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Page "Worship" ¶ 2
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is and response
Internal national responsibility is a societal response to the impact of the Industrial Revolution.
All such imitations of negative quality have given rise to a compensatory response in the form of a heroic and highly individualistic humanism: if man can neither know nor love reality as it is, he can at least invent an artistic `` reality '' which is its own world and which can speak to man of purely personal and subjective qualities capable of being known and worthy of being loved.
Rather it is rooted in a difference of response to the threat of social disintegration.
The response of reaction is dominated by a concern for what is vanishing.
The implicit assumption of this response is that history is reversible.
Such a response, of course, misses the point that in crisis order is going out of existence.
Despite the hopelessness of the response, it is explicable in terms of the crisis of tradition itself.
The basic truth in the reactionary response is to be found in its realistic assumption of the primacy of the real over the ideational.
When the reactionary response is thus bolstered by an intellectual defense, the characteristics of that defense are explicable only in terms of the basic attitudes of unanalyzed reaction.
Remembering the step-by-step fate of Danzig and the West German misgivings about `` salami '' tactics, it is to be hoped that the dispatch of General Clay to West Berlin as President Kennedy's representative will mark a stiffening of response not only to future indignities and aggressions but also to some that have passed.
The only response we can think of is the humble one that at least we aren't playing the marimba with our shoes in the United Nations, but perhaps the heavy domes in the house of delegates can improve on this feeble effort.
Action taken today is often far more valuable than action taken several months later in response to a situation then out of control.
But as the popular response suggests, the potentiality of the Peace Corps is very great.
When a question contains two verbs, the response does not make clear which of them is being answered.
Many workers believe that the response is proportional to the incident momentum of the particles, a relation deduced from laboratory results linearly extrapolated to meteoritic velocities.
Thus when yes, I have is the response to have you finished reading the paper??
Whether or not it is in the industry's interest to allow the basic wage rate to rise obviously depends upon the extent to which the public-limit price rises in response to a basic wage increase, and the relation of this response to the increase in costs accompanying the wage increase.
It has become painfully clear that the very attempt to make the language of social research free of values by erecting mathematical and physical models, is itself a conditioned response to a world which pays a premium price for technological manipulation.
Can we discover what it is in Utopia that has evoked this response??
He knew instinctively that next to voice and face an actor's hands are his most useful possession -- that in fiction as in the theatre, gesture is an indispensable shorthand for individualizing character and dramatizing action and response.
Old Mr. Pocket's frantic response to life imprisonment with a useless, social-climbing wife is to `` put his two hands into his disturbed hair '' and `` make an extraordinary effort to lift himself up by it '', whereas Joe Gargery endures the shrewish onslaughts of Mrs. Joe by apologetically drawing `` the back of his hand across and across his nose ''.

is and conscious
This is puzzling to an outsider conscious of the classic tradition of liberalism, because it is clear that these Democrats who are left-of-center are at opposite poles from the liberal Jefferson, who held that the best government was the least government.
The young William Faulkner in New Orleans in the 1920's impressed the novelist Hamilton Basso as obviously conscious of being a Southerner, and there is no evidence that since then he has ever considered himself any less so.
that their remote past is as discontinuous with their present selves, as lacking in any conscious likeness to their mature personality, as the self of a butterfly may be imagined discontinuous with that of the caterpillar it once was.
For here if anywhere in contemporary literature is a major effort to counterbalance Existentialism and restore some of its former lustre to the tarnished image of the species Man, or, as Malraux himself puts it, `` to make men conscious of the grandeur they ignore in themselves ''.
The trouble with this machinery is that it is not used and the reason that it is not used is the absence of a conscious sense of community among the free nations.
And a minister of all men is most conscious that he is mere man -- prone to the stresses that earthly humanity is heir to.
He is usually conscious of the social pressures at home and outside ; ;
But there is very little frank and conscious espousal of the interests of any one social class by the people who have the power to make decisions in education.
While man shares this procreative function with all his predecessors in the evolutionary process, he is the only animal with a true non-instinctive and conscious creative ability.
It is apparently by symbols that the unconscious speaks to the conscious, and the medium has to translate these into meaning.
That much of what he calls folklore is the result of beliefs carefully sown among the people with the conscious aim of producing a desired mass emotional reaction to a particular situation or set of situations is irrelevant.
Sponsor quotes John McLendon of the McLendon-Ebony station group as saying that the Southern Negro is becoming conscious of quality and `` does not wish to be associated with radio which is any way degrading to his race ; ;
Where the animal is a slave to its instincts but always conscious in its own actions, Kierkegaard believed that the freedom given to people leaves the human in a constant fear of failing his / her responsibilities to God.
There is still the position, based on the philosophical question of personal identity, termed open individualism, and in some ways similar to the old belief of monopsychism, that concludes that individual existence is illusory, and our consciousness continues existing after death in other conscious beings.
Science fiction set in what was the future but is now the past, like Arthur C. Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey or Nineteen Eighty-Four, are not alternate history because the author has not made the conscious choice to change the past.
The justification for attributing life to objects was stated by David Hume in his Natural History of Religion ( Section III ): " There is a universal tendency among mankind to conceive all beings like themselves, and to transfer to every object those qualities with which they are familiarly acquainted, and of which they are intimately conscious.

is and beings
This text from Dr. Huxley is sometimes used by enthusiasts to indicate that they have the permission of the scientists to press the case for a wonderful unfoldment of psychic powers in human beings.
It seems quite obvious that all the really difficult tasks of human beings arise from the fact that man is not one, but many.
Let us quote once more from R. G. Collingwood: `` History is properly concerned with the actions of human beings Regarded from the outside, an action is an event or series of events occurring in the physical world ; ;
Much of his earlier work was conceived in terms of a `` pseudo-anthropological '' myth reference, which is concerned with imaginary places and beings described in grandiloquent and travelogue-like language.
What we must have, if the United Nations is to survive, is as nonpolitical, nonpartisan an organization at the top as human beings can make it, subject to no single nation's direction and subservient to no single nation's ambition.
The hymen is, in essence, a fragile membrane that more or less completely covers the entrance to the vagina in most female human beings who have not had sex relations.
I speak of `` the largest possible measure '' because any person who supposes that these conditions can be universally and perfectly achieved -- ever -- reckons without the inherent imperfectability of himself and his fellow human beings, and is therefore a dangerous man to have around.
A teenage girl, Abigail Williams, is being sharply questioned by her minister uncle, the Reverend Samuel Parris, about a wild night affair in the woods in which she and some other girls had seemed to have had contact with these evil beings.
It is said that fear in human beings produces an odor that provokes animals to attack.
To the Zen monk the universe is still populated with `` spiritual beings '' who have to be appeased.
This picture of extreme self-reliant individuation is difficult to reconcile with such Zendo formulas as: `` O you, demons and other spiritual beings, I now offer this to you, and may this food fill up the ten quarters of the world and all the demons and other spiritual beings be fed therewith.
`` To be quite alone where there are no other human beings is sharply exhilarating ; ;
Love and compassion are components of all forms of Buddhism, and are focused on all beings equally: love is the wish that all beings be happy, and compassion is the wish that all beings be free from suffering.
Because all living beings possess a soul, great care and awareness is essential in one's actions.
The conception that diseases and death come from invisible shots sent by supernatural beings, or magicians is common in Germanic and Norse mythology.
Islam teaches that the purpose of Man's entire creation is to worship the Creator of the Heavens and Earth-Allah ( God in Arabic ) alone that includes being kind to other human beings and life including bugs, and to trees, by not oppressing them.
It is recommended to choose a family where the parents trust in the Dharma and to reincarnate with the will to care for the welfare of all beings.

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