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Page "Devet (game)" ¶ 3
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Some Related Sentences

If and one
If you take the one, you'd better take both ''.
`` If you can conveniently let me have twenty dollars '', he wrote one friend in 1791 when he was Secretary of the Treasury.
If one dancer slaps another, the victim may do a pirouette, sit down, or offer his assailant a fork and spoon.
If a child had a single drop of Negro blood, he would revert to the ancestral line which, except as slaves under a superior race, had not made one step of progress in 3,000 years.
If we examine the three types of change from the point of view of their internal structure we find an additional profound difference between the third and the first two, one that accounts for the notable difference between the responses they evoke.
If in any one calculation Ptolemy had had to invoke 83 epicycles all at once, while Copernicus never required more than one third this number, then ( in the sense obvious to Margenau ) Ptolemaic astronomy would be simpler than Copernican.
If within one year you can make a success out of the American, you can practically name your own salary thereafter.
If it is not one of his best books, it can only be considered unsatisfactory when compared with his own Garibaldi.
If one finger is raised against the authorities, all our moral power will vanish.
If any one of them has any power to veto the Secretary General's decisions the nature of the organization will have changed.
If he can bounce back with one of those 25 home runs years, the club will have to be better off offensively.
If they do meet and recognize one another, slap backs and embrace, the moment soon is done.
If either one ever started making promises, there is no telling where the promises would end.
If one follows the reports of the Congress, one finds that there still seems considerable uncertainty in the minds of the leaders themselves about what exactly to do in this matter.
Somebody, got to be somebody If I don't put my two cents in soon, somebody else will I know they're waitin only for one thing: for the bastards what done it to be nailed.
If we had, then one of us would have had to go instead.
`` If I catch you one more time down here without stockings '' --
If, for some reason such as economy, we are not going to develop aircraft nuclear propulsion with a sense of national urgency, then we should turn our effort to developing jet engines with a thrust-to-weight ratio of 12 or 15 to one.
If you don't own a planer and don't want to buy one, it's well worth renting.
Note: If 1/2-inch panel board is used inside and out, or 5/8-inch one side and 3/8-inch the other, and 1/8-inch glass is used, stock lumber in Af, Af, and Af can be used in making the glass panels.
If you have a full-time doctor now, can he be replaced with a part-time doctor or one who serves on a fee-per-case basis only??
If you use one of the new year-round cooling system fluids such as `` Dowguard '' be sure to check it.
If you run into excess plug fouling on one truck, check to be sure that the rig has a thermostat.

If and more
If the slope grew steeper and the groves more dim, she tried not to heed.
If a child watched its progress he whispered, `` Hay, hay, load of hay -- make a wish and turn away '', and then stared rigidly in the opposite direction until the sound of the horses' feet returned no more.
If you cut down these horrible buildings you'll have no more traffic jams.
If you had screamed right there in the street where we stood, I could not have felt more fear.
If anything, the conservative Democrats were more opposed to Hearst than the Republicans.
If the hardships of the winter at Valley Forge were trying for healthy men, they were, of course, much more so for those not in good health.
If his circumspection in regard to Philip's sensibilities went so far that he even refused to grant a dispensation for the marriage of Amadee's daughter, Agnes, to the son of the dauphin of Vienne -- a truly peacemaking move according to thirteenth-century ideas, for Savoy and Dauphine were as usual fighting on opposite sides -- for fear that he might seem to be favoring the anti-French coalition, he would certainly never take the far more drastic step of ordering the return of Gascony to Edward, even though, as he admitted to the English ambassadors, he had been advised that the original cession was invalid.
If an atom bomb in 1945 could destroy an entire city surely the atomic arsenal we now have is more than adequate to fulfill any military objective required of it.
If only this could be done more often -- with such heartening results -- many of the earth's `` big problems '' would shrink to the insignificances they really are.
If we make it established custom that whenever butchery on the highways grows excessive, say beyond 25,000 per annum, then somebody is going to hang, it follows that the more eminent the victim, the more impressive the lesson.
If he wanted to know anything, he would end up asking about it point-blank, but in this guileless manner he would probably receive more truthful answers than if he tried to get them by indirection.
If they feel that we are taking a long-term view of their problems and are prepared to enter into reasonably long-term association with them in their development activities, they will be much more likely to undertake the difficult tasks required.
If the resulting difference for the particular State is less or more than these extremes, the State's allotment percentage must be raised or lowered to the appropriate extreme.
If the resulting difference for the particular State is less or more than these extremes, the State's Federal share must be raised or lowered to the appropriate extreme.
If your child is under 19 or is a student you may also claim an exemption for him if he qualifies as your dependent, even though he earns $600 or more.
If the plants are cared for and protected over the winter, the second year is more prolific than the first.
If our national interest lies in being able to fight and win a war rather than committing national suicide, then we must take a much more penetrating look at ballistic missiles.
If we stop thinking in terms of tremendous multimegaton nuclear weapons and consider employing much smaller nuclear weapons which may be more appropriate for most important military targets, it would seem that the B-52 or B-70 could carry a great many small nuclear weapons.
If we could use all the small airfields we have in this country, we could disperse our strategic aircraft by a factor of 10 or more.
If the superintendents do not receive more cooperation from Handlers, it has been suggested that licensed Judges also be qualified to judge this Class.
If your state has no provisions for the numbering of pleasure boats, you must apply for a number from the U.S. Coast Guard for any kind of boat with mechanical propulsion rated at more than 10 horsepower before it can be used on Federal waterways.
If notched for the battens, they would require more work, be weakened and limber holes would have to be bored so that bilge water could flow through.

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