meant to be as big and as apparently capable as any Allied four-engined " heavy bomber "the perpetually-troubled Heinkel He 177 – which had been condemned to being designed to carry out moderate angle dive bombing missions from the day that the RLM accepted it for production in November 1937, making it overweight from the start, and mandating design features that led its " welded-together engines ", a pair of cumbersome Daimler-Benz DB 606 " power systems ", to perpetually catching fire in flight during operational missons over both the Eastern Front and the United Kingdom.
The next attempted dive at the North Pole was organized by the same club next year, on April 24, 1999, and was successful.

was and into
When the meal was ready, he told Jones to wash up, and going into the front room, woke the girl.
Cabot turned back to the men and he was drunk with the thing they would do, wild to break from the cloying warmth of the saloon into the cold of the ebbing night.
The first part of the road was steep, but it leveled off after the second bend and curled gradually into the valley.
Clyde Miller was crying softly to himself, shedding his striped suit and fumbling into the nondescript butternut pants, the worn brown shirt.
For everyone involved knew that the whole valley was a powder keg, and Mitchell Barton the fuse which could send it into explosive violence.
It was payday for Highlands, and he was packing a lot of money back into the oil fields.
By failing to do as he was told instantly -- to take out a permit or return the gun to his car -- he had played into Lord's hands.
When it was followed by a second, whining even closer, Cobb swerved sharply aside into a depression.
Whoever was out there hiding in the brushy cover was besieging the Antler house and, having spotted his approach, was determined to drive him off before he could get into the fight.
Every plane that could fly was sent into the air.
How lightly her `` eventshah-leh '' passed into the crannies where I was storing dialect material for some vaguely dreamed opus, and how the word would echo.
Johnson unwired the right hand door, whose window was, like the left one, merely loosely-taped fragments of glass, and Johnson wadded himself into a narrow seat made still more narrow by three cases of beer.
The way his red rubber lips were stretched across his pearly little teeth I thought he was only having a little joke, but, no, he wanted me to bend down from the roar of wind so he could roar something into my ear.
It was as if they could hardly wait to get into their costumes, cover their faces with masks and go adventuring.
Singing into the mirror and his interested eyes, he was pleased to note, when he stripped for his own bath, that he still had the best part of his Italian sun tan.
Her stern was down and a sharp list helped us to cut loose the lifeboat which dropped heavily into the water.
Our lifeboat was filling rapidly and despite what I had heard of the inhabitants of Eromonga, I was glad to see a long and graceful outrigger manned by three bronzed girls glide out of a lagoon into the open sea and toward our craft.
She softly let herself into the bed, and took her regular side, away from the door, where she slept better because Keith was between her and the invader.
In two minutes the body of Tilghman's former comrade, who had been killed by Blue Throat in a gambling brawl the previous night, was carried into the town's funeral parlor to be prepared for decent burial.
Within seconds the big barn was blasted into smoking splinters, with every outlaw either dead or injured inside.

0.093 seconds.