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Page "fiction" ¶ 128
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went and for
When I went for my interview with the director I saw why.
They reined in there, Brannon remaining in the saddle while Hogan went to look for Jesse Macklin in the hotel dining room.
But with her hand softly on his cheek for a last moment, she closed the door and he went back down the hall and into his bed excited, expectant, and finally faintly grinning with the feel of her hand against his mouth.
It was nearly sundown and he went to the back of the wagon, half-swimming his way, for he was not a tall man.
The Nazis knew this, of course, and while their chief quarry was the industrial centers, they let a few drop every time they went over, hoping for a lucky hit.
They went down in a heap and for a long minute there was nothing to see but flailing arms and legs.
He paused for a moment to look at me, then went on to the city desk to deliver his `` Today '' column.
A popular belief grew up after the war that the only time during the Civil War that Thomas ever put his horse to a gallop was when he went to hurry up Stanley for this assault.
The mild activity of his command during the sojourn of the troops at Valley Forge could be handled by a subordinate, he felt, so like Henry Knox, equally loyal to Washington, who went to Boston at this time, Morgan received permission to visit his home in Virginia for several weeks.
If his circumspection in regard to Philip's sensibilities went so far that he even refused to grant a dispensation for the marriage of Amadee's daughter, Agnes, to the son of the dauphin of Vienne -- a truly peacemaking move according to thirteenth-century ideas, for Savoy and Dauphine were as usual fighting on opposite sides -- for fear that he might seem to be favoring the anti-French coalition, he would certainly never take the far more drastic step of ordering the return of Gascony to Edward, even though, as he admitted to the English ambassadors, he had been advised that the original cession was invalid.
The first time I went there he asked me to bring him water from Flagler's well -- water that reminded him of his first days in the mountains -- and before I came the next time I filled a five-gallon jug for him and brought it to the hospital.
When we went for our walks Lilly's brother would come along every once in a while.
The final decision went to the executive but a way has been opened for strengthening budgeting procedures and to provide legislators information they need.
Sonuvabitch, I can't figure out what in hell for they went and put niggers in my squad for.
It went right on creaking under his own considerable weight, and all it needed, Harold thought, was for somebody to fling himself back in a fit of laughter and that would be the end of it.
At that moment the bathroom door flew open and Eugene came out, with his face lathered for shaving, and strode down the hall, tying the sash of his dressing gown as he went.
When enough time had elapsed so that there was little likelihood of his returning for something he had forgotten, Harold went out into the hall and stood looking into one room after another.
Whenever she found time, she went blackberry picking with him, and they would come home together, mouths purple, arms and faces scratched, tired enough to forget grief for another day.
When the telephone rang on the day after Hino went down to the village, Rector had a hunch it would be Hino with some morsel of information too important to wait until his return, for there were few telephones in the village and the phone in Rector's office rarely rang unless it was important.
When he had given the call a few moments thought, he went into the kitchen to ask Mrs. Yamata to prepare tea and sushi for the visitors, using the formal English china and the silver tea service which had been donated to the mission, then he went outside to inspect the grounds.

went and bed
They were a pair of lost, whipped kids, Morgan thought as he went to bed.
Then they disappeared and Scotty got up and went into his own room and got into bed.
His worries harried him up out of bed, and he lighted a cigarette and went to the window.
`` Once, when the editor was just out of the hospital from a gallstone operation, Mrs. Calhoun and the mother of the bride went out to his house and fought it out beside his bed.
Haney went to bed, happy that at least he was rid of that lousy landlord.
After the sad impatient moment, waiting for comfort which could not come, she slipped out of bed and went to the open window.
And the bed that sagged in a certain place where all the weight had been put too many times before and the walls fine and thin for overhearing talk in the next room when Gratt went out for ice, the sound coming through the walls like something on the other side of the curtain, so you knew they heard you when they were quiet and while you lay wondering what they had heard you listened.
Ben and Stinky went home an hour ago and people started going to bed ''.
Pasternak, however, still would not be moved and went to bed.
They went sight-seeing, but Thomas was unwell and retired to his bed for the rest of the afternoon.
He had been advised not to leave his bed, but he went anyway saying, " What will the Navy say if I fail to attend Jellicoe's funeral?
Some people, including Aubrey, consider these two contiguous, possibly coincidental events as related and causative of his death: " The Snow so chilled him that he immediately fell so extremely ill, that he could not return to his Lodging ... but went to the Earle of Arundel's house at Highgate, where they put him into ... a damp bed that had not been layn-in ... which gave him such a cold that in 2 or 3 days as I remember Mr Hobbes told me, he died of Suffocation.
* " She went to bed thinking more about another person than about herself.
At his funeral, with the rectory full of guests, the widow Anne Marie Abel got drunk and went openly to bed with one of the servants.
After the civil engineer looked over the site of the proposed road and determined roughly where it should go, the agrimensores went to work surveying the road bed.
He said he went directly home, lay down on his bed, and prepared to die with the feeling that maybe it was his time, and that he could not fight it, so he surrendered himself to God.
In a letter White wrote in response to inquiries from readers, ".. many years ago I went to bed one night in a railway sleeping car, and during the night I dreamed about a tiny boy who acted rather like a mouse.
The obduracy of Henry's keepers sent Anne into such a fury that she suffered another miscarriage: according to David Calderwood, she " went to bed in anger and parted with child the tenth of May.
I went to bed thinking about acting.
After the confrontation with Ike Clanton, Wyatt Earp took Holliday back to his boarding house at Camillus Sidney " Buck " Fly's Lodging House to sleep off his drinking, then went home and to bed.
At about dawn on October 26, the card game broke up and Behan and Virgil Earp went home to bed.
" Talmud Berachot 6a ), and personal need (" The Shekhinah dwells over the headside of the sick man's bed " Talmud Shabbat 12b ; " Wheresoever they were exiled, the Shekhinah went with them.
Though not allowed to enter the room uninvited, she went in, and she found him lying on the bed, dead, a cigarette still between his lips.

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