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book and was
He was the lawman who survived more gunfights than any other famous gun-slinging character in the book.
Time's editor, Thomas Griffith, in his book, The Waist-High Culture, wrote: `` most of what was different about it ( the Deep South ) I found myself unsympathetic to.
Lubell offers his book as an explanation of why there was no clue.
While convalescing in his Virginia home he wrote a book recording his prison experiences and escape, entitled: They Shall Not Have Me Published originally in ( Helion's ) English by Dutton & Co. of New York, in 1943, the book was received by the press as a work of astonishing literary power and one of the most realistic accounts of World War 2, from the French side.
`` My mother read a book right after I was born and there was a Lilian in the book she loved and I became Lilian -- and eventually I became Paula ''.
Steele apparently professed his sentiments in this book too openly and honestly for his own good, since the government was soon to use it as evidence against him in his trial before the House.
His nationalism was not a new characteristic, but its self-consciousness, even its self-satisfaction, is more obvious in a book that stretches over the long reach of English history.
If, as Reid says, `` nearly all his poetry was produced when he was not taking opium '', there may be some reason to doubt that he was under its influence in the period from 1896 to 1900 when he was writing the poems to Katie King and making plans for another book of verse.
Victor's book on John Lloyd Stephens was largely written in my study in the house at Weston.
I had had my name taken out of the telephone book, and this was partly because of a convict who had been discharged from Sing Sing and who called me night after night.
Later, rising ninety, he was beset by publishers for the story of his life and miracles, as he put it, but, calling himself the Needy Knife-grinder, he had spent his time writing short articles and long letters and could not get even a small popular book done.
Both Alfred Harcourt and Donald Brace had written him enthusiastic praise of Elmer Gantry ( any changes could be made in proof, which was already coming from the printer ) and they had ordered 140,000 copies -- the largest first printing of any book in history.
He was outraged by the book and announced that he had discovered fifty technical errors in its account of church practices.
But his rancor did not cease, and presently, on March 13, when he preached a sermon on the text, `` And Ben-hadad Was Drunk '', he told his congregation how disappointed he was in Mr. Lewis, how he regretted having had him in his house, and how he should have been warned by the fact that the novelist was drunk all the time that he was working on the book.
Since the great flood of these dystopias has appeared only in the last twelve years, it seems fairly reasonable to assume that the chief impetus was the 1949 publication of Nineteen Eighty-Four, an assumption which is supported by the frequent echoes of such details as Room 101, along with education by conditioning from Brave New World, a book to which science-fiction writers may well have returned with new interest after reading the more powerful Orwell dystopia.
Even so apparently impartial a critic as W. H. Frohock has taken for granted that the book was originally intended as a piece of Loyalist propaganda ; ;

book and later
These narratives of coarse action and crude language appeared first in local newspapers, as a rule, and later found their way between book covers, though rarely into the planters' libraries beside the morocco-bound volumes of Horace, Mr. Addison, Mr. Pope, and Sir Walter Scott.
I must have written to say how much I had enjoyed his fine book The Building Of Eternal Rome, and I found he had not regretted giving me the highest mark in his old course on the later Latin poets, although in my final examination I had ignored the questions and filled the bluebook with a comparison of Propertius and Coleridge.
In 730, while still living in Damascus, Alhazred supposedly wrote a book of ultimate evil in Arabic, al-Azif, which would later become known as the Necronomicon.
The character of Jane Marple in the first Miss Marple book, The Murder at the Vicarage, is markedly different from how she appears in later books.
An exception to this general tendency is his Latin treatise " De falconibus " ( later inserted in the larger work, De Animalibus, as book 23, chapter 40 ), in which he displays impressive actual knowledge of a ) the differences between the birds of prey and the other kinds of birds ; b ) the different kinds of falcons ; c ) the way of preparing them for the hunt ; and d ) the cures for sick and wounded falcons.
There is scarcely anything to be said for the possibility of Ambrose having written the book before he became a bishop, and added to it in later years, incorporating remarks of Hilary of Poitiers on Romans.
He is killed later in the book after being shot point-blank in the stomach with a flare gun.
A big eater with a grudge against the former postman-turned corporal Himmelstoß ( thanks to his strict ' disciplinary actions '), he manages to forgive Himmelstoß later in the book.
They were furthered by American Spectator writer David Brock in his 1993 book The Real Anita Hill, though he later recanted the claims he had made, described his book as " character assassination ", and apologized to Hill.
The book was translated into English and caused controversy in the United States, and Morita later had has chapters removed from the English version and distanced himself from the book.
" The Four Books on Measurement " were published at Nuremberg in 1525 and was the first book for adults on mathematics in German, as well as being cited later by Galileo and Kepler.
( This fable-like story was collected into an educational comic book called Mammy Yokum and the Great Dogpatch Mystery !, and distributed by the Anti-Defamation League of B ' nai B ' rith later that year.
) Two years later, Capp's studio issued Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story, a 1958 biographical comic book distributed by The Fellowship of Reconciliation.
However, Frazetta returned briefly a few years later to draw a public service comic book called Li ' l Abner and the Creatures from Drop-Outer Space, distributed by the Job Corps in 1965.
It was Laura Clifford Barney who, by asking questions of ` Abdu ' l-Bahá over many years and many visits to Haifa, compiled what later became the book Some Answered Questions.
These statements were later collected into the book of Sayings of the Desert Fathers.
A few years later, Ann Watts published a book in which she argued against the imperfect application of traditional, Homeric, oral-formulaic theory to Anglo-Saxon poetry.
He later collected a number of these into book form, " 101 BASIC Computer Games ", which was first published in 1973.
Olson later helped edit The Real Anita Hill, a book by David Brock that savaged Hill and portrayed the harassment claim as a political dirty trick ( Brock later recanted his claims and apologized to Hill ).
In other words, scholars have theorized that these books were originally composed as one book by a single author, but later were split apart.
Almost all scholars agree that the book of Joshua holds little historical value for early Israel and most likely reflects a much later period.
This idea was already rejected as untenable by John Calvin ( 1509 – 1564 ), and by the time of Thomas Hobbes ( 1588 – 1679 ) it was recognised that the book must have been written much later than the period it depicted.

book and translated
This book, which established his reputation, was first translated into English by William Montgomery and published in 1910 as The Quest of the Historical Jesus.
This book has been translated into English by Parwiz Mowewedge.
Apart from the lost Handboc or Encheiridion, which seems to have been a commonplace book kept by the king, the earliest work to be translated was the Dialogues of Gregory the Great, a book greatly popular in the Middle Ages.
The book went through many editions, was reprinted in the United States and translated into German and other languages.
One of the most frequent speculations is that the entire book ( excepting 9: 4-20 ) was originally written in Aramaic, with portions translated into Hebrew, possibly to increase acceptance-many Aramaisms in the Hebrew text find proposed explanation by the hypothesis of an inexact initial translation into Hebrew.
Ezra-Nehemiah, grouped as a single book with the title " Ezra ", was translated into Greek around the middle of the 2nd century BC.
Further developed, and fully translated into English, this Communion service was included, one year later, in 1549, in a full prayer book, set out with daily offices, readings for Sundays and Holy Days, the Communion Service, Public Baptism, of Confirmation, of Matrimony, The Visitation of the Sick, At a Burial and the Ordinal ( added in 1550 ).
this quote from the translated reference of Sakakibara Kozan's 1800 book, The Manufacture of Armour and Helmets in Sixteenth Century Japan, shows that the Japanese not only knew of and used riveted kusari but that they manufactured it as well.
Near the beginning of the first book of the Elements, Euclid gives five postulates ( axioms ) for plane geometry, stated in terms of constructions ( as translated by Thomas Heath ):
The main speaker in the book, identified by the name or title Qoheleth ( usually translated as " teacher " or " preacher "), introduces himself as " son of David, king in Jerusalem.
His book has been translated into English, Italian, Polish and other languages.
The book was a bestseller in Europe, the Middle East and the Americas, and has been translated into 16 languages.
The book went through a vast number of editions and was translated into several languages, an English version, by Henry Lussan, appearing in 1694.
His book Jésus-Christ à la rencontre des religions ( 1989 ) was well received and promptly translated in Italian, English and Spanish.
In 1967, Zuse also suggested that the universe itself is running on a cellular automaton or similar computational structure ( digital physics ); in 1969, he published the book Rechnender Raum ( translated into English as Calculating Space ).
He wrote the book The World as Non-Objectivity, which was published in Munich in 1926 and translated into English in 1959.
A well-known critic of logical positivism was Karl Popper, who published the book Logik der Forschung in 1934 ( translated by himself as The Logic of Scientific Discovery, published 1959 ).
The book was translated into English in 1961.
This book is believed to be the translated writings of Moses, and is included in the Pearl of Great Price.
The companion book to the series ( co-authored by Milton and his wife, Rose Friedman ), also titled Free To Choose, was the bestselling nonfiction book of 1980 and has since been translated into 14 foreign languages.
Max and Moritz is the first published original foreign children ’ s book in Japan which was translated into rōmaji by Shinjirō Shibutani and Kaname Oyaizu in 1887 as (" Naughty stories ").

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