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Page "Battle of Blenheim" ¶ 8
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force and was
It was partially cemented by ages and pressure, yet it crumpled before the onslaught of the powerful streams, the force of a thousand fire hoses, and with the gold it held washed down through the long sluices.
This new force, love of country, super-imposed upon -- if not displacing -- affectionate ties to one's own state, was epitomized by Washington.
The actual impelling force which severed me from evangelical effort was of another sort.
Although the fort was evacuated in the face of the force of Cornwallis, Morgan and his men did have a chance to take another swing at the redcoats.
One example of this was his assertion that `` all servile revolts must be dealt with by physical force ''.
After all, it goes back to the days in which sedition was not un-American, the days in which the Sons of St. Tammany conspired to overthrow the government by force and violence -- the British government, that is.
One effect of the spirited give-and-take of these discussions was to focus attention on practical applications and the necessity of being armed with the facts: knowledge of the destructive force of even the tiniest `` tactical '' atomic weapon would have a bearing on judgments as to the advisability of its use -- to defend Berlin, for example ; ;
With shout and slow dance, with tears and song, with scream and contortion, the corner group was beset by hysteria and shivering, wailing, shouting, possession of something that seemed like an alien and outside force.
But perhaps this was a part of the eternal plan, that man's ambition when linked with God would be a driving, indefatigable force for good in the world.
Considering the high cost of the F-108 system -- over $4 billion for the force that had been planned -- and the time period in which it would become operational, it was decided to stop further work on the project.
Sir Henry Sumner Maine, a hundred years before Communism was a force to be reckoned with, wrote his brilliant legal generalization, that `` the progress of society is from status to contract ''.
A major consideration in the choice of the Warwick site, four miles from Cranston, was the fact that it permits retention of our present trained and highly skilled work force.
The `` Essex Journal '' says that he `` delivered an oration on the bridge, which for elegance of style, propriety of speech or force of argument, was truly Ciceronian ''.
Prokofieff was able to adjust his creative personality to a swiftly changing world without losing his particular force and direction.
Starting in great force late in December, from a line stretching from East Prussia to Budapest, the Red armies had swept two hundred miles across Poland to the Oder, thirty miles from Berlin, and the Upper Danube region was being rapidly overrun, while the Western Allies had not yet occupied all of the left bank of the Rhine.
The European customs on which international law was based were to become, by force and fiat, the customs that others were to accept as law if they were to join this community as sovereign states.
And if he did stand on the margins of modernity, it was not in dying a martyr for such unity as Papal supremacy might be able to force on Western Christendom.
In the Blue Ridge meeting, the audience was warned that entering a candidate for governor would force it to take petitions out into voting precincts to obtain the signatures of registered voters.
A wide-ranging, bipartisan force -- from Minnesota's Democratic Hubert Humphrey to Massachusetts' Republican Leverett Saltonstall -- was drawn up against a solid phalanx of Southern Democrats, who have traditionally used the filibuster to stop civil rights bills.
According to this doctrine, the universe was ruled by Heaven, T'ien -- as a natural force, or in the personification of a Supreme Sky-god -- governing all things by means of a process called the Tao, which can be roughly interpreted as `` the Order of the Universe '' or `` the Universal Way ''.
but packed in that metallic ball there was the explosive force of 20,000 tons of Aj.
Actually, there was a lot of force in him, which is why I kept on in that class instead of quitting after a week.
Twice a week, Lincoln would meet with his cabinet in the afternoon, and occasionally Mary Lincoln would force him to take a carriage ride because she was concerned he was working too hard.
The Civil War was a significant force in the eventual dominance of the singular usage by the end of the 19th century.

force and be
When words can be used in a more fresh and primitive way so that they strike with the force of sights and sounds, when tones of sound and colors of paint and the carven shape all strike the sensibilities with an undeniable force of data in and of themselves, compelling the observer into an attitude of attention, all this imitates the way experience itself in its deepest character strikes upon the door of consciousness and clamors for entrance.
And I select this sentence as its pertinent summation: `` in essence the drama of his ( Eisenhower's ) Presidency can be described as the ordeal of a nation turned conservative and struggling -- thus far with but limited and precarious success -- to give effective voice and force to that conservatism ''.
It pointed out twenty-six instances of blasphemy in the letters, and ordered the writers to submit or force of arms would be used.
There is no explanation of terms nor a qualification that most such revolts have been dealt with by force -- only a bald dogmatism that they must, because of some undefined compulsion, be so repelled.
If the Dominican Republic achieves free, democratic government, it will be due in large part to the U.S. show of force that enabled President Balaguer to prevent a threatened restoration of Trujillo dictatorship.
The arguments advanced by those individuals and groups who oppose the system in force and who would drastically curtail or do away entirely with hospital care for the non-service-connected case, seem to be coldly impractical and out-of-step with the wishes of the general public.
In many societies, what we regard as corruption, favoritism, and personal influence are so accepted as consistent with the mores of officialdom and so integral a part of routine administrative practice that any attempt to force their elimination will be regarded by the local leadership as not only unwarranted but unfriendly.
or a skilled labor force is trained before there are plants available in which they can be employed.
To round out the blockading force, submarines would be needed -- to locate, identify and track approaching vessels.
the blockading force must be powerful enough to enforce it ; ;
They could be used to attack a nation's people ( which would inevitably mean the loss of the attacker's own people ), or they could be used with discrimination to destroy the enemy's military force.
It seems reasonable that if general nuclear war is not to be one cataclysmic act of burning each other's citizens to cinders, we must have a manned strategic force of long-endurance aircraft capable of going into China or Russia to find and destroy their strategic forces which continued to threaten us.
With such a force of manned bombers we could bring enormous pressure to bear on an enemy, and this pressure would be selective and extremely discriminating.
If we fail to develop the means to hunt down and destroy the enemy's military force with extreme care and precision, and if war comes in spite of our most ardent desires for peace, our choice of alternatives will be truly frightening.
I remember Ernest Bloch in the foyer, shouting in his high-pitched voice: `` it may be a tour de force, mais mon Dieu, can anyone take this music seriously ''??
Prokofieff might well emerge as a cultural hero, who, by the force of his creative life, helped preserve the main stream of tradition, to which the surviving idioms of current experimentalism may be eventually added and integrated.
From this and the force of deformation it should be possible to calculate the elastic energy of deformation which should be equal to the Af calculated from the pressure normal to the shearing face.
It is in Russia's interest that Poland should be strong and powerful, in a position to shut the door of this corridor by her own force.
Here would be a powerful force for raising business activity.

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