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Page "Census" ¶ 6
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is and necessary
Since attack serves to stimulate interest in broadcasts, I added to my opening statement a sentence in which I claimed that German youth seemed to lack the enthusiasm which is a necessary ingredient of anger, and might be classified as uninterested and bored rather than angry.
Lacking the pioneer spirit necessary to write of a new economy, these writers seem to be contenting themselves with an old one that is now as defunct as Confederate money.
We consider a rural community as an assemblage of inhabited dwellings whose configuration is determined by the location and size of the arable land sites necessary for family subsistence.
This monitoring is necessary because, on a parade ground, everyone can hear too much, and without monitoring a confused social event would develop.
To experience them, it is not necessary for a people to be actively aware of what is happening to it.
Certainly it is not necessary to repeat that the United States has no intention of interfering in the internal affairs of any nation ; ;
The continuing modernization of these forces is a costly but necessary process.
This is necessary for a sounder collective defense system.
Fourth, in the meantime, it is necessary to remember that we have only begun to probe the environment immediately surrounding the earth.
For what we propose, however, a psychoanalyst is not necessary, even though one aim is to enable the reader to get beneath his own defenses -- his defenses of himself to himself.
For this purpose a degree of intellectual and emotional involvement is necessary ; ;
He is uncompromising in assigning guilt to the man who finds it necessary to inflict or permit injury to one individual or group for the sake of a larger good.
The whole purpose of Man's Hope is to portray the tragic dialectic between means and ends inherent in all organized political violence -- and even when such violence is a necessary and legitimate self-defense of liberty, justice and human dignity.
But now he knows `` that an intellectual is not only a man to whom books are necessary, he is any man whose reasoning, however elementary it may be, affects and directs his life ''.
Why, then, with these voluntary barricades and some state laws barring liquor ads, is it necessary to seek congressional action??
As I see it, if war starts and we survive the initial attack enough to be able to fight back, the nuclear weapons we now have -- at least the bombs -- can inflict all the demage that is necessary.
Besides the lack of an adequate ethical dimension to the Governor's case, one can ask seriously whether our lead over the Russians in quality and quantity of nuclear weapons is so slight as to make the tests absolutely necessary.
It is perfectly conceivable that a resumption of atmospheric tests may, at some point in the future, be necessary and even justifiable.
First of all, it is now known that Pope John sees the renewal and purification of the Church as an absolutely necessary step toward Christian unity.
it is necessary to perceive the extent of foreign aid demanded by the Christian imperative.
I concur that it is necessary for Americans to have a confrontation of the situation existing in foreign lands.

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`` All I have to do to set the record is to go on down.
-- liberal considers that the need for a national economy with controls that will assure his conception of social justice is so great that individual and local liberties as well as democratic processes may have to yield before it.
but for this discussion the most important division is between those who have been reconstructed and those who haven't.
Had the situation been reversed, had, for instance, England been the enemy in 1898 because of issues of concern chiefly to New England, there is little doubt that large numbers of Southerners would have happily put on their old Confederate uniforms to fight as allies of Britain.
It is extraordinary that a people as proud and warlike as Southerners should have been as docile as they have.
The enormous changes in world politics have, however, thrown it into confusion, so much so that it is safe to say that all international law is now in need of reexamination and clarification in light of the social conditions of the present era.
Of greater importance, however, is the content of those programs, which have had and are having enormous consequences for the American people.
Only one rule prevailed in my conversations with these men: The more highly placed they are -- that is, the more they know -- the more concerned they have become.
They are huge areas which have been swept by winds for so many centuries that there is no soil left, but only deep bare ridges fifty or sixty yards apart with ravines between them thirty or forty feet deep and the only thing that moves is a scuttling layer of sand.
Idje, here '', and he nodded at the man, `` is said to have great odor.
The one apparent connection between the two is a score of buildings which somehow or other have survived and which naturally enough are called `` historical monuments ''.
Each mode is believed to have a specific attribute -- one inducing pleasure, another generosity, another love, and so on, to include all of the emotions.
`` I have just come from viewing a man who had made the fortune of his country, but now is working all night in order to support his family '', he reflected.
In the meantime, while the South has been undergoing this phenomenal modernization that is so disappointing to the curious Yankee, Southern writers have certainly done little to reflect and promote their region's progress.
He must construct transitions so that a dancer who is told to lie prone one second and to leap wildly the next will have some physical preparation for the leap.
The consciousness it mirrors may have come earlier to Europe than to America, but it is the consciousness that most `` mature '' societies arrive at when their successes in technological and economic systematization propel them into a time of examining the not-strictly-practical ends of culture.
In addition, they have been converted to Zen Buddhism, with its glorification of all that is `` natural '' and mysteriously alive, the sense that everything in the world is flowing.
The style of life chosen by the beat generation, the rhythm and ritual they have adopted as uniquely their own, is designed to enhance the value of the sexual experience.
indeed, it is maintained that the sexual element in jazz, by freeing the listener of his inhibitions, can have therapeutic value.
The new fact the initiates of this cult have to learn is that they must move toward simplicity.
And yet -- a year to a child is an eternity, and in the memory that phase of one's being -- a certain mental landscape -- will seem to have endured without beginning and without end.

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