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Page "Delphi method" ¶ 18
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Some Related Sentences

If and panelists
In 1939, he was the host of Stop Me If You've Heard This One with panelists spontaneously finishing jokes sent in by listeners.
If the panelists figured out the contestants ' secret, then Little Billy ( a miniature version of Billy the Answer Head with hair and on wheels ) would come out.

If and are
If it were not for an old professor who made me read the classics I would have been stymied on what to do, and now I understand why they are classics ; ;
If I even hint at it do you think it will matter that you are his nephew -- and not even a blood nephew ''??
If the circumstances are faced frankly it is not reasonable to expect this to be true.
If his dancers are sometimes made to look as if they might be creatures from Mars, this is consistent with his intention of placing them in the orbit of another world, a world in which they are freed of their pedestrian identities.
If love reflects the nature of man, as Ortega Y Gasset believes, if the person in love betrays decisively what he is by his behavior in love, then the writers of the beat generation are creating a new literary genre.
If to be innocent is to be helpless, then I had been -- as are we all -- helpless at the start.
Defoe then commented, `` If they Could Draw that young Gentleman into Their Measures They would show themselves quickly, for they are not asham'd to Say They want only a head to Make a beginning ''.
If Jews are identified as a religious body in a controversy that comes before a national or international tribunal, it is obviously compatible with the goal of human dignity to protect freedom of worship.
If they are right, they will prevail of and by themselves.
Without preliminaries, Esther asked him, `` If you are a world citizen, will you take Garry Davis' place in his tent while he goes to the hospital ''??
If we are to believe the list of titles printed in Malraux's latest book, La Metamorphose Des Dieux, Vol. 1 ( ( 1957 ), he is still engaged in writing a large novel under his original title.
If the would-be joiner asks these questions he is not likely to be duped by extremists who are seeking to capitalize on the confusions and the patriotic apprehensions of Americans in a troubled time.
If we break the minister to our bit, we are buying back our own sins.
If the record buyer's tastes are somewhat eclectic or even the slightest bit esoteric, he will find them satisfied on educational records.
If Daddy's books are out of bounds his own picture books are not.
If it will simply delay the debates until the qualifications are closed next spring, and then carry all the candidates on a tour of debates, it can provide a service to the state.
If they are to be commended for foresight in their planning, what then is the judgment of a town council that compounds this problem during the planning stage??
If the Communists are sincere in wanting a united, neutral and disarmed Germany, it might well be advantageous for the German people in this nuclear age.
If only this could be done more often -- with such heartening results -- many of the earth's `` big problems '' would shrink to the insignificances they really are.
If any are left, presently, we may expect to see signs specifically prohibiting the feeding of them too.
If the raw population figures are crucially relevant, then it is idle to think of liberation, as idle as to suppose that Poland might liberate Russia.
If it is not enough that all of our internationalist One Worlders are advocating that we join this market, I refer you to an article in the New York Times' magazine section ( Nov. 12, 1961 ), by Mr. Eric Johnston, entitled `` We Must Join The Common Market ''.
If the UN troops are not mercenaries then the Hessians were not mercenaries either.

If and about
If, when this was all over, she found the words to tell him about it, she wondered if he would ever understand.
If the old fool argues about the price, tell him I shall order my husband not to treat him as a patient any longer.
If we remove ourselves for a moment from our time and our infatuation with mental disease, isn't there something absurd about a hero in a novel who is defeated by his infantile neurosis??
If our sincerity is granted, and it is granted, the discrepancy can only be explained by the fact that we have come to believe hearsay and legend about ourselves in preference to an understanding gained by earnest self-examination.
If I am to speak the whole truth about my knowledge of love, I will have to stop trying to emulate the transcendant nightingale.
If art is to release us from these postulated things ( things we must think symbolically about ) and bring us back to the ineffable beauty and richness of the aesthetic component of reality in its immediacy, it must sever its connection with these common sense entities ''.
If one follows the reports of the Congress, one finds that there still seems considerable uncertainty in the minds of the leaders themselves about what exactly to do in this matter.
If we go into this Common Market, we might just as well stop talking about Constitutional guarantees, Connally Amendments or, for that matter, conservatism in general.
If he had any worries, it was only the small ones, about Mother in New York, and his daughter Edwina and what she might be doing at this hour, with her Aunt Asia, in Philadelphia.
If he wanted to know anything, he would end up asking about it point-blank, but in this guileless manner he would probably receive more truthful answers than if he tried to get them by indirection.
If and when Hino decided to tell him about his experiences, he would do so unasked.
If doubtful about a steak, boldly cut it in half.
If such is the case, the particles within a distance of about Af of the Earth will have, relative to the Earth, a kinetic energy less than their potential energy and they will be captured into orbits about the Earth.
If the vertex is at Af, and if the interior of C is on the left as one moves in the direction of increasing t, then every such corner can be found from the curve obtained by rotating C clockwise through 90-degrees about the vertex.
If there is nothing evil in these things, if they get their moral complexion only from our feeling about them, why shouldn't they be greeted with a cheer??
If the distant patron of the suburban branch has been frightened away from downtown by traffic problems, however, the city store can only pressure the politicians to do something about the highways or await the completion of the federal highway program.
If the latter knows nothing about the absent sitter except his name ( given by the experimenter ), he cannot possibly give any clues, conscious or unconscious, far less ask leading questions.
If they were, Walter Lippmann would be writing the same columns as George Sokolsky, and Herb Lock would have nothing to draw cartoons about.
If Palfrey ever had any doubts about the wickedness of slavery, they were put aside after he received an inventory of the slave property he had inherited.
If the change, at first sight, seems minor, we may recall that it took the Italian painters about two hundred years to make an analogous change, and the Italian painters, by universal consent, were the most brilliant group of geniuses any art has seen.
`` If I thought you were serious about going back to school, that you'd learned something from your experiences here and at Hanover -- well, I might consider such an offer.
If Felix was still wearing the hat and carrying the horn because he'd forgotten about them, he now remembered.
If you're really serious about working on that story, I'd better take you home ''.
If they can't chalk up big business here then let's stop this noise about how hip we are, and stick to our community singing,

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