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book and met
In liturgical language Breviary has a special meaning, indicating a book furnishing the regulations for the celebration of Mass or the canonical Office, and may be met with under the titles Breviarium Ecclesiastici Ordinis, or Breviarium Ecclesiæ Rominsæ ( Romanæ ).
The 1549 book was, from the outset, intended only as a temporary expedient, as Bucer was assured having met Cranmer for the first time in April 1549: ' concessions ... made both as a respect for antiquity and to the infirmity of the present age ' as he wrote.
In James Rosier's book " The Land of Virginia " there is an account of Europeans coming ashore and being met with Indians bearing bark cups full of cranberries.
Their work however met criticism from a number of writers, such as psychologists David Marks and Richard Kammann in their 1980 book The Psychology of the Psychic.
Certain aspects of XP have changed since the book Extreme Programming Refactored ( 2003 ) was published ; in particular, XP now accommodates modifications to the practices as long as the required objectives are still met.
It was in the aftermath of 1968 that Guattari met Gilles Deleuze at the University of Vincennes and began to lay the ground-work for the soon to be infamous Anti-Oedipus ( 1972 ), which Michel Foucault described as " an introduction to the non-fascist life " in his preface to the book.
There he met Rudolf Höss, who was later commandant of Auschwitz concentration camp, and Walther Darré, whose book, The Peasantry as the Life Source of the Nordic Race, caught Hitler's attention, leading to his later appointment as Reich Minister of Food and Agriculture.
As a result of having read this book Gilbert, two years later, journeyed to England with three of his slaves and there in at drawing room meeting arranged in Wandsworth on 15 January 1759, met the preacher John Wesley.
The book met with a variety of responses, both positive and negative, from writers in the field of literature, psychiatry, philosophy and religion.
He later wrote a detailed account in the book African Game Trails, where he describes the excitement of the chase, the people he met, and the flora and fauna he collected in the name of science.
K. Paul Johnson suggests in his book The Masters Revealed: Madam Blavatsky and Myth of the Great White Brotherhood that the Masters that Madam Blavatsky claimed she had personally met are idealizations of certain people she had met during her lifetime.
She met McCartney who declined to give her any of his own manuscripts for the book.
" The time traveler eventually arrives in a ruined city in A. D. 1, 001, 930, where he is met by an old man who claims to be the Last Man still alive, and who says he knew the time traveler was coming because he read in an ancient history book that he himself ( the Last Man ) had arrived from the future in A. D. 502, 101 in the same time machine the time traveler was using.
A fellow Marine by the name of Robert Ryan met Brooks and told him he was determined to play in a version of the book on screen.
As the book met with critical success, Johanna felt estimulated to pursue a career as an authoress — a career on which her livelihood would depend, after the aforementioned financial difficulties.
The film met with far less acclaim than the book.
Shortly afterward, his second book of poems, The Tempers, was published by a London press through the help of his friend, Ezra Pound whom he met while studying at the University of Pennsylvania.
Only now does the book confirm that the mysterious man Cosette met is actually Jean Valjean.
that commonly called ' Eulerian circles ,' has met with any general acceptance ..." The first to use the term " Venn diagram " was Clarence Irving Lewis in 1918, in his book " A Survey of Symbolic Logic ".
Bossuet might scribble nova, mira, falsa in the margins of his book and urge on Fénelon to attack them ; Malebranche politely met his threats by saying that to be refuted by such a pen would do him too much honor.
In July 2005, Fonda announced plans to make an anti-war bus tour in March 2006 with her daughter and several families of military veterans, saying that some of the war veterans she had met while on her book tour had urged her to speak out against the Iraq War.
A journalist with three decades of experience, and the author of a dozen travel-inspired books, Winchester's initial proposal to write a book about an obscure lexicographer met with rejection.
Adams ' editor Sonny Mehta moved in with the author to ensure that the book met its ( extended ) deadline.
" The impact attributed to the book is great, reinforced by a story that when Abraham Lincoln met Stowe at the start of the Civil War, Lincoln declared, " So this is the little lady who started this great war.

book and with
He took out a small packet filled with bits of charcoal, a deep pot of thin metal, some sheets of newspaper, a book of matches and a wrinkled and many-times folded piece of tin foil with holes in it.
The book concerned with the Negro's role in an urban society is rare indeed ; ;
In the last pages of the book Sibylla comes to Rome to seek an audience with the great Pope and to give her confession.
Perhaps Mrs. Meynell would do me the undeserved kindness to keep my own copy of the first edition of my first book, with all its mementos of her and the dear ones.
I must have written to say how much I had enjoyed his fine book The Building Of Eternal Rome, and I found he had not regretted giving me the highest mark in his old course on the later Latin poets, although in my final examination I had ignored the questions and filled the bluebook with a comparison of Propertius and Coleridge.
Since the great flood of these dystopias has appeared only in the last twelve years, it seems fairly reasonable to assume that the chief impetus was the 1949 publication of Nineteen Eighty-Four, an assumption which is supported by the frequent echoes of such details as Room 101, along with education by conditioning from Brave New World, a book to which science-fiction writers may well have returned with new interest after reading the more powerful Orwell dystopia.
and has then gone on to argue, with unimpeachable consistency, that all the obviously non-propagandistic aspects of the book are simply inadvertent `` contradictions ''.
Patchen does read some of his earlier works to music, but he has written an entire book of short poems which seem to be especially suited for reading with jazz.
In his recent book, Hurray For Anything ( 1957 ), one of the most important short poems -- and it is the title poem for one of the long jazz arrangements -- is written for recital with jazz.
The other children in the class use this same coloring book and do a fairly good job with things their proper color.
Lucius Beebe's book, `` Mr. Pullman's Elegant Palace Car '', fills us with nostalgia, recalling days when private cars and Pullmans were extra wonderful, with fine woodwork, craftsmanship in construction, deep carpets and durable upholstery.
Whether in his forthcoming book C. P. Snow commits the errors of judgment and of fact with which your heavily autobiographical critic charged him is important.
But I have compared its text with already published commentaries on the 1960 series of Godkin lectures at Harvard, from which the book was derived, and I can with confidence challenge the gist of C. P. Snow's incautious tale ''.
It must have been with some pleasure and relief that on September 12, 1848, Joseph Brown made the momentous entry in his job book, in his characteristically cryptic style, `` Lucian Sharpe came to work for me this day as an apprentice ''.
Vernon kept an account book with a list of all the establishments that he thought worthy of patronage.
This brief resume hardly does the book justice, but I heartily recommend it to all those who are engages with the major problems of our time.
Since this book is concerned only incidentally with railroad rates, it will not attempt to analyze the methods by which the staff of the Interstate Commerce Commission has estimated out-of-pocket costs and apportioned residue costs.
And the evidence that he does, indeed, stand there derives quite simply from the vigorous interest with which rather casual readers have responded to that book for the past century or so.
He is by no means the country boy he might have been in the last century, down from the hills with bear grease on his hair and a zeal for book learning in his heart.
In some parts of the country, however, a co-operative movement has begun to grow, under the wing of state governments, whereby, with the financial help of the state, libraries share their book resources on a county-wide or regional basis.
It is connected by teletype with the State Library in Albany, which will supply any book to a system that the system itself cannot provide.

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