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Page "PC-FX" ¶ 9
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Some Related Sentences

There and was
There was more to this than Jones had told him.
There was no one but me.
There was a ragged volley.
There was only one place where Jake Carwood's description had gone badly awry: the peace and quiet.
There was brush, and stands of pine that no grass could grow under, and places so steep that cattle wouldn't stop to graze.
There was an artificial lake just out of sight in the first stand of trees, fed by a half dozen springs that popped out of the ground above the hillside orchard.
There was no chance.
There was no moon.
There a dozen giant monitors played their seventy-five-foot jets of water against the huge seam of tertiary gravel which was the mountainside.
There was only one place where the mountain might receive her -- that unnamed, unnameable pool harbored in its secret bosom.
There was a peculiar density about it, a thick substance that could be sensed but never identified, never actually perceived.
There was some idle talk, a listless discussion of this or that small happening during the day's drive.
There was to be no gunplay.
There was a light in Black's front room, but drawn curtains prevented any view of the interior.
There was no lock on the door, only an iron hook which he unfastened.
There was raw fury in his eyes, and the veins of his neck were swollen.
There was a feeling that this mission would be canceled like all the others and that this muddy wet dark world of combat would go on forever.
There was not enough room to make the usual vertical bomb run.
There was, of course, no way for the other planes to get by them.
There was no time to pick out a penny ; ;
There was a blur just under my focus of vision, a crash ; ;
There had been a good second or two during which my muffler had been blowing out, and now I was certain I'd seen her somewhere before.
There was something about the contour of her face, her smile that was like New Orleans sunshine, the way she held her head, the way she walked -- there was scarcely anything she did which did not fascinate me.

There and no
There had been no sign of a rifleman and no track or trace to show that anyone had been near.
There were no tracks of either hoofs or boots.
There were no less than six or seven saloons in Ganado, not counting the lower class dives, all vying for the trade of celebrating miners and teamsters.
There was no valley like this on your map.
There was no real sign of the river now, just a roiling, oily ribbon of liquid movement through muddy waters that reached everywhere.
There was no doubt that Herr Schaffner meant every word of what he said.
There was no reply so he shoved it open with his foot and stepped inside.
There is no room for error or waste.
There are almost no fictional treatments of the industrialized south ''.
There is no more `` plot '' than that ; ;
There is no justification for such misrepresentation.
There is no socially existential answer to the question.
There is no selectivity ; ;
There is no necessity, I suppose, to assert that Mr. Faulkner is Southern.
There is another kind of ardor, a quiet, sure devotion to the fundamental decencies of human life, but no angry utopian contentions.
There were no reasons for such suppositions then.

There and copy
There can only be one copy of the F-plasmid in a given bacterium, either free or integrated, and bacteria that possess a copy are called F-positive or F-plus ( denoted F < sup >+</ sup >).
There are some problems with Coleridge's account, especially the claim to have a copy of Purchas with him.
There was also a Site License version, which contained several multiplayer levels, and allowed the game to be played in multiplayer mode in up to 11 different computers in a single network, without each requiring a different copy of the game.
There is evidence that some authors were recognised by the Company itself to have the right to copy and the right to alter their works ; these authors were uniformly the writers of uneconomical books who were underwriting their publication.
There is a hole burnt in the middle of the relevant page in Perne's own copy of Foxe.
There are no programs to specifically defragment a ReiserFS file system, although tools have been written to automatically copy the contents of fragmented files hoping that more contiguous blocks of free space can be found.
There is no exact copy.
* There is also a copy of the Doctor created when Donna touched the spare hand.
There is also a hard copy and need for systematic coverage.
There sometimes exists two Books of Shadows kept by some traditional Wiccans, one being a book of core rituals and practises which remains unchanged and from which new initiates copy, and the second being a coven book, intended for ritual use, which differs from group to group and may contain much added material ( such as astrology, herbal lore, and information regarding divination ), and such material is often traded between covens.
There is a copy of Raphael's The School of Athens over 4 metres by 8 metres in size, dated 1755 by Anton Raphael Mengs on display in the eastern Cast Court.
There is a copy of the famous Little Mermaid statue from Copenhagen, as well as one featuring the bust of famed Danish fable writer Hans Christian Andersen.
There is also a copy of the Liberty Bell and a marble memorial to Telfair County residents who died in service.
" There is an autobiographical element reflected in the Master's character here, as Bulgakov in fact burned an early copy of The Master and Margarita for much the same reasons.
There also is an extant copy of his passport that gives his birth year as 1883.
In 1655 Monck received a letter from the future Charles II, a copy of which he at once sent to the Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell, who is said to have written to Monck in 1657: " There be that tell me that there is a certain cunning fellow in Scotland called George Monck, who is said to lye in wait there to introduce Charles Stuart ; I pray you, use your diligence to apprehend him, and send him up to me.
" There were no minutes or copy of what I said, and it may be that I formulated it differently.
There is a life-sized copy of Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper on the church's northern wall.
There are also some non-musical conceptual releases, including This Is Shaking Box Music part 2, which is a destroyed cassette copy of the Mother Fellatio EP.
There is ongoing work to evaluate biomorphic techniques that copy natural systems because they seem to have an incredible performance advantage over traditional techniques.
There is also the tool of software blacklisting that is used to enhance certain copy protection schemes.
There is no automatic way to copy any given object in Java.
There exists also the copy of the score made by a copyist, where the words Intitulata Bonaparte (' dedicated to Bonaparte ') are scratched out, but four lines below that were later added in pencil the words Geschriben auf Bonaparte (' written in honor of Bonaparte ').

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