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Page "Embsay and Bolton Abbey Steam Railway" ¶ 2
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is and part
The dancer who never loosens her hold on a parasol, begins to feel that it is part of herself.
And the life they lead is undisciplined and for the most part unproductive, even though they make a fetish of devoting themselves to some creative pursuit -- writing, painting, music.
This confession serves to make clear in part what is behind this sexual revolution: the craving for sensation for its own sake, the need for change, for new experiences.
The music which Lautner has composed for this episode is for the most part `` rather pretty and perfectly banal ''.
A broader concept of imitation is needed, one which acknowledges that true invention is important, that the artist's creativity in part transcends the non-artistic causal factors out of which it arises.
Was it supposed, perchance, that A & M ( vocational training, that is ) was quite sufficient for the immigrant class which flooded that part of the New England world in the post-Civil War period, the immigrants having been brought in from Southern Europe, to work in the mills, to make up for the labor shortage caused by migration to the West??
They for their part are convinced that Holmes is too `` unorthodox '' and `` theoretical '' to make a good detective.
The point is that the reactionary, for whatever motive, perceives himself to have been part or a partner of something that extended beyond himself, something which, consequently, he was not able to accept or reject on the basis of subjective preference.
The men who speculate on these institutions have, for the most part, come to at least one common conclusion: that many of the great enterprises and associations around which our democracy is formed are in themselves autocratic in nature, and possessed of power which can be used to frustrate the citizen who is trying to assert his individuality in the modern world ''.
This arrangement was for Copernicus literally monstrous: `` With ( the Ptolemaists ) it is as though an artist were to gather the hands, feet, head and other members for his images from divers models, each part excellently drawn, but not related to a single body ; ;
Next I refer to our program in space exploration, which is often mistakenly supposed to be an integral part of defense research and development.
This is in large part a code of behavior and a glossary of values: what is it that people do and should do and how one should regard it.
This, no doubt, is part of what Gilbert Seldes implies when he says of the arts, `` They give form and meaning to life which might otherwise seem shapeless and without sense ''.
The complexities of Venetian politics eluded him, but the story of the revolution itself is told in restrained measures, with no superfluous passages and only an occasional overemphasis of the part played by its leading figure.
And it may be well to recall that to say `` conformity '' is, in part, another way of saying `` orderly human society ''.
Even in its present form, however, the first part of Malraux's unrecoverable novel is among the greatest works of mid-twentieth century literature ; ;
`` and the more the action claims to be total, the smaller is the part of man engaged ''.
The New York mind is two parts abstraction and one part misinformation about the rest of the country and in fact the world.
More important is the simple human point that all men suffer, and that it is a kind of anthropological-religious pride on the part of the Jew to believe that his suffering is more poignant than mine or anyone else's.
That such expansion can be obtained without a raise in taxes is due to growth of the tax digest and sound fiscal planning on the part of the board of commissioners, headed by Chairman Charles O. Emmerich who is demonstrating that the public trust he was given was well placed, and other county officials.

is and former
It is noteworthy that the majority of the delegates to the Congress were from the less developed, former colonial nations.
Today, as new nations rise from the former colonial empires, nationalism is one of the hurricane forces loose in the world.
On Fridays, the day when many Persians relax with poetry, talk, and a samovar, people do not, it is true, stream into Chehel Sotun -- a pavilion and garden built by Shah Abbas 2, in the seventeenth century -- but they do retire into hundreds of pavilions throughout the city and up the river valley, which are smaller, more humble copies of the former.
The latter is not reduced to the former.
However, it is important to trace the philosophy of the French Revolution to its sources to understand the common democratic origin of individualism and socialism and the influence of the latter on the former.
Some even say that this is the reason for the ultimate acceptance of the former.
Analogously, anyone who argues that Einstein's theory of gravitation is simpler than Newton's, must say rather more to explain how it is that the latter is mastered by student-physicists, while the former can be managed ( with difficulty ) only by accomplished experts.
For here if anywhere in contemporary literature is a major effort to counterbalance Existentialism and restore some of its former lustre to the tarnished image of the species Man, or, as Malraux himself puts it, `` to make men conscious of the grandeur they ignore in themselves ''.
According to Friends, the unit was organized by John Snook, a former World War 2, commando who is vice president and general manager of the telephone company.
The area available at Heywood is approximately three times the size of the former Rochdale and Manchester locations.
The essential difference between the new trans-illuminated boards and existing billboards is that the former, constructed of translucent plastic panels, are lighted from within.
I called the other afternoon on my old friend, Graves Moreland, the Anglo-American literary critic -- his mother was born in Ohio -- who lives alone in a fairy-tale cottage on the Upson Downs, raising hell and peacocks, the former only when the venerable gentleman becomes an angry old man about the state of literature or something else that is dwindling and diminishing, such as human stature, hope, and humor.
The latest and, significantly, greatest fruit of this theatrical vine is The, an adaptation of Basho's classic frog-haiku by Roger Entwhistle, a former University of Maryland chemistry instructor.
Data on the former are scanty, but there can be little doubt that the latter is sometimes born at a length greater than that of any of the others, thereby lending support to the belief that the anaconda does, indeed, attain the greatest length.
For four of the six ( the anaconda and the amethystine python cannot be included for lack of data ) there is also a correlation between size at maturity and maximum length, the boa constrictor being the smallest and the Indian python the next in size at the former stage.
the former figure is based on a somewhat unusual birth of four by a Central American female ( see chapter on Laying, Brooding, Hatching, and Birth ), the latter on a `` normal '' newly born individual.
It is believed that drug therapy and electroshock involve the former and psychotherapy the latter mechanism.
A massive investigation of the characteristics of in-migrants and prospective out-migrants in Ruanda-Urundi is being carried on by J. J. Maquet, former Director of the Social Science branch of IRSAC, now a professor at l'Universite Officielle Du Congo Belge et Du Ruanda-Urundi.
The former is intended to decrease the amount of work necessary to extend dictionary coverage.
A recent case in point is Mitchell Canneries v. United States, in which a claim against the Government was transferred first from a corporation to a partnership, whose partners were former stockholders, and then to another corporation formed by the partners.
In virtually every case the transferor corporation is liquidated, and its former stockholders either own outright, or have a continuing stock interest in, the assets which gave rise to the tax.
No person shall be referred to a position the filling of which will aid directly or indirectly in filling a job which ( 1 ) is vacant because the former occupant is on strike or is being locked out in the course of a labor dispute, or ( 2 ) the filling of which is an issue in a labor dispute.

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