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They and are
They are preoccupied riding herd on control panels, switches, flashing colored lights on pale green or gray consoles that look like business machines.
They are supplied, a batch at a time, by a secret source and are continually changed by Wisman or his staff, at random intervals.
They are mere fragments, just one portion of preprepared messages.
They are huge areas which have been swept by winds for so many centuries that there is no soil left, but only deep bare ridges fifty or sixty yards apart with ravines between them thirty or forty feet deep and the only thing that moves is a scuttling layer of sand.
They recognized that slavery was a moral issue and not merely an economic interest, and that to recognize it explicitly in their Constitution would be in explosive contradiction to the concept of sovereignty they had set forth in the Declaration of 1776 that `` all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
They are in general those fears that once seemed to have been amenable to prayer or ritual.
They are non-conformists on principle.
They are full of contempt for the institution of matrimony.
They feel they are leagued against a hostile, persecutory world, faced with the concerted malevolent opposition of squares and their hirelings, the police.
They for their part are convinced that Holmes is too `` unorthodox '' and `` theoretical '' to make a good detective.
They are presumed to have plunged to a common grave in this fatal embrace.
They are determined to prove something.
They tell us, sir, that we are free, because we have in one hand a ballot, and in the other a stock certificate.
They are very small, and in the form of haystacks, without either chimney or windows.
They are situated in the midst of trees, which hang over them, and appear truly romantick.
On December 21, the day that the Irish House of Commons petitioned for removal of Sir Constantine Phipps, their Tory Lord Chancellor, Molesworth reportedly made this remark on the defense of Phipps by Convocation: `` They that have turned the world upside down, are come hither also ''.
Defoe then commented, `` If they Could Draw that young Gentleman into Their Measures They would show themselves quickly, for they are not asham'd to Say They want only a head to Make a beginning ''.
They emerged as interchangeable cogs in a faulty but formidable machine: shaved nearly naked, hair queued, greatcoated, jackbooted, and best of all -- in the opinion of the British professional, Major Semple-Lisle -- `` their minds are not estranged from the paths of obedience by those smatterings of knowledge which only serve to lead to insubordination and mutiny ''.
They are longing to see you ''.
They are not true because scientists or prophets say they are true.

They and only
They were west of the Sabine, but only God knew where.
They were engulfed by the weird silence, broken only by the low, angry murmur of the river.
They squatted on their heels with their heads bent far forward, their eyes only a few inches from the ground.
They arise in situations in which one believes that what happens depends not only on the external world, but also on the precise pattern of behavior of the individual or group.
They move only in accordance with what is in their natures.
They explained that they desired only to stop in India until a ship traveling on to Burma could be found.
They were aware that soldiers went to town, in more ways than one, because of the monotony of camp life, to find the only release available in the absence of movies, reading rooms, and playing fields with adequate athletic equipment.
They stopped expecting her to die the next minute, but only in the next day or two.
They caused my love for Jessica to become warmer and at the same time more hopeless, as if my adolescent self knew that only torment would ever bring me the courage to ask to see her again.
They may be claimed only by itemizing them on page 2 of Form 1040.
They serve not only as spokesmen for their areas, but they also contribute to top-level decision making.
They involve only simple mathematics that are taught in grammar school arithmetic classes.
They gathered roots, bulbs, odd ferns, leaves, and bits of resin from the rare Santa Lucia fir, which exists only on a forty-five mile strip on the westerly side of these mountains.
They were pushed gently into the room by Arlene -- whose only part appearing were hands that crept quickly back around to the kitchen side of the door.
They initiate campaigns, so to speak, even if this initiation is diffused among them, and their concerted action only psychologically organized.
They are in themselves neutral, and, so far as they get a moral quality, they get it only through being invested with it by the attitude of the onlooker.
They had traveled only a short distance when they spotted five Mexicans riding along a horse-trail across the stream just ahead of them.
They are the only poems that he rearranged as a group between their first appearance ( in Satires Of Circumstance ) and the publication of the Collected Poems.
They got it over the side and clambered aboard only a few minutes before their schooner went under.
They discovered that, although 42 per cent of a sample of Catholic students and 15 per cent of the Protestants believed it important to live in accordance with the teachings of their religion, only 8 per cent of the Jewish students had this conviction.

They and paid
They weren't as well paid as they should have been.
They would still be paid by the patient.
They also had the superintendence of all the other revenues of the state, the vectigalia, such as the tithes paid for the public lands, the salt works, the mines, the customs, etc.
They were imprisoned for 11 months until they paid the fine.
Various Soviet directors were more concerned with artistic success than with economical success ( They were paid by the academy, and so money was not a critical issue ).
They formed alliances for defense and paid tribute to Denkyira one of the more powerful Akan states at that time along with Adansi and Akwamu.
They are usually expressed as an annual percentage, but calculated and paid monthly or quarterly.
" They wouldn't even consider getting out of bed for the $ 13m (£ 8m ) Goldman Sachs ' boss Lloyd Blankfein was paid last year ," writes Richard Anderson, a BBC Business reporter.
They paid the Choctaw $ 530, 000 for the westernmost part of Choctaw land.
They returned shortly afterwards and paid $ 1842. 25 total in cash.
They all had their own governor who had to make sure everyone paid their taxes.
They were constantly pressured by Songhai to the west and Kanem-Borno to the east, to which they paid tribute.
They point out that Denisoff had paid little attention to the song tunes of protest music, considered them strictly subordinate to the texts, a means to the message.
They are paid to connect themselves to things that can be directly related to their roles ; sport shoes, tennis rackets, golf balls, or completely irrelevant things like soft drinks, popcorn poppers and panty hose.
They, excluding the primus pilus, were paid 30 times the base wage.
They acted as seconds to the Optios and were paid one and a half times the basic wage.
They were also involved in providing custom ELINT equipment to the Imperial Iranian Air Force as part of Project Ibex and paid bribes to the Shah of Iran in order to secure contracts there.
They were identical to the released shareware packs, except that a shareware company back then named Lasersoft paid Apogee to design 6 exclusive levels for their shareware release of the game.
They reasoned that the equilibrium value of commodities approximated to prices charged by the producer when those commodities were in elastic supply, and that these producer prices corresponded to the embodied labour – the cost of the labour ( essentially the wages paid ) that was required to produce the commodities.
" They signed the contract with Bryanston and after the investors recouped their money ( with interest )— and after Skaaren, the lawyers, and the accountants were paidonly $ 8, 100 was left to be divided among the 20 cast and crew members.
They offered hospitality to other Trojan refugees, including Aeneas, who paid a visit there during his wanderings.
They derived their income from taxes, fines and interest paid by the villagers.
They often paid tribute to the music of earlier masters, such as J. S.
They are often supported by a small secretariat from the parent department and any expenditure is paid for by that department.
They have to be paid " During the congressional debate on impeachment, some believed that impeachment required a criminally indictable offense.

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