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Page "Charles County, Maryland" ¶ 3
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Some Related Sentences

There and was
There was more to this than Jones had told him.
There was no one but me.
There was a ragged volley.
There was only one place where Jake Carwood's description had gone badly awry: the peace and quiet.
There was brush, and stands of pine that no grass could grow under, and places so steep that cattle wouldn't stop to graze.
There was an artificial lake just out of sight in the first stand of trees, fed by a half dozen springs that popped out of the ground above the hillside orchard.
There was no chance.
There was no moon.
There a dozen giant monitors played their seventy-five-foot jets of water against the huge seam of tertiary gravel which was the mountainside.
There was only one place where the mountain might receive her -- that unnamed, unnameable pool harbored in its secret bosom.
There was a peculiar density about it, a thick substance that could be sensed but never identified, never actually perceived.
There was some idle talk, a listless discussion of this or that small happening during the day's drive.
There was to be no gunplay.
There was a light in Black's front room, but drawn curtains prevented any view of the interior.
There was no lock on the door, only an iron hook which he unfastened.
There was raw fury in his eyes, and the veins of his neck were swollen.
There was a feeling that this mission would be canceled like all the others and that this muddy wet dark world of combat would go on forever.
There was not enough room to make the usual vertical bomb run.
There was, of course, no way for the other planes to get by them.
There was no time to pick out a penny ; ;
There was a blur just under my focus of vision, a crash ; ;
There had been a good second or two during which my muffler had been blowing out, and now I was certain I'd seen her somewhere before.
There was something about the contour of her face, her smile that was like New Orleans sunshine, the way she held her head, the way she walked -- there was scarcely anything she did which did not fascinate me.

There and earlier
There is only one Hardy style, but in the earlier poems that style is only intermittently evident, and when it is not, the style is the style of another poet, or of the fashion of the time.
There are many such competently anonymous performances among the earlier poems.
There, he accidentally encounters the old scholar he assaulted earlier in the book, who, keen on revenge, beats up Alex with the help of his friends.
There was however a mechanism for prosecuting the witnesses of a successful prosecutor, which it appears could lead to the undoing of the earlier verdict.
There are no definite earlier bows ; previous pointed shafts are known, but may have been launched by spear-throwers rather than bows.
There is no earlier use of the term and Adjacium is not an attested Latin word, which probably means that it is a Latinization of a word in some other language.
' There were earlier drafts where part three still took place there, but we thought, ' Well, we all know that cabin, it's time to move on.
There have been repeated findings that between a third and a half of adults diagnosed with bipolar disorder report traumatic / abusive experiences in childhood, which is associated on average with earlier onset, a worse course, and more co-occurring disorders such as PTSD.
In 1938, the U. S. Supreme Court in Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins 304 U. S. 64, 78 ( 1938 ), overruled earlier precedent, and held " There is no federal general common law ," thus confining the federal courts to act only as interpreters of law originating elsewhere.
There is some information that suggests he was a seaman's apprentice on a pirate ship much earlier than his own more famous seagoing exploits.
There is, however, an earlier Eleanor on record: Eleanor of Normandy, William the Conqueror's aunt, who lived a century earlier than Eleanor of Aquitaine.
There is a persistent, but unsupported, tale that he repudiated his earlier works, including the Decameron, in 1362, as profane.
There is no real evidence to support claims that the religion originates earlier than the mid-20th century.
There have also been two independent productions of Bond films, Casino Royale, a 1967 spoof, and Never Say Never Again, a 1983 remake of an earlier Eon-produced film, Thunderball.
There are claims of earlier discoveries: some historians believe an Irish monk, Brendan, who was known as a good sailor, was close to Jan Mayen in the early sixth century.
Nasrallah also reiterated his earlier calls for the destruction of Israel saying " To this enemy we say again: There is no place for you here and there is no life for you among us.
The character and themes from the comic strip Little Nemo were used in a song " Scenes from a Night's Dream " written by Phil Collins and Tony Banks of the progressive rock group Genesis on their 1978 recording, ... And Then There Were Three ... Another progressive rock group, from Germany, called Scara Brae also recorded a musical impression of the comic on their rare self titled disc from 1981 ( the track was actually recorded 2 years earlier ).
There is some dispute over priority of various ideas: Newton's Principia is certainly the seminal work and has been tremendously influential, and the systematic mathematics therein did not and could not have been stated earlier because calculus had not been developed.
There is some contention about this passage, since an earlier incorrect translation of Yam Suph to Red Sea was later found to have meant Reed Sea.
There are many similarities-both in overall functionality and in the division of functionality into the three component chips-between the OCS chipset and the much earlier and simpler chipset of the Atari 8-bit family of home computers, consisting of the ANTIC, GTIA and POKEY chips ; both chipsets were conceptually designed by Jay Miner, which explains the similarity.
There were some significant internal differences between the earlier KL10 Model A processors, used in the earlier DECsystem-10's running on KL10 processors, and the later KL10 Model Bs, used for the DECSYSTEM-20s.
There is some conjecture that he was a martyr in Rome, a conjecture that entered earlier editions of the Breviary.
There are several proposed mechanisms for the extinctions ; the earlier phase was likely due to gradual environmental change, while the latter phase has been argued to be due to a catastrophic event.

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