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Some Related Sentences

general and they
I was having lunch not long ago ( apologies to N. V. Peale ) with three distinguished historians ( one specializing in the European Middle Ages, one in American history, and one in the Far East ), and I asked them if they could name instances where the general mores had been radically changed with `` deliberate speed, majestic instancy '' ( Francis Thompson's words for the Hound Of Heaven's Pursuit ) by judicial fiat.
In this essay, we are, along with most historians, interested in the more general or more inclusive ideas, that are so to speak `` writ large '' in history of literature where they recur continually.
It is another question whether `` they '' -- or a single general, off in a corner of China, secure for a few ( galvanizing??
On this point there was fairly general agreement that assessors would like to do more than they are doing now.
There is little evidence that they are giving any systematic thought to a general theory of the optimum scope and nature of their part in government.
The change in perceptions by some of the Kohnstamm-negative subjects, after they had been informed of the possibilities of normal reactions, suggests that their constriction and guardedness is associated with their general mode of responding to strange or unknown situations.
Like the other policy-making groups, these are middle class in their educational attitudes, and they attempt to act in the general public interest, as they see it.
If they opted for illusion, it could only be illusion per se -- an illusion of depth, and of relief, so general and abstracted as to exclude the representation of individual objects.
Here again laboratory approaches are being evolved, for it is recognized how `` elastic '' these readings can be, how they can apply to many people, and are often stated in general terms all too easily applied to any individual's own case.
What determines the morality, they state, is not the means used, but the motive In general, the means ( excluding abortion ) that prove most effective are considered the most ethical.
When things got a little out of hand, they very rapidly got a lot out of hand -- it seemed to be a general rule.
In particular, social sciences often develop statistical descriptions rather than the general laws derived in physics or chemistry, or they may explain individual cases through more general principles, as in many fields of psychology.
Saturated hydrocarbons can also combine any of the linear, cyclic ( e. g., polycyclic ) and branching structures, and they are still alkanes ( no general formula ) as long as they are acyclic ( i. e., having no loops ). They also have single covalent bonds between their carbons.
Some will think he opposes taxes in general, because they hinder economic growth.
However, applets have very little control over web page content outside the applet dedicated area, so they are less useful for improving the site appearance in general ( while applets like news tickers or WYSIWYG editors are also known ).
If arachnophobics see a spider, they may not enter the general vicinity until they have overcome the panic attack that is often associated with their phobia.
Irregular past tense forms, such as " broke " or " was / were ", can be seen as still more specific cases ( since they are confined to certain lexical items, like the verb " break "), which therefore take priority over the general cases listed above.
In this case, they are called tumor-specific antigens ( TSAs ) and, in general, result from a tumor-specific mutation.
Conversely, Howard Marshall writes that the speeches were not entirely the inventions of the author and, while they may not be verbatim, nevertheless records the general idea.
These orchestral works are mainly in the galant style and though they show some development toward the late classical they reflect a general weakness in comparison to his operatic works of the same and later periods.

general and were
Modern warfare was born in this campaign -- periscopes, camouflage, booby traps, land mines, extended order, trench raids, foxholes, armored cars, night attacks, flares, sharpshooters in trees, interlaced vines and treetops, which were the forerunners of barbed wire, trip wires to thwart a cavalry charge, which presaged the mine trap, and the general use of anesthetics.
But Morgan did not leave before he had written a letter to a William Pickman in Salem, Massachusetts, apparently an acquaintance, praising Washington and saying that the slanders propagated about him were `` opposed by the general current of the people to exalt General Gates at the expense of General Washington was injurious to the latter.
If the new Soviet series has followed the general pattern of previous Russian tests, the shots were roughly half fission and half fusion, meaning a fission yield of 30 to 40 megatons thus far.
Tribal authorities, the chiefs and their secretaries, were held responsible for maintaining the registers of indigenous persons within their territories, under the general supervision of district officials.
The results of these inquiries were used to adjust compilations of data from the registers and to provide various ratios and rates by districts, including birth and death rates, general fertility rates, distributions by marital status, fertility of wives separately in polygynous and non-polygynous households, infant mortality, and migration.
They were inadequately financed, without experienced leadership, and lacked the general support of organized labor as a whole.
In a general way, psychiatrists were able to establish on a wide basis what many of them had always felt -- that the most telling cues in psychotherapy are acoustic, that such things as stress and nagging are transmitted by sound alone and not necessarily by words.
`` We were brought up that way '' was one statement which won general assent.
A stronger stand on their beliefs and a firmer grasp on their future were taken Friday by delegates to the 29th general council of the Assemblies of God, in session at the Memorial Coliseum.
The high casualty figures of the Union alarmed the North ; Grant had lost a third of his army, and Lincoln asked what Grant's plans were, to which the general replied, " I propose to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer.
The first Baptists – called " General Baptists " because of their confession of a " general " or unlimited atonement, were Arminians.
Like with Tyrannosaurus, the maxillary ( cheek ) teeth of Albertosaurus were adapted in general form to resist lateral forces exerted by a struggling prey.
They were overtaken by Alfred's oldest son, Edward, and were defeated in a general engagement at Farnham in Surrey.
Their houses, scattered throughout Lombardy and Venetia, were united into a congregation by St Pius V, under the Rule of St Augustine with a mother-house, residence of the prioress general, at Pavia.
One reason that financial officials were elected was that any money embezzled could be recovered from their estates ; election in general strongly favoured the rich, but in this case wealth was virtually a prerequisite.
After World War II, especially in North America, there was a boom in general aviation, both private and commercial, as thousands of pilots were released from military service and many inexpensive war-surplus transport and training aircraft became available.
The COX2 inhibitors were thus developed to inhibit only the COX2 enzyme ( traditional NSAIDs block both versions in general ).
In general, the larger the ensemble, the greater the need for a formal arrangement, although the early Count Basie big band was famous for its head arrangements, so called because they were worked out by the players themselves, memorized immediately and never written down.
In an interview with Metro in September 2006 she stated that if Parliament were of a normal length, it was likely she would retire at the next general election .< ref >
The Bonapartes were back in Ajaccio in 1797 under the protection of general Napoleon.
While the greatest players of the time, among them Alekhine, Emanuel Lasker and Capablanca, clearly did not allow their play to be hobbled by blind adherence to general concepts that the center had to be controlled by pawns, that development had to happen in support of this control, that rooks always belong on open files, that wing openings were unsound — core ideas of Tarrasch's chess philosophy as popularly understood — beginners were taught to think of these generalizations as unalterable principles.

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