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Page "Nabataeans" ¶ 21
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was and King
At no time does he seem to have proposed marriage, and Mrs. King was evidently torn between a concern for her daughter's emotions and the desire to believe that the friendship might be continued without harm to her reputation.
Katherine Douglas King '' The invitation was accepted and other letters followed, in which she spoke of her concern for his health and her delight in seeing him so much at home among the crippled children she served.
Last, not least, there are some poems which K. King sent me ( addressed to herself ) when I was preparing a fresh volume, asking me to include them.
If, as Reid says, `` nearly all his poetry was produced when he was not taking opium '', there may be some reason to doubt that he was under its influence in the period from 1896 to 1900 when he was writing the poems to Katie King and making plans for another book of verse.
Since it was issued in the spring of 1611, the King James Version has been most generally considered the most poetic and beautiful of all translations of the Bible.
At a recent meeting of the Women's Association of the Trumbull Ave. United Presbyterian Church, considerable use was made of material from The Detroit News on the King James version of the New Testament versus the New English Bible.
Ballet flowered in Italy during the next hundred years, and about 1550 was carried to France when the Italian princess, Catherine De Medicis, married the King of France.
In fact, it was not until the King of Spain had visited at Pickfair that Mary and Doug were beckoned to cross the sacred barriers which separate Los Angeles and Pasadena from the hoi-polloi.
King Muhammad 5, was known to be most sympathetic to the formation of local self-government and made the first firm promise of elections on May Day, 1957.
In January, 1958, the Minister of the Interior announced that an election law was ready to be submitted to the King, the rumors of election dates appeared once again, first for spring of 1958 and later for the summer.
They figured prominently in the Balafrej government of May, 1958, which the King was reportedly determined to keep in office until elections could be held.
He was the official procurer for King Farouk, now in exile.
She thought royal status might come her way when, while she was still in Rome, she met Pulley Bey, a personal procurer to King Farouk of Egypt.
In 1721 the King sent three commissioners to Louisiana with full powers to do all that was necessary to protect the colony.
The King should expect no profit, and an advance of only 20 per cent above the cost in France, which would cover the expense of transportation and handling, was all he charged the traders.
When King Saud visited Washington, the overwhelming question consuming the press was the size of his family.
The size of Saud's family was still being debated when the King appeared for his first meeting with Eisenhower.
The King Arthur was less expensive than the Dumont.
The man was King Leopold 2, of the Belgians, who in 1885 concluded that he had better grab a colony while the grabbing was still good.
Her name was Sabella, and the strip of seaweed around her neck was an emerald necklace the King gave her as a token of his undying love.

was and who
He certainly didn't want a wife who was fickle as Ann.
He knew who was riding after him -- the men he had known all his life, the men who had worked for him, sworn their loyalty to him.
He was riding between two warriors, who held him erect when he started to slump.
It was, I felt, possible that they were men who, having received no tickets for that day, had remained in the hall, to sleep perhaps, in the corners farthest removed from the counter with its overhead light.
Hague, like all who worked near the pits, was partly deafened from the constant assault against his eardrums.
Facing the forest now, she who had not dared to enter it before, walked between two trees at random and headed in what she believed was the direction of the pool.
Donna, his young wife, the girl who was both daughter and wife to him.
Lewis was a man who had made a full-time job of cow stealing.
He was a man, those neighbors testified later, who didn't have a friend in the world.
But to the cattlemen who had been facing bankruptcy from rustling losses and to the cowboys who had been faced with lay-offs a few years earlier, he was becoming a vastly different type of legendary figure.
Then, with a glory that almost wiped out the deep, downward sags in her careworn face, Matilda leaned over the wheel and shouted to Hez, who was stumbling along in the heat and the dust on the opposite side of the wagon `` Pa!!
Out in the center of the circle the farmer, who was Dan, wasted no time when they came to the line, `` The farmer choose his wife ''.
`` Gyp Carmer couldn't have known about Colcord's money unless he was told -- and who else would have told him ''??
Mrs. Roebuck smilingly declined and began suddenly to go on about her son, who was `` onleh a little younguh than you bawhs ''.
`` You know who the other man was ''??
Present at the scene -- in addition to the dead man, who was indeed Louis Thor -- had been Thor's partner Bill Blake, and Antony Rose, an advertising agency executive who handled the zing account.
My new Aunt was perhaps three or four years older than I and it had been a long time since I had seen as gorgeous a woman who oozed sex.
I don't even remember who wrote it but it was one of those 15th or 16th century poets.
If it were not that I knew who it was I could have mistaken it for my Aunt so well did her clothes fit him.
The Grafin, who was charmed by her, told her, `` Your sister who was here two years ago has quite dark hair.

was and after
The first part of the road was steep, but it leveled off after the second bend and curled gradually into the valley.
My wife died in childbirth after I was sent away.
It was not, thought Pamela, such an evil place after all.
Was it not possible, after all, that the forest was in league with her and her child that its sympathy lay with the Culvers that she had erred in failing to understand this??
An inquest was held, and after a good deal of testimony about the anonymous notes, the county coroner estimated that the shooting had been done from a distance of 300 yards.
Prosecutor Baird immediately assumed he was hiding out there after the shooting and began preparing an indictment.
One thing was certain -- his method was effective, so effective that after a time even the warning notices were often unnecessary.
Seeing them waiting there at the foot of Emigrant Rock was so overwhelming that, for a good minute after they rounded the bend and started down the grade leading toward them, Matilda could not speak at all.
I had come to New Orleans two years earlier after graduating college, partly because I loved the city and partly because there was quite a noted art colony there.
But `` after the war '' was a luxury of a phrase he did not permit himself.
To Tilghman the incident was just one of a long list of hair-raising, smash-'em-down adventures on the side of the law which started in 1872 when he was only eighteen years old, and did not end till fifty years later when he was shot dead after warning a drunk to be quiet.
Back in the house a hoodlum named Red Buck, sore because Billy had been allowed to leave unscathed, jumped from a bunk and swore he was going after him to kill him right then.
Jack walked off alone out the road in the searing midday sun, past Robert Allen's three-room, tarpapered house, toward the field where the other boys were playing ball, thinking of what he would do in order to make Miss Langford have him stay in after school -- because this was the day he had decided when he thought he saw the look in her eyes.
He was possessive in his manner and, though a slave, obviously was educated after a fashion and imitated the manners of his owners.
Satisfied at last, and after a few amorous gambits on her part which convinced Delphine that Dandy was capable of learning new arts, she opened the window and called to her liveried driver.
He bounced exuberantly on the sagging bed and was even more delighted when Madame Lalaurie -- after closing the door -- showed the slave that the bed was designed for something other than slumber.
Five years were spent with the Cologne Opera, after which he was called to Prague by Alexander von Zemlinsky, teacher of Arnold Schonberg and Erich Korngold.
He recalled that in California after a critic had attacked him for `` still trying to sell Bruckner to the Americans '', the public's response at the next concert was a standing ovation.
In town after town my companion pointed out the Negro school and the White school, and in every instance the former made a better appearance ( it was newer, for one thing ).

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