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While and is
While the pattern is uneven, some having gained more than others, nationalism has in fact served the Western peoples well.
While sovereignty has roots in antiquity, in its present usage it is essentially modern.
While it is hazardous to project the trend of history, it seems clear that a genuine community is painfully emerging in the Western world, particularly among the countries of Western Europe.
While he is worldly, the musician often cultivates public attitudes of childlike astonishment and naivete.
While some think we move too fast and others too slowly, Florida's record is a good one and stands out among the 50.
While white is the coolest summer shade, there are lots of pastel hues along with tintable fabrics that will blend with any wardrobe color.
While it is easy enough to ridicule Hawkins' pronouncement in Pleas Of The Crown from a metaphysical point of view, the concept of the `` oneness '' of a married couple may reflect an abiding belief that the communion between husband and wife is such that their actions are not always to be regarded by the criminal law as if there were no marriage.
While this may well be true in general, I believe it is also important to keep in mind that some recent developments suggest that over the next year or so military electronics may be one of the most strongly growing areas in an economy which is not expanding rapidly in other directions.
While clay is still pressed in mold, press three equally spaced holes 1/4'' '' deep, using pencil eraser, in bottom of clay to allow for proper drying and firing.
While assembled lid is still on design head, gently but firmly press it on plaster board.
While some regression is inevitable, it is discouraged rather than encouraged so that the transference does not follow the stages of planned regression associated with certain casework adaptations of the psychoanalytic model for insight therapy.
While other conditions might be even more effective in bringing about a change from immobility to mobility in Kohnstamm reactivity, it is our hypothesis that all such conditions would have as a common factor the capacity to induce an attitude in the subject which enabled him to divorce himself temporarily from feelings of responsibility for his behavior.
While we had expected that compulsive children in the unstructured school setting would have difficulty when compared to those in the structured, we were surprised to find that the achievement of the high compulsives within the schools where the whole-word method is used in beginning reading compares favorably with that of the low compulsives.
While roleplaying for testing is not too well understood at the present time, it represents one of the major uses of this procedure.
While the phonemes can be very easily stated, no one is likely to be satisfied with the statement until phonemic occurrences can be related in some way to morphemic units, i.e. until the morphophonemics is worked out, or at least far enough that it seems reasonable to expect success.
While the U. S. Department of Labor has a program of projecting industry and occupational employment trends and publishing current outlook statements, there is little tangible evidence that these projections have been used extensively in local curriculum planning.
While it had long been known in general, that `` the public is always wrong '', the use of odd-lot indices now puts the adage on a statistical basis.
While there may be several such industries to which the model of this paper is applicable, the authors make particular claim of relevance to the explanation of the course of wages and prices in the steel industry of the United States since World War 2.
While this influence is a complex matter, depending upon personality factors in the individual as well as upon his social-class experience, there probably are some general statements about social-class background and educational policy that can be made with a fair degree of truth.
While one element is announcing progress, another is delineating its problems.

While and found
While expensive in time and involving a great deal of adaptation on the part of the worker ( in terms of his willingness to leave the sanctity of his office and enter actively into the client's life ), techniques of accompaniment were found to be of tremendous value when in the service of specific preventive objectives.
While the Ural – Altaic hypothesis can still be found in encyclopedias, atlases, and similar general references, it has not had any adherents in the linguistics community for decades.
While Renaissance artists sought nature to find their style, the Mannerists looked first for a style and found a manner. In Mannerist paintings, compositions can have no focal point, space can be ambiguous, figures can be characterized by an athletic bending and twisting with distortions, exaggerations, an elastic elongation of the limbs, bizarre posturing on one hand, graceful posturing on the other hand, and a rendering of the heads as uniformly small and oval.
* Egg roll – While native Chinese spring rolls have a thin crispy skin with mushrooms, bamboo, and other vegetables inside, the Westernized version ( specifically the version found in such American Northeast metro areas as Boston and New York ) uses a thick, fried skin stuffed with cabbage and usually bits of meat or seafood ( such as pork or shrimp ), but no egg.
While the 320 pixel modes theoretically enable the 7800 to create games at higher resolution than the 256 pixel wide graphics found in the Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega Master System, the intense processing demands of MARIA typically meant that programmers created their games using the lower 160 pixel modes.
While controlled clinical trials of atypicals reported that extrapyramidal symptoms occurred in 5 – 15 % of patients, a study of bipolar disorder in a real world clinical setting found a rate of 63 %, questioning the generalizability of the trials.
Bronx Local: While hundreds of songs about New York City, Manhattan and Brooklyn can be found in Wikipedia's List of songs about New York City and also in Marc Ferris's 5-page, 15-column list of " Songs and Compositions Inspired by New York City " in The Encyclopedia of New York City ( 1995 ), only a handful refer to The Bronx.
While the TV show went into reruns, Mike Judge went on to make movies: he directed such films as Extract, Idiocracy, and Office Space, which found favor with moviegoers and later became cult classics.
While the scientific community was once divided between supporters of the Big Bang and those of alternative cosmological models, most scientists became convinced that some version of the Big Bang scenario best fit observations after the discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation in 1964, and especially when its spectrum ( i. e., the amount of radiation measured at each wavelength ) was found to match that of thermal radiation from a black body.
While these and other ancient Near Eastern texts consider comparable issues, scholars have not found their direct antecedent.
While some have theorized that unusual local magnetic anomalies may exist in the area, such anomalies have not been found.
While in London he visited the Central London District School of his childhood, somewhere he had avoided on the 1921 trip, and found it an emotional experience.
While all of the 98 naturally occurring elements have been identified in mineral samples from the Earth's crust, only a small minority of elements are found as recognizable, relative pure minerals.
While the rate of growth varies by region, time of year and gender, Zug and Zug found an average initial growth rate of per day, followed by an average rate of per day.
While they do sometimes live solitarily, they are more commonly found in groups that average 10 – 20 individuals, with two to four adult males, four to seven adult females and the rest juveniles.
While there is not a large body of academic work examining the relationship, Hironaka's statistical study found a correlation that suggests that every major international anti-secessionist declaration increased the number of ongoing civil wars by + 10 %, or a total + 114 % from 1945 to 1997.
While the greatest number of countercult ministries are found in the USA, ministries exist in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, England, Ethiopia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Sweden, and Ukraine.
While the double bass is nearly identical in construction to other violin family instruments, it also embodies features found in the older viol family.
While there are other European countries like Estonia with a birthrate that is at less than replacement levels, Estonia lacks the immigration found, for example, in Germany.
While < sup > 153 </ sup > Eu is stable, < sup > 151 </ sup > Eu was recently found to be unstable to alpha decay with half-life of, giving about 1 alpha decay per two minutes in every kilogram of natural europium.
While Pollock's paintings appear to be composed of chaotic dripping and splattering, computer analysis has found fractal patterns in his work.
While some similar frescoes have been found in other locations around the Mediterranean basin, particularly in Egypt and Morocco, their origins are subject to speculation.
While having fully developed tourist facilities, the island has not experienced the overdevelopment found on some other islands and consequently caters for visitors attracted by its rugged natural beauty.
While the term grimoire is originally European, and many Europeans throughout history, particularly ceremonial magicians and cunning folk, have made use of grimoires, the historian Owen Davies noted that similar such books can be found all across the world, ranging from Jamaica to Sumatra, and he also noted that the first such grimoires could be found not in Europe but in the Ancient Near East.

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