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Page "Agostino Depretis" ¶ 6
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Some Related Sentences

When and came
When his head came down, Curt grabbed him by the hair and catapulted him head first into the wall.
`` When I came up, damnit, I thought I was going down.
When he came back to the schoolhouse, his mind was made up.
When Beckett's name came into the discussion, the priest grew loud and told me that Beckett `` hates life ''.
When fame came it changed Sandburg only slightly.
When May came the Caravan had already crossed the Equator.
When their levies came shambling into camp, they were all elbows, hair, and beard.
When he came home from his office at the end of the afternoon, Breasted never knew what gathering he should expect to find, but there almost always was one.
When I first came across Samuel Johnson's pronouncement, `` the remedy for the ills of life is palliative rather than radical '', it seemed to me to sum up the profoundest of political and social truths.
When he came to Baltimore, he was leaving a team which was supposed to win the National League pennant, and he was joining what seemed to be a second division American League club.
When the sun came out, Stevie strode proudly into Orange Square, smiling like a landlord on industrious tenants.
When he felt the side of his head, his fingers came away covered with blood.
When his arm came up I ducked away but it caught me on the side of the neck, watering my eyes, and I backed off to cough.
When he was bent over behind the wheel of the station wagon, feeling in his trouser cuffs for the ignition key which he had dropped a moment before, she came out of the house with an enormous Rumanian shawl over her head, which she had bought in that country during one of their trips abroad, and handed him a clean handkerchief through the window.
When they came to Mr. Jack's photograph, twenty by twelve inches in a curly silver frame, Miss Ada said, `` By rights I ought to leave that, seeing he won't take my clotheshorse ''.
When radio came in, it continued the misplaced modifier in its routines as a standard device.
When the therapist came to feel on sufficiently sure ground with him to ask him, `` What is that, Bill -- hello or farewell ''??
When the chance came, they first eliminated cold cereal once a week, then gradually converted to hot fresh-ground cereal every day.
When a second quake came, they dashed back to the beach, fearing that they might be buried under landslides.
When a cow came out of a corral in a crouchin' run she was said to `` come out a-stoopin' ''.
When he came to the movies -- more or less by accident -- they were still cheap entertainment capable of enthralling the unthinking for an idle few minutes.
When he snatched it up the voice that came to him was quick and urgent.
When the verdict came in against his young neighbor, Hengesbach said:
When Dr. W. A. Swim celebrated his 75th birthday at the Wilshire Country Club, guests came by chartered plane from all over the country.
`` When you came up to the majors, did you seek out Williams for advice ''??

When and into
When the meal was ready, he told Jones to wash up, and going into the front room, woke the girl.
When Fred Powell's brother-in-law, Charlie Keane, moved into the dead man's home, the anonymous letter writer took no chances on Charlie taking up where Fred had left off and wasted no time on a first notice:
When it was followed by a second, whining even closer, Cobb swerved sharply aside into a depression.
When I question them as to what they mean by concepts like liberty and democracy, I find that they fall into two categories: the simpler ones who have simply accepted the shibboleths of their faith without analysis ; ;
When words can be used in a more fresh and primitive way so that they strike with the force of sights and sounds, when tones of sound and colors of paint and the carven shape all strike the sensibilities with an undeniable force of data in and of themselves, compelling the observer into an attitude of attention, all this imitates the way experience itself in its deepest character strikes upon the door of consciousness and clamors for entrance.
When Dr. Adenauer was approached by a world citizen delegation to find out his disposition of my case, he gave them his personal approval of my entry, saying that all men advocating peace should be welcomed into Germany.
When Fred wheeled him back into his room, the big one looking out on the back porch, and put him to bed, Papa told him he was very tired but that he had enjoyed greatly the trip downtown.
When a dancer does well, she provokes a quiet bombardment of dollar bills -- although the Manhattan clubs prohibit the more cosmopolitan practice of slipping the tips into the dancers' costumes.
When the knife went into his chest, he went down at once.
When Joe identified himself, he nodded, unsmiling, and ushered him into a sedate living room.
When enough time had elapsed so that there was little likelihood of his returning for something he had forgotten, Harold went out into the hall and stood looking into one room after another.
When we separated that evening Pat pushed a hundred dollar bill into Eileen's hand to help towards a layette.
When he had given the call a few moments thought, he went into the kitchen to ask Mrs. Yamata to prepare tea and sushi for the visitors, using the formal English china and the silver tea service which had been donated to the mission, then he went outside to inspect the grounds.
When the roof blocks are all in place, the final rows of wall blocks are mortared into position.
When the front knee is straight and locked, allow it to bend again until you feel the bar come lightly into contact with the sides of the Power Stands.
When you and your dog step into the Junior ring, it should be just what the dog wants to do as much as what you want him to do.
When you start the outdoor performance, you can stay outdoors without a dozen running trips into the kitchen.
When Stravinsky shaped his purpose to the shifting scenes of many cultures, many salons, many dialectics, many personalities, he tried to refashion himself into a stylist of many styles, determined by many disparate cultures.
When the child raises his seat into the air, the teacher takes hold under both sides of the pelvis ; ;
When I arrived at Viola's I was shown, to my surprise, into the kitchen.

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