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disease and is
Perhaps the most illuminating example of the reduction of fear through understanding is derived from our increased knowledge of the nature of disease.
In any event, whether society may have cancer, or merely a virus infection, the `` disease '', we shall find, is political, economical, social, and even medical.
If we remove ourselves for a moment from our time and our infatuation with mental disease, isn't there something absurd about a hero in a novel who is defeated by his infantile neurosis??
And when the child dies in Lawrence's story in a delirium that is somehow brought on by his mania to win and to make his mother rich, the manifest absurdity of such a disease and such a death does not enter into our thoughts at all.
The electric gadget is most helpful when there are many crowned teeth and in individuals who are elderly, bedfast with a chronic disease, or are handicapped by disorders such as cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy.
The total adverse impact of disease, insects, fire, weather, destructive animals, and other forces on the uses and values of forest resources is not generally recognized.
In the 10-year period, it is proposed that insect and disease control on the National Forest System be stepped up to a level of prevention, detection, and control of insect and disease infestations that will substantially reduce the occurrence of large infestations toward the end of the initial period.
It is the exploitation of the inherent potential of infectious disease agents by scientific research and development, resulting in the production of BW weapons systems.
Even some of the queens will die before the winter is over, falling prey to enemies or disease.
He is confronted with the recurrent crises, such as great natural catastrophes and the great transitions of life -- marriage, incurable disease, widowhood, old age, the certainty of death.
With meat, milk, butter and ice cream, the calorie-heavy U.S. diet is 40% fat, and most of that is saturated fat -- the insidious kind, says Dr. Keys, that increases blood cholesterol, damages arteries, and leads to coronary disease.
In West Africa, for example, where meat is a luxury and babies must be weaned early to make room at the breast for later arrivals, a childhood menace is kwashiorkor, or `` Red Johnny '', a growth-stunting protein deficiency ( signs: reddish hair, bloated belly ) that kills more than half its victims, leaves the rest prey for parasites and lingering tropical disease.
What concerns him much more is the relationship of diet to the nation's No. 1 killer: coronary artery disease, which accounts for more than half of all heart fatalities and kills 500,000 Americans a year -- twice the toll from all varieties of cancer, five times the deaths from automobile accidents.
" But, " nostalgia is not a fatal disease.
In the Iliad, Apollo is the healer under the gods, but he is also the bringer of disease and death with his arrows, similar to the function of the terrible Vedic god of disease Rudra.
It is part of the field of biomechatronics, the science of using mechanical devices with human muscle, skeleton, and nervous systems to assist or enhance motor control lost by trauma, disease, or defect.
In third grade, Warhol had chorea, the nervous system disease that causes involuntary movements of the extremities, which is believed to be a complication of scarlet fever and causes skin pigmentation blotchiness.
The demyelination of axons is what causes the multitude of neurological symptoms found in the disease Multiple Sclerosis.
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis ( ADEM ) is an immune mediated disease of the brain.

disease and probably
For example, if a person dies at the age of 65 from a disease, and would probably have lived until age 80 without that disease, then that disease has caused a loss of 15 years of potential life.
When he caught an epidemic disease ( probably plague ), he called the monks, strengthened their faith, and appointed his successor.
The plain yellow flag (" Quebec " or Q in international maritime signal flags ), probably derives its letter symbol for its initial use in quarantine, but this flag in modern times indicates the opposite — a ship that declares itself free of quarantinable disease, and requests boarding and routine port inspection.
As doctor Byron Plant explains: " Vaccination is the more commonly used term, which actually consists of a " safe " injection of a sample taken from a cow suffering from cowpox ... Inoculation, a practice probably as old as the disease itself, is the injection of the variola virus taken from a pustule or scab of a smallpox sufferer into the superficial layers of the skin, commonly on the upper arm of the subject.
Different methods for acute treatment of the disease have been shown to not be very successful ; passive immunisation after emergence of symptoms is probably without effect.
Mars had an uncommonly dense atmosphere, but its inhabitants were probably protected from the fever by their newly discovered canals, which were perhaps made to absorb carbon and prevent the disease.
* A fatal disease of cattle, probably rinderpest, spreads through the Italian provinces of Padua, Udine, Treviso, and Vicenza, introduced most likely from Dalmatia or Hungary.
While many parties to the conflict blamed others ( the Indians blamed the French for bringing " bad medicine " as well as denying them prizes at Fort William Henry ), the disease was probably spread through the crowded conditions at William Henry after the battle.
Although some consider that this goes against the hygiene hypothesis, since the noninfected have probably experienced a more hygienic upbringing, others believe that there is no contradiction since it is a first encounter at a later moment with the causative virus that is the trigger for the disease.
The likelihood of the effectiveness of the treatment was found to decrease with increasing duration of the disease, probably because viral suppression does not reverse damage.
Numerous cultivars have been raised, originally for their aesthetic merit but more recently for their resistance to Dutch elm disease The total number of named cultivars is circa 45, at least 18 of which have probably been lost to cultivation as a consequence of Dutch elm disease or other factors:
The Inuit captive, one of the first native North Americans known to have reached Europe, was put on circus-style display in England and became the subject of portraits, including one intended for Frobisher's sponsor, Queen Elizabeth I, before dying — probably of pneumonia or exposure to European disease — only weeks after arriving.
As with most varieties of wheat, however, emmer is probably unsuitable for sufferers from wheat allergies or coeliac disease.
Patients suffering from homocystinuria have Marfan habitus, however, as an autosomal recessive disease it seems to fit better into Akhenaten's family tree-Akhenaten's parents, Amenhotep III and Tiye, were most probably healthy.
The Caddoan people lived in this area, but were driven out, probably by disease, about 1750.
Over 200 years passed and the Mississippian Indian culture disappeared, devastated by disease, but the Indian town named Chicasa which De Soto visited was probably the ancestral home of the Chickasaws who still lived in the area when Anglo-Americans began showing up.
The cause of death was " heart disease, aortic insufficiency, and probably myocarditis.
In 1956, following an excursion near Gloucester with Vaughan Williams, probably as a result of immune suppression caused by Hodgkin's disease, Finzi developed shingles.
In late October 1788, George III descended into a bout of insanity, probably caused by an attack of the hereditary disease porphyria.
He died, probably of disease, in 675.
Joseph had a passion for love affairs ( none of which resulted in illegitimate children ) and he caught a sexually-transmittable disease, probably syphilis, which he passed on to his wife while they were trying to produce a new heir.

disease and streptococcus
Murrain does not refer to any specific disease but was an umbrella term for a number of different diseases, including Rinderpest, erysipelas, foot-and-mouth disease, anthrax, and streptococcus infections.

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