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Page "Cleopatra I Syra" ¶ 5
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Romans and supported
Esler believes that this specific point is supported through Luke ’ s emphasis on citing examples of Romans who come to believe in Christ ( Acts 10: 1-11: 18 ; 13: 12 ; 18: 7 ).
Over the last half of the 20th century, historical and archaeological research has increasingly supported the theory that the remnants of the Celtic Boii were absorbed into the Roman Empire and later intermingled with other Germanic peoples who chose to stay ( or were stationed by the Romans ) in the area.
The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that books on magic were invented by the Persians, with the 1st century CE writer Pliny the Elder stating that magic had been first discovered by the ancient philosopher Zoroaster around the year 6347 BC, but that it was only written down in the 5th century BC by the magician Osthanes — his claims are not however supported by modern historians.
* Agathocles, king of Syracuse, assists the Italian Greeks against the Bruttians and supported the Greeks against the Romans
The Herodians had collaborated with the Romans during the rebellion, and Berenice herself had supported Vespasian upon his campaign to become emperor.
When the Emperor Hadrian threatened to rebuild Jerusalem as a pagan city dedicated to Jupiter, in 132, Aelia Capitolina, some of the leading sages of the Sanhedrin supported a rebellion led by Simon Bar Kosiba ( later known as Bar Kokhba ), who established a short-lived independent state that was conquered by the Romans in 135.
* Agathocles, king of Syracuse, assists the Italian Greeks against the Bruttians and supported the Greeks against the Romans.
Philip also supported the Romans against Antiochus III ( 192 BC-189 BC ).
The Romans also supported humane treatment of the mentally ill, and to support such codified into law the principle of insanity as a mitigation of responsibility for criminal acts, although the criterion for insanity was sharply set as the defendant had to be found " non compos mentis ", a term meaning with " no power of mind ".
The Romans supported Masinissa's claim to the Numidian throne against Syphax, who was nevertheless successful in driving Masinissa from power until Scipio invaded Africa in 204.
His coup was backed by the chancellor Matthew d ' Ajello and the official class, while the rival claims of Roger II's daughter Constance and her husband, Henry VI, King of the Romans, were supported by most of the nobles.
Jordanes states that Riothamus supported the Romans against the Visigoths led by Euric.
Since the 19th century, various historians have claimed that the Romans plowed over the city and sowed salt into the soil after destroying it, but this is not supported by ancient sources.
This army supported the Romans in their wars against king Mithridates VI of Pontus, and contributed to Roman victory in the Third Mithridatic War.
Dio Cassius tells us that the " Bodunni ", a tribe who were tributary to the Catuvellauni, changed sides and supported the Romans.
In the tribe ’ s area, the Romans explored some quarries and supported a local pottery industry.
After Lothar's death ( 1137 ) and election of Conrad as King of the Romans ( 1138 ) Frederick supported his brother in the struggle with Guelphs.
In later years, Magnesia supported the Romans in the Second Mithridatic War.
Although there is no record of its introduction to Britain, the tree probably arrived with the Romans, a hypothesis supported by the discovery of pollen in an excavated Roman vineyard.
Upon Emperor Henry's death, he strongly supported his brother Frederick in the 1314 election as King of the Romans.
In Romans 12: 11 it reads καιρω for κυριω, the reading of the manuscript is supported by Codex Augiensis, Codex Boernerianus 5 it < sup > d, g </ sup >, Origen < sup > lat </ sup >.
In Romans 15: 31 it reads δωροφορια for διακονια ; the reading is supported by Codex Vaticanus and Codex Boernerianus ( Greek column ).
The Dardanians had remained independent after the Roman conquest of Macedonia, because they had supported the Romans, hoping to enlarge their territory in this way.
John of Antioch claims that Anthemius was supported by most of the Romans while Ricimer by the barbarian mercenaries.

Romans and Egyptian
The word aegis is identified with protection by a strong force with its roots in Greek mythology and adopted by the Romans ; there are parallels in Norse mythology and in Egyptian mythology as well, where the Greek word aegis is applied by extension.
Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics record the cultivation of purple grapes, and history attests to the ancient Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans growing purple grapes for both eating and wine production.
He was also honored by the Romans, particularly the emperors Claudius and Tiberius whom had inscriptions that praised Imhotep on the walls of many of their Egyptian temples.
By the late Egyptian historical period, after the occupations by the Greeks and the Romans, Isis became the most important and most powerful deity of the Egyptian pantheon because of her magical skills.
For many Romans, Egyptian Isis was an aspect of Phrygian Cybele, whose orgiastic rites were long-naturalized at Rome, indeed, she was known as Isis of Ten Thousand Names.
Afghanistan was the source of lapis for the ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations, as well as the later Greeks and Romans.
From the perceptive of the reason-driven Romans, Shakespeare's " Egyptian queen repeatedly violates the rules of decorum " It is because of this distaste that Cleopatra " embodies political power, a power which is continuously underscored, denied, nullified by the Roman counterpart ”.
Egyptian sailors carried a flat brittle bread loaf of millet bread called dhourra cake, while the Romans had a biscuit called buccellum.
( It is not to be confused with the verb ' pi /' pp: ' to fly across the sky, to travel ') Apep's name much later came to be falsely connected etymologically in Egyptian with a different root meaning ( he who was ) spat out ; the Romans referred to Apep by this translation of his name.
The Egyptian law preserved the rights of women who were allowed to act independently of men and own substantial personal property and in time this influenced the more restrictive conventions of the Greeks and Romans.
) Unlike the cults of most of the other Egyptian deities, the worship of the Apis bull was continued by the Greeks and after them by the Romans, and lasted until almost 400 A. D.
Egyptian sailors carried a flat, brittle loaf of millet bread called dhourra cake, while the Romans had a biscuit called buccellum.
According to the Egyptian Greek geographer Ptolemy, the Phoenicians had founded here a colony named Saduce, but the Romans are the most likey to have founded the current town, as shown by findings of edifices and a necropolis ( from whose size it has been deduced that the settlement had around 2, 000 inhabitants ).
Egyptian sailors carried a flat brittle loaf of millet bread called dhourra cake, while the Romans had a biscuit called buccellum.
The fall of the Western Empire in the 5th century further isolated the Egyptian Romans from Rome's culture and hastened the growth of Christianity.
Ganymedes initially enjoyed some success against the Romans, but the leading Egyptian officers were soon dissatisfied with the eunuch.
Egyptian royalty bathed with essential oils and flowers, while Romans had communal public baths for their citizens.
The name Wadjet is derived from " wadj " meaning " green ", hence " the green one ", and was known to the Greeks and Romans as " uraeus " from the Egyptian " iaret " meaning " risen one " from the image of a cobra rising up in protection.
AD 60, close to the time of composition of Saint Paul's Epistle to the Romans, while most authorities propose a fourth century date for the known form, because the anaphora seems to have been developed from an ancient Egyptian form of the Basilean anaphoric family united with the anaphora described in The Catechisms of St. Cyril of Jerusalem.
Before raising their own edifice, the Romans seem to have destroyed even the basements of the earlier Egyptian temple.
The Romans attacked this band of men, the Egyptian lost six hundred men, fled into the wilderness where he disappears awaiting " further revelation ".
Later, the Greeks and Romans translated the god's Egyptian name Har-pa-khered as Harpocrates and regarded him as the god of silence.
Heru-pa-khered was represented as a naked youth with a finger-to-mouth gesture -- in Egyptian artwork this gesture imitates the hieroglyph for child and is used to represent youth, but was misunderstood by later Greeks and Romans as a gesture for silence.

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