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Page "Side by Side (1927 song)" ¶ 1
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has and been
Besides I heard her old uncle that stays there has been doin' it ''.
Southern resentment has been over the method of its ending, the invasion, and Reconstruction ; ;
The situation of the South since 1865 has been unique in the western world.
The North should thank its stars that such has been the case ; ;
As it is, they consider that the North is now reaping the fruits of excess egalitarianism, that in spite of its high standard of living the `` American way '' has been proved inferior to the English and Scandinavian ways, although they disapprove of the socialistic features of the latter.
In what has aptly been called a `` constitutional revolution '', the basic nature of government was transformed from one essentially negative in nature ( the `` night-watchman state '' ) to one with affirmative duties to perform.
For lawyers, reflecting perhaps their parochial preferences, there has been a special fascination since then in the role played by the Supreme Court in that transformation -- the manner in which its decisions altered in `` the switch in time that saved nine '', President Roosevelt's ill-starred but in effect victorious `` Court-packing plan '', the imprimatur of judicial approval that was finally placed upon social legislation.
Labor relations have been transformed, income security has become a standardized feature of political platforms, and all the many facets of the American version of the welfare state have become part of the conventional wisdom.
Historically, however, the concept is one that has been of marked benefit to the people of the Western civilizational group.
In recent weeks, as a result of a sweeping defense policy reappraisal by the Kennedy Administration, basic United States strategy has been modified -- and large new sums allocated -- to meet the accidental-war danger and to reduce it as quickly as possible.
The malignancy of such a landscape has been beautifully described by the Australian Charles Bean.
There has probably always been a bridge of some sort at the southeastern corner of the city.
Even though in most cases the completion of the definitive editions of their writings is still years off, enough documentation has already been assembled to warrant drawing a new composite profile of the leadership which performed the heroic dual feats of winning American independence and founding a new nation.
Madison once remarked: `` My life has been so much a public one '', a comment which fits the careers of the other six.
Thus we are compelled to face the urbanization of the South -- an urbanization which, despite its dramatic and overwhelming effects upon the Southern culture, has been utterly ignored by the bulk of Southern writers.
But the South is, and has been for the past century, engaged in a wide-sweeping urbanization which, oddly enough, is not reflected in its literature.
An example of the changes which have crept over the Southern region may be seen in the Southern Negro's quest for a position in the white-dominated society, a problem that has been reflected in regional fiction especially since 1865.
In the meantime, while the South has been undergoing this phenomenal modernization that is so disappointing to the curious Yankee, Southern writers have certainly done little to reflect and promote their region's progress.
Faulkner culminates the Southern legend perhaps more masterfully than it has ever been, or could ever be, done.
The `` approximate '' is important, because even after the order of the work has been established by the chance method, the result is not inviolable.
But it has been during the last two centuries, during the scientific revolution, that our independence from the physical environment has made the most rapid strides.
In the life sciences, there has been an enormous increase in our understanding of disease, in the mechanisms of heredity, and in bio- and physiological chemistry.
Even in domains where detailed and predictive understanding is still lacking, but where some explanations are possible, as with lightning and weather and earthquakes, the appropriate kind of human action has been more adequately indicated.
The persistent horror of having a malformed child has, I believe, been reduced, not because we have gained any control over this misfortune, but precisely because we have learned that we have so little control over it.

has and recorded
But having lived with the disc for some time now, I find the performance less exciting than either Schnabel's or Fleisher's ( whose superb performance with the Budapest Quartet has still to be recorded ) and a good deal less filled with humor than Curzon's.
After it has reached terminal velocity, the time for the tape to travel a known distance is recorded.
It was pleasant last night, therefore, to hear him do something else: a concerto he has recently recorded, `` The Emperor ''.
An American in Paris has been frequently recorded over the years.
Based on Defense Ministry statistics that had not been released to the public, the Group of Monitoring Compliance with Human Rights in the Army ( GMCHRA ) has recorded the deaths of 76 soldiers to date in non-combat incidents for 2011, and the injury of 91 others.
" Amazing Grace " saw a resurgence in popularity in the U. S. during the 1960s and has been recorded thousands of times during and since the 20th century, occasionally appearing on popular music charts.
This has cooled it down to approximately 1 K, as deduced by astronomical observation, which is the lowest natural temperature ever recorded.
Armour has been used throughout recorded history.
It is the first time the United Kingdom has recorded a temperature over.
The Latin word has never been recorded in a surgical context, being reserved to indicate punishment for criminals.
This album has been incorrectly cited as being recorded digitally into Pro Tools.
Andersson has written the music to songs recorded by Anders Ekborg (" Han Som Har Vunnit Allt ") and Barbara Dickson (" The Day The Wall Came Tumbling Down ").
As of September 30, Johnson has recorded 50 saves, the tenth player to do so in Major League history.
Although each country has made its own adaptations and changes to the format, the contestants are confined to a specially designed house where their every action is recorded by cameras and microphones at all times and they are not permitted to make any contact with the outside world.
Among his various musical credits, Mumy has recorded and written songs with America, toured with Shaun Cassidy, and played in Rick Springfield's band in the film, Hard to Hold.
The Chinese recorded the first official account of the practice in 2300 BC, but it is generally believed that gambling in some form or another has been seen in almost every society in history.
Cross-dressing has existed throughout much of recorded history.
Confucius's family, the Kongs, has the longest recorded extant pedigree in the world today.
The father-to-son family tree, now in its 83rd generation, has been recorded since the death of Confucius.
It is hardly conceivable that the Romans would have recorded such a form as Cimbri The name has also been related to the word kimme meaning “ rim ”, i. e. the people of the coast.
No other Bears coach has recorded over 100 victories with the team.
* Cradle of Filth, a popular British extreme metal band, has produced an album called Dusk ... and Her Embrace inspired by " Carmilla ", and have also recorded an instrumental track titled " Carmilla's Masque ".
The inverse effect ( that is, notes sounding higher ) has also been recorded.
It is possible that Constantine had other children, but like the name of his wife, or wives, this has not been recorded.
Christians believe that God has established a new covenant with people through Jesus, as recorded in the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Epistles, and other books collectively called the New Testament ( the word testament attributed to Tertullian is commonly interchanged with the word covenant ).

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