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book and was
He was the lawman who survived more gunfights than any other famous gun-slinging character in the book.
Time's editor, Thomas Griffith, in his book, The Waist-High Culture, wrote: `` most of what was different about it ( the Deep South ) I found myself unsympathetic to.
Lubell offers his book as an explanation of why there was no clue.
While convalescing in his Virginia home he wrote a book recording his prison experiences and escape, entitled: They Shall Not Have Me Published originally in ( Helion's ) English by Dutton & Co. of New York, in 1943, the book was received by the press as a work of astonishing literary power and one of the most realistic accounts of World War 2, from the French side.
`` My mother read a book right after I was born and there was a Lilian in the book she loved and I became Lilian -- and eventually I became Paula ''.
Steele apparently professed his sentiments in this book too openly and honestly for his own good, since the government was soon to use it as evidence against him in his trial before the House.
His nationalism was not a new characteristic, but its self-consciousness, even its self-satisfaction, is more obvious in a book that stretches over the long reach of English history.
If, as Reid says, `` nearly all his poetry was produced when he was not taking opium '', there may be some reason to doubt that he was under its influence in the period from 1896 to 1900 when he was writing the poems to Katie King and making plans for another book of verse.
Victor's book on John Lloyd Stephens was largely written in my study in the house at Weston.
I had had my name taken out of the telephone book, and this was partly because of a convict who had been discharged from Sing Sing and who called me night after night.
Later, rising ninety, he was beset by publishers for the story of his life and miracles, as he put it, but, calling himself the Needy Knife-grinder, he had spent his time writing short articles and long letters and could not get even a small popular book done.
Both Alfred Harcourt and Donald Brace had written him enthusiastic praise of Elmer Gantry ( any changes could be made in proof, which was already coming from the printer ) and they had ordered 140,000 copies -- the largest first printing of any book in history.
He was outraged by the book and announced that he had discovered fifty technical errors in its account of church practices.
But his rancor did not cease, and presently, on March 13, when he preached a sermon on the text, `` And Ben-hadad Was Drunk '', he told his congregation how disappointed he was in Mr. Lewis, how he regretted having had him in his house, and how he should have been warned by the fact that the novelist was drunk all the time that he was working on the book.
Since the great flood of these dystopias has appeared only in the last twelve years, it seems fairly reasonable to assume that the chief impetus was the 1949 publication of Nineteen Eighty-Four, an assumption which is supported by the frequent echoes of such details as Room 101, along with education by conditioning from Brave New World, a book to which science-fiction writers may well have returned with new interest after reading the more powerful Orwell dystopia.
Even so apparently impartial a critic as W. H. Frohock has taken for granted that the book was originally intended as a piece of Loyalist propaganda ; ;

book and edited
A book of Lerner's lyrics entitled A Hymn To Him, edited by British writer Benny Green, was published in 1987.
The book of Jeremiah was edited and influenced by the Deuteronomists, or the writers of the book of Deuteronomy, who advanced religious reform.
The English Biblical scholar Robert Henry Charles ( 1855 – 1931 ) reasoned on internal textual grounds that the book was edited by someone who spoke no Hebrew and who wished to promote a different theology from John's.
In response, one month later, the Soviet Union published Falsifiers of History, a Stalin edited and partially re-written book attacking the West.
The book publisher Berkley in 1977 issued three volumes using the earliest published form of the texts from Weird Tales, but these failed to displace the edited versions.
Starting in the 1990s a new wave of books started to appear on critical psychology, the most influential being the edited book Critical Psychology by Dennis Fox and Isaac Prilleltensky.
This includes three of Engelbart's key papers, edited into book form by Yuri Rubinsky and Christina Engelbart to commemorate the presentation of the 1995 SoftQuad Web Award to Doug Engelbart at the World Wide Web conference in Boston in December 1995.
A director's cut is a specially edited version of a film, and less often TV series, music video, commercials, comic book or video games, that is supposed to represent the director's own approved edit.
In 2011, Italian Disney fan forum papersera. net published Don Rosa: A Little Something Special ( edited by Italian Rosa fan Paolo Castagno ), a large folio format, bilingual ( Italian and English ) book about Rosa's life and work, containing interviews with Rosa and articles by many Italian and European Disney artists, Disney scholars, and established art critics commenting on Rosa's work and career, also including many exclusive, rare Rosa drawings and illustrations.
Bourland and Johnston edited a third book E-Prime III: a third anthology: 1997, Concord, California: International Society for General Semantics.
A book edited by Allan Hunt Badiner called Dharma Gaia explores the ground where Buddhism and ecology meet through writings by the Dalai Lama, Gary Snyder, Thich Nhat Hanh, Allen Ginsberg, Joanna Macy, Robert Aitken, and 25 other Buddhists and ecologists.
He had intended it to be an unedited record of everything he did as it happened, but he edited the book five times before publication.
Deciding to author a book on the subject, he wrote Keris and Other Malay Weapons, being encouraged to do so by anthropologist friends ; it would subsequently edited into a readable form by Betty Lumsden Milne and published by the Singapore-based Progressive Publishing Company in 1936.
In addition to his works directly addressing problem solving, Pólya wrote another short book called Mathematical Methods in Science, based on a 1963 work supported by the National Science Foundation, edited by Leon Bowden, and published by the Mathematical Association of America ( MAA ) in 1977.
I happen to feel that the book would have been infinitely better had it been edited down to say, 500 pages, but there speaks the harassed daily reviewer as well as the would-be judicious critic.
In 1948, Stalin personally edited and rewrote by hand sections of the cold war book Falsifiers of History.
A book and a CD edited by Foday Musa Suso, produced by Bill Laswell.
" Music Hound, The Essential Album Guide ," a book published in 1999 and edited by Gary Graff and Daniel Durchholz, gave " Forever Changes " a 4. 5 ( out of 5 ) rating.
In addition, " Forever Changes " was included in " 100 Albums That Changed Music ," a book edited by Sean Egan that was published in 2006.
Mark Achbar edited a companion book of the same name.
See the book Margaret Thatcher's Revolution: How it Happened and What it Meant, edited by Subroto Roy & John Clarke, Continuum 2005.
The canonical work in the field is the NIST publication edited by Abramowitz and Stegun, a 1000-plus page book of a very large number of commonly used formulas and functions and their values at many points.
In 1956, he edited an important book on the subject, La grève de l ' amiante, which argued that the strike was a seminal event in Quebec's history, marking the beginning of resistance to the conservative, Francophone clerical establishment and Anglophone business class that had long ruled the province.
The bulk of the passage, with the exception of the portions in italics, is excerpted ( with chance errors ) from a translation of chapter 61 of Benedict's Rule found in the book Select historical documents of the Middle Ages ( 1892 ), translated and edited by Ernest Flagg Henderson, and reprinted in 1907 in The Library of Original Sources, Vol.

book and with
He took out a small packet filled with bits of charcoal, a deep pot of thin metal, some sheets of newspaper, a book of matches and a wrinkled and many-times folded piece of tin foil with holes in it.
The book concerned with the Negro's role in an urban society is rare indeed ; ;
In the last pages of the book Sibylla comes to Rome to seek an audience with the great Pope and to give her confession.
Perhaps Mrs. Meynell would do me the undeserved kindness to keep my own copy of the first edition of my first book, with all its mementos of her and the dear ones.
I must have written to say how much I had enjoyed his fine book The Building Of Eternal Rome, and I found he had not regretted giving me the highest mark in his old course on the later Latin poets, although in my final examination I had ignored the questions and filled the bluebook with a comparison of Propertius and Coleridge.
and has then gone on to argue, with unimpeachable consistency, that all the obviously non-propagandistic aspects of the book are simply inadvertent `` contradictions ''.
Patchen does read some of his earlier works to music, but he has written an entire book of short poems which seem to be especially suited for reading with jazz.
In his recent book, Hurray For Anything ( 1957 ), one of the most important short poems -- and it is the title poem for one of the long jazz arrangements -- is written for recital with jazz.
The other children in the class use this same coloring book and do a fairly good job with things their proper color.
Lucius Beebe's book, `` Mr. Pullman's Elegant Palace Car '', fills us with nostalgia, recalling days when private cars and Pullmans were extra wonderful, with fine woodwork, craftsmanship in construction, deep carpets and durable upholstery.
Whether in his forthcoming book C. P. Snow commits the errors of judgment and of fact with which your heavily autobiographical critic charged him is important.
But I have compared its text with already published commentaries on the 1960 series of Godkin lectures at Harvard, from which the book was derived, and I can with confidence challenge the gist of C. P. Snow's incautious tale ''.
It must have been with some pleasure and relief that on September 12, 1848, Joseph Brown made the momentous entry in his job book, in his characteristically cryptic style, `` Lucian Sharpe came to work for me this day as an apprentice ''.
Vernon kept an account book with a list of all the establishments that he thought worthy of patronage.
This brief resume hardly does the book justice, but I heartily recommend it to all those who are engages with the major problems of our time.
Since this book is concerned only incidentally with railroad rates, it will not attempt to analyze the methods by which the staff of the Interstate Commerce Commission has estimated out-of-pocket costs and apportioned residue costs.
And the evidence that he does, indeed, stand there derives quite simply from the vigorous interest with which rather casual readers have responded to that book for the past century or so.
He is by no means the country boy he might have been in the last century, down from the hills with bear grease on his hair and a zeal for book learning in his heart.
In some parts of the country, however, a co-operative movement has begun to grow, under the wing of state governments, whereby, with the financial help of the state, libraries share their book resources on a county-wide or regional basis.
It is connected by teletype with the State Library in Albany, which will supply any book to a system that the system itself cannot provide.

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