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Page "Overseas Shipholding Group" ¶ 5
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order and enhance
Evolutionary aesthetics refers to evolutionary psychology theories in which the basic aesthetic preferences of Homo sapiens are argued to have evolved in order to enhance survival and reproductive success.
In order to enhance himself, Rabbani went to Egypt in 1966, and he entered the Al-Azhar University in Cairo where he developed close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood leadership.
Coercion may involve the actual infliction of physical pain / injury or psychological harm in order to enhance the credibility of a threat.
Instructions are also typically highly encoded in order to further enhance the code density.
Teachers are encouraged to embed these technological devices and services in the curriculum in order to enhance students learning and meet the needs of various types of learners.
Porpora said the claim that the tradition began in 1949 was a hoax in order to raise money and enhance the profile of the church.
Often processes which are normally carried out in a lab are miniaturized on a single chip in order to enhance efficiency and mobility as well as reducing sample and reagent volumes.
In order to enhance the competitiveness of older plants, the use of a recovery solution is becoming mandatory.
Below are links to topics that explain methods, processes and related topics in order to enhance understanding of materials science.
For example, cartographers may simply omit military installations or remove features solely in order to enhance the clarity of the map.
# Transhumanism: an ideology and movement which seeks to develop and make available technologies that eliminate aging and greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities, in order to achieve a " posthuman future ".
The cooking methods are tinkered with as well, in order to speed up the cooking process and / or enhance the nutritional value or flavor of the dishes.
In light of the Russian border forces ' withdrawal from the Tajik-Afghan border, the U. S. Government leads an international donor effort to enhance Tajikistan's territorial integrity, prevent the transit of narcotics and material or technology related to weapons of mass destruction ( WMD ), and support a stable, peaceful Tajikistan in order to prevent the spread of influence and activities of radical groups and terrorists.
Since Unreal came packaged with its own scripting language called UnrealScript, it soon developed a large community on the Internet which was able to add new mods ( short for " modifications ") in order to change or enhance gameplay.
Companies like Groupon, that specialize in digital consumerism, have begun to utilize their ideas in order to enhance the consumer experience when they have reached a ' dead-end ' while searching through products.
The Park was instituted in order to safeguard and enhance the old agricultural landscape and activities, woodlands and natural reserves, with an overall size of 47, 000 hectares.
In the literature review, Rand noted that the literature in 2001 was not of high methodological quality and that " while there may exist a subgroup of people with severe mental illness for whom a court order acts as leverage to enhance treatment compliance, the best studies suggest that the effectiveness of outpatient commitment is linked to the provision of intensive services.
This act is one of many in order to enhance his reputation amongst the Chinese, to increase his legitimacy as a just ruler, and win over more defectors from the Southern Song.
If the victim is the villain, and his death is climactic, the sound designer may add reverb to the impact, in order to enhance the dramatic beat.
It is composed of physicians and healthcare professionals from a variety of medical backgrounds and holds an Annual Scientific Congress as well as many symposia that educate and train practitioners in this field in order to enhance the quality of patient care.
In using this approach, HPSR offers insight in to health systems by generating a complex understanding of context in order to enhance health policy learning.
Fassbinder, in compliance with his mother's wishes, later altered the date of his birthday to 1946 in order to enhance his status as a cinematic prodigy.
During this extended period procreation was considered to be an autonomous ' ability ' of women: men were essential in order to ensure the survival and defence of the social group, but only women could enhance and reintegrate it through their ability to create new individuals.
SNCF publicly expressed regret for its role in transporting Jews to Nazi death camps during World War II for the first time in November 2010 in order to enhance its bid on Florida railway contracts.
Kundalini yoga differs at that point because its focus is on raising awareness and strengthening the nervous system to handle raising the internal human energy (" kundalini ") in order to help enhance the ultimate spiritual experience.

order and vessel
Shortly after 20: 00, a dismasted hulk was spotted drifting in front of Swiftsure and Hallowell initially ordered his men to fire before rescinding the order, concerned for the identity of the strange vessel.
In order to maximize the efficiency of the heat transfer process, the base of the upper vessel is constructed of a thinner, lower-gauge metal than the lower pot.
These re-creators have been able to identify many of the advances that the Vikings implemented in order to make the longship a superior vessel.
But actual testing with the coaster Germania showed this to be impractical due to the ballast needed to offset the weight of the tanks and the fact that the coasters had to be grounded in order to prevent them from capsizing as the tanks were transferred by crane onto the vessel ’ s wooden side ramps.
About 1788 an order of the council required every ship liable to quarantine, in case of meeting any vessel at sea, or within four leagues of the coast of Great Britain or Ireland, to hoist a yellow flag in the daytime and show a light at the main topmast head at night, under a penalty of £ 200.
Among the 41 vessel fleet were 2 frigates, 22 missile attack craft ( including 10 advanced Osa II missile boats ), 2 submarine chasers, 4 mine warfare vessels, 8 gunboats, 6 patrol craft, 4 missile corvettes ( on order ), 3 landing craft ( on order ), 1 torpedo recovery vessel and, as part of its coastal defence system, Sepal shore-to-sea missiles with a range of 300 kilometers
By changing the rigging, rudder, and sometimes the keel or centre board, a sailor manages the force of the wind on the sails in order to move the vessel relative to its surrounding medium ( typically water, but also land and ice ) and change its direction and speed.
The investors would arm the vessels and recruit large crews, much larger than a merchantman or a naval vessel would carry, in order to crew the prizes they captured.
In order to prevent a genocide of the Ocampans, Janeway orders the destruction of a device that could transport Voyager and the Maquis vessel home.
" Old modes of sharing vessel ownership in order to share the risk proved to be hard to modify.
They decided to construct a new vessel from the remnants of the ship in order to return home.
Subsequently it was reported that he had gone down with his ship, HMS Victoria, that very same night, after it had collided with HMS Camperdown following an unexplained and bizarre order to turn the ship in the direction of the other vessel.
Some wherries were of a slip-keel design, where the keel of a loaded boat could be unbolted from the bottom of the vessel while it was afloat, in order to negotiate the shallow waters of the canal.
In order to facilitate the passage between the Chichester section and the Portsea section a steam vessel called the Egremont was constructed to tow 40 ton barges in trains of six.
In order to avoid his prize ship falling into Allied hands, Zimmer scuttled the vessel on July 26, 1916.
A bearing can be taken to a person or vessel in distress in order to go to their aid or, when that is not possible, to report the person or vessel to authorities or someone who can go to their aid.
Neutrophil granulocyte migrates from the blood vessel to the matrix, sensing proteolytic enzymes, in order to determine intercellular connections ( to the improvement of its mobility ) and envelop bacteria through phagocytosis.
Six hundred years after the initial experiment, aboard the Rindler, a vessel that has matched velocities with the border and is powered by multispectral light emitted as the ordinary vacuum collapses into its lower energy-state, a variety of refugees are probing the novo-vacuum in order to understand the physics that makes it possible.
They are generally sized for use in situations where significant quantities of gas or high volumes of liquid must be quickly discharged in order to protect the integrity of the vessel or pipeline.
On December 1, 2009 it was announced that Carnival placed an order for a third Dream-class vessel.
Sophia, apprized of the coming help, announced his advent by John, prepared the baptism of repentance, and by means of her son, Yaldabaoth, got ready a woman to receive the annunciation from Christ, in order that when he came there might be a pure and clean vessel to receive him, namely Jesus, who, being born of a virgin by divine power, was wiser, purer, and more righteous than any other man.

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