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was and suggested
Katherine was staying at a convent, and her mother felt that, as Thompson himself seems to have suggested, she might eventually stay there.
Tom was not willing to revise the play according to the plan the man suggested.
Morgan took the suggested steps, but when Mrs. Sanderson appeared, there was nobody with her but her husband, whom he promptly sent to headquarters to be questioned.
The idea was not even suggested because political expediency prevailed over wisdom.
After a nuclear blast, one bureaucrat suggested in those halcyon days, about all you had to do was haul out the broom and sweep off your sidewalks and roof.
The doctors had suggested Scotty remain most of every afternoon in bed until he was stronger.
We suggested this Class in the horse world and it was accepted immediately and included in the programs of horse shows.
The suggested course of the A.I.D. was based on the usual course offered and on the opinion of many educators as to curricular necessities.
`` Ah, you're too old '', was invariably his ungallant and untrue retort whenever I suggested `` starting a family ''.
As a natural outgrowth of this approach it was often suggested that the doctor should complete the preparation for painless intercourse by dilating the vagina.
It was Dickson who suggested to Lord Selkirk that he return to the Atlantic coast by way of the United States.
At last, even the controlled Torrio was unable to hold still, and he tentatively suggested that O'Banion should take a percentage in the Stickney brothels in return for one from his Cicero beer concession.
It was when she was in this position that the name `` prayin' cow '' was suggested to the cowboy.
Tillie was a fine midwife and could get here quick, he suggested.
The calmness and detachment of his tone suggested unawareness of how implicit was his own guilt in the words he had used to defend Cromwell.
Sashimi was In, Samuel Burns had suggested, because it was too far Out to stay Out, even if it was a little pretentious.
A few days after Emancipation was announced, 13 Republican governors met at the War Governors ' Conference ; they supported the president's Proclamation, but suggested the removal of General George B. McClellan as commander of the Union Army.
It has been suggested that Aristotle was probably the last person to know everything there was to be known in his own time.
Altruism, the experiment suggested, was not a superior moral faculty that suppresses basic selfish urges but rather was basic to the brain, hard-wired and pleasurable.

was and news
It was over an hour before their escape was discovered, but still the news that Barton was free flashed across the central portion of the state.
The first news stories had it that this blaze was started by a bolt of lightning, as though Miriam could call down fire from heaven like a prophet of the Old Testament.
It is difficult to say what Thompson expected would come of their relationship, which had begun so soon after his emotions had been stirred by Maggie Brien, but when Katie wrote on April 11, 1900, to tell him that she was to be married to the Rev. Godfrey Burr, the vicar of Rushall in Staffordshire, the news evidently helped to deepen his discouragement over the failure of his hopes for a new volume of verse.
There must have been special feelings of joy and patriotism in the heart of Daniel Morgan too, when the news was received on April 30th of the recognition by France of the independence of the United States.
The editorial was based on a news association dispatch which said that the telegraphers had secured an agreement whereby they were guaranteed 40 hours' pay per week whether they worked or not and that a reduction in their number was limited to 2 per cent per year.
The current stereotype of straight news reporting was probably invaluable in protecting the press and its readers from pollution by that combination of doctored fact, fancy, and personal opinion called yellow journalism which flourished in this country more than a generation ago.
Yet the press was powerless to put these charges in perspective in its news columns.
All these emotions were screwed up to new heights when, after acceptance and the first rehearsals, there ensued such a buzz of excitement among Parisian music lovers that Duclos had to come running to Rousseau to inform him that the news had reached the superintendent of the King's amusements, and that he was now demanding that the work be offered first at the royal summer palace of Fontainebleau.
And of course the news of who the composer was did finally begin to get around among his closest friends.
An occasional traveler from Italy brought news of Peter Robert, who was now distributing his Bible among the Waldensian peasants.
The news of battle on Breed's Hill had already seeped through, and New York itself was now left in the hands of the local Provincial Congress.
'' and others concerning camp friends who resided in her suburban neighborhood,, and news of her commencing again her piano lessons, her private school, a visit to Boston to see her grandparents and an uncle who was a surgeon returned on furlough, wounded, from the war in Europe.
Instead of being depressed by this news, Mr. Crombie was actually relieved.
In vinyl foam, the big news was the development of techniques for coating fabrics with the material ( for details, see P. 395 ).
Other hitters bloomed with more or less vigor in the news and a few even dared to dream of matching Ruth, who was still called Jidge by all his friends, or Leo or Two-Head by those who dared to taunt him ( Leo was the name of the ball player he liked the least ) and who called most of the world `` Kid ''.
The appointment was announced at a news conference at which Skorich said he would retain two members of Shaw's staff -- Jerry Williams and Charlie Gauer.
Perhaps the Pirate who will be the unhappiest over the news that Musial probably will sit out most of the series is Bob Friend, who was beaten by The Man twice last season on dramatic home runs.
Although it looked like a routine technical snapback to Wall Streeters it was accompanied by some good news.
One of the initial questions put to President Kennedy at his first news conference last January was about his attitude toward a meeting with Premier Khrushchev.
But by week's end the Laotian cry of invasion was read as an exaggeration ( see foreign news ), and the U.S. was agreeing with its cautious British and French allies that a neutralist -- rather than a pro-Western -- government might be best for Laos.

was and government
This is puzzling to an outsider conscious of the classic tradition of liberalism, because it is clear that these Democrats who are left-of-center are at opposite poles from the liberal Jefferson, who held that the best government was the least government.
In what has aptly been called a `` constitutional revolution '', the basic nature of government was transformed from one essentially negative in nature ( the `` night-watchman state '' ) to one with affirmative duties to perform.
Thirty years ago, while the nation was wallowing in economic depression, the prevailing philosophy of government was to stand aside and allow `` natural forces '' to operate and cure the distress.
The Rule of Law, historically a principle according everyone his `` day in court '' before an impartial tribunal, was broadened substantively by making it a responsibility of government to promote individual welfare.
This right of the State, its upholders contended, was essential to maintain the federal balance and protect the liberty of the people from the danger of centralizing power in the Union government.
The first of which to find important place in our federal government was the graduated income tax under Wilson.
Anyone who tried to remedy some of the most glaring defects in our form of democracy was denounced as a traitorous red whose real purpose was the destruction of our government.
`` I've been in government and I can tell some pretty hairy stories about personnel difficulties, so I know what a problem he was ''.
Steele apparently professed his sentiments in this book too openly and honestly for his own good, since the government was soon to use it as evidence against him in his trial before the House.
The outstanding example was in Garibaldi And The Thousand, where he made use of unpublished papers of Lord John Russell and English consular materials to reveal the motives which led the British government to permit Garibaldi to cross the Straits of Messina.
It was a sort of poetic justice that at the time of his own demise a new plot to overthrow the Venezuelan government, reportedly involving the use of Dominican arms by former Venezuelan Dictator Marcos Perez Jimenez, has been uncovered and quashed.
After all, it goes back to the days in which sedition was not un-American, the days in which the Sons of St. Tammany conspired to overthrow the government by force and violence -- the British government, that is.
As was to be expected Kennedy's latest speech was greeted with enthusiasm by revenge-seeking circles in Bonn, where officials of the West German government praised it ''.
`` With no strong men and no parliament to dispute his will, he was the government ''.
It was organizationally the responsibility of the Department of Public Works and was financed on a rotary fund basis with each agency of government contributing to the pool's operation.
In 1951 the pool's operation was transferred to the newly-created Department of Administration, an agency established as the central staff and auxiliary department of the state government.
There was a time some years ago when local taxation by the cities and towns was sufficient to support their own operations and a part of the cost of the state government as well.
To determine the practice and attitude of municipal governments concerning tangible movable property, a questionnaire was sent to all local government assessors or boards of assessors in Rhode Island.

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