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was and father-in-law
Lincoln's father-in-law was based in Lexington, Kentucky ; he and others of the Todd family were either slave owners or slave traders.
Ptolemy Philometor, who was Alexander's father-in-law, went over to his side, and Alexander was defeated in the battle of Antioch ( 145 BC ) in Syria, sometimes known as the battle of the Oenoparus.
The most the Grand Duke of Lithuania could do was to garrison Smolensk and other strongholds and employ his wife Helena, the Tsar's daughter, to mediate a truce between his father-in-law and himself after the disastrous Battle of Vedrosha ( 1500 ).
Later Alexios V was blinded and deserted by his father-in-law, who fled from the crusaders into Thessaly.
The situation became unstable and, in the following year, being led by what he afterwards discovered to be false representations, Afonso declared Peter a rebel and defeated his army in the Battle of Alfarrobeira, in which his uncle ( and father-in-law ) was killed.
Abu Bakr ( Abdullah ibn Abi Quhafa ) (, c. 573 CE – 23 August 634 CE ) also known as Abū Bakr as-Șiddīq ( Arabic: أبو بكر الصديق ) was a senior companion ( Sahabi ) and the father-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
When the Emperor Henry I died on 11 July 1216, Andrew was planning to acquire the imperial throne, but the barons of the Latin Empire proclaimed his father-in-law, Peter of Courtenay their emperor.
His father-in-law had died while he was away, and he went directly to Toulouse to take possession.
Consequently she was third cousin of her father-in-law, Henry VII of England, and fourth cousin of her mother-in-law Elizabeth of York.
Sunni Muslims believe and confirm that Muhammad's father-in-law Abu Bakr was chosen by the community and that this was the proper procedure.
One of the most detailed reports of military activity under the Flavian dynasty was written by Tacitus, whose biography of his father-in-law Gnaeus Julius Agricola largely concerns the conquest of Britain between 77 and 84.
This came through the influence of Mahmud Tarzi, who was both Amanullah Khan's father-in-law and Foreign Minister.
" His father-in-law provided the money he needed for the trip, and David headed for Rome with his wife and three of his students, one of whom, Jean-Germain Drouais ( 1763 – 1788 ), was the Prix de Rome winner of that year.
The reality behind such marriages was an alliance between an imperial prince and a Fujiwara lord, his father-in-law or grandfather, the latter with his resources supporting the prince to the throne and most often controlling the government.
In a letter to Burghley three years later Oxford offered to attend his father-in-law at his house " as well as a lame man might "; it is possible his lameness was a result of injuries from that encounter.
His reign was supported by his principal general, Flavius Stilicho, who was successively Honorius's guardian ( during his childhood ) and his father-in-law ( after the emperor became an adult ).
He convinced the emperor that his Arian father-in-law was conspiring with the barbarians to overthrow Honorius.
With Stilicho ’ s fall, Olympius moved against all of his former father-in-law ’ s allies, killing and torturing key individuals and ordering the confiscation of the property of anyone who had borne any office while Stilicho was in command.
William Fairfax, Lawrence's father-in-law and cousin of Virginia's largest landowner, Thomas, Lord Fairfax, was also a formative influence.
Rousas John Rushdoony, one of the founders of Christian Reconstructionism, was North's father-in-law, and North is a Christian Reconstructionist.
A key force behind these reforms was Mahmud Tarzi, Amanullah Khan's Foreign Minister and father-in-law — and an ardent supporter of the education of women.
Scientific investigation he insists upon as an absolute necessity for the true comprehension of religion, despite the fact that his contemporaries regarded all the hours which he was accustomed to spend with his father-in-law, Samuel ibn Tibbon, in mathematical and philosophic study as mere waste of time.

was and Rabbi
His father was a good friend of Rabbi Szold, and Joe lived with the Szolds for a while.
Henrietta, however, was at that time engaged in a lengthy correspondence with Joe's older and more serious brother, Morris, who was just about her own age and whom she had got to know well during trips to Philadelphia with Papa, when he substituted for Rabbi Jastrow at Rodeph Shalom Temple there during its Rabbi's absence in Europe.
He was told to ask for Rabbi Melzi at the synagogue on Saturday afternoon.
Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto in particular focused on the ' purpose of creation ' and how the will of God was to bring creation into perfection and adhesion with this upper force.
Rabbi Trugman states that in the last five centuries the concept of reincarnation, which until then had been a much hidden tradition within Judaism, was given open exposure.
According to the Talmud ( Avodah Zarah 10a-b ), Rabbi Judah was very wealthy and greatly revered in Rome.
In the traditional literature he is referred to almost exclusively as Rav, " the Master ", ( both his contemporaries and posterity recognizing in him a master ), just as his teacher, Judah I, was known simply as Rabbi.
An English translation of all three volumes, with notes, essays and appendices, was translated and edited by Rabbi Gordon Tucker, entitled Heavenly Torah: As Refracted Through the Generations.
Rabbi Steinsaltz's classic work of Kabbalah, The Thirteen Petalled Rose, was first published in 1980 and now appears in eight languages.
The philosopher and astronomer Rabbi Abraham ibn Ezra ( c. 1140 ) established the symmetry of binomial coefficients, while a closed formula was obtained later by the talmudist and mathematician Levi ben Gerson ( better known as Gersonides ), in 1321.
By the 12th century, the Mishneh Torah ( i. e., Rabbi Moses Maimonides ) was criticizing Christianity on the grounds of idol worship, in that Christians attributed divinity to Jesus who had a physical body.
Its principal founder was Rabbi Zecharias Frankel, who had broken with the German Reform Judaism in 1845 over its rejection of the primacy of the Hebrew language in Jewish prayer and the rejection of the laws of kashrut.
However, Frankel's use of modern methods of historical scholarship in analyzing Jewish texts and developing Jewish law set him apart from neo-Orthodox Judaism, which was concurrently developing under the leadership of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch.
At the turn of the century, the Seminary lacked a source of permanent funding and was ordaining on average no more than one Rabbi per year.
Jews were slow to return to the town, but by 1750 the Rabbi Elijah Synagogue was built as the first Jewish synagogue in Casablanca.
In everyday Aramaic, Mari was a very respectful form of polite address, which means more than just " Teacher " and was somewhat similar to Rabbi.
Rabbi Akiva used to say, " Beloved is man, for he was created in God's image ; and the fact that God made it known that man was created in His image is indicative of an even greater love.
The matter is not so: For Rabbi Akiba was a great scholar of the sages of the Mishnah, and he was the assistant-warrior of the king Ben Coziba Simon bar Kokhba ...
A Polish Kabbalist, writing in about 1630 – 1650, reported the creation of a golem by Rabbi Eliyahu thus: " And I have heard, in a certain and explicit way, from several respectable persons that one man close to our time, whose name is R. Eliyahu, the master of the name, who made a creature out of matter Golem and form tzurah and it performed hard work for him, for a long period, and the name of emet was hanging upon his neck, until he finally removed it for a certain reason, the name from his neck and it turned to dust.
The Gaon affirmed Rabbi Chaim ’ s assertion, and said that he once began to create a person when he was a child, under the age of 13, but during the process he received a sign from Heaven ordering him to desist because of his tender age.
Rabbi Yosef was faced with the child of a woman who had left a religious marriage without religious divorce and had a child in the second marriage, seemingly an open-and-shut case of Mamzer status.

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