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and ecology
** Population ecology: population competition mating biological dispersal endemism niche growth curve carrying capacity
** Community ecology: community keystone species mimicry symbiosis pollination mutualism commensalism parasitism predation invasive species environmental heterogeneity edge effect
Continual research on these organisms focus on a wide variety of experimental techniques and goals from many different levels of biology from ecology, behavior, and biomechanics, down to the tiny functional scale of individual tissues, organelles, and proteins.
This relied to a great degree on insights derived from scientific research into animals taking instinctive action in natural and artificial settings as studied by biology, ecology, and cognitive science.
To a certain degree it may be seen as a successor of physical anthropogeography ( Physische Anthropogeographie )— a term coined by the Vienna Geographer Albrecht Penck in 1924 and geographical cultural or human ecology ( Harlan H. Barrows 1923 ).
Linguist George Lakoff has proposed a cognitive science of mathematics wherein even the most fundamental ideas of arithmetic would be seen as consequences or products of human perception which is itself necessarily evolved within an ecology.
This theory is only now fully emerging but it has its roots in several scientific fields that were developed during the first half of the twentieth century organismic biology, gestalt psychology, ecology, general systems theory, and cybernetics.
The principal value underlying most expressions of the conservation ethic is that the natural world has intrinsic and intangible worth along with utilitarian value a view carried forward by the scientific conservation movement and some of the older Romantic schools of ecology movement.
* River Dolphin Research Program Amazon innovative research project totally devoted to the study of the ecology and conservation of river dolphins in the Amazon basin, based in the Federal University of Western Pará ( UFOPA ).

and economic
Lincoln authorized Grant to target the Confederate infrastructure such as plantations, railroads, and bridges hoping to destroy the South's morale and weaken its economic ability to continue fighting.
A monastery must have been granted the status of an abbey by the Pope, and such monasteries are normally raised to this level after showing a degree of stability a certain number of monks in vows, a certain number of years of establishment, a certain firmness to the foundation in economic, vocational and legal aspects.
Agrarianism concentrates on the fundamental goods of the earth, communities of more limited economic and political scale than in modern society, and on simple living even when this shift involves questioning the " progressive " character of some recent social and economic developments.
The drop in commodity prices for its principal exports petroleum, cocoa, coffee, and cotton in the mid-1980s, combined with an overvalued currency and economic mismanagement, led to a decade-long recession.
Work has begun bilaterally and within the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe since 1999 on political and economic cooperation in the region.
We think you can only do it by moving forward to a new world a world of law, the abolition of national armaments with a world force and a world economic system.
1991 The Cook Islands signed a treaty of friendship and co-operation with France, covering economic development, trade and surveillance of the islands ' EEZ.
Additional service-related industries in information technology, pharmaceuticals, insurance and financial sectors as well as research-related spin-offs from the region's numerous universities and colleges are significant economic contributors.
Moreover, according to this thesis, a major motivational factor for Gorbachev was his realization that the Soviet Union could not compete economically with the USA However, if economic premises are taken into account, it is not clear why the Soviet leaders did not adopt the Chinese option economic liberalization with preservation of political system.
However, public opposition to increases in defence spending during a period when economic constraints require reduced spending for social welfare has created differences among the political parties regarding a broadly acceptable level of new defence expenditure.
They argue that some, if not all, of the cost difference between public and private schools comes from a process known as cream skimming selecting only those students that belong to a preferred economic, religious, or ethnic group rather than from differences in administration.
In his first hundred days in office, which began March 4, 1933, Roosevelt spearheaded major legislation and issued a profusion of executive orders that instituted the New Deal a variety of programs designed to produce relief ( government jobs for the unemployed ), recovery ( economic growth ), and reform ( through regulation of Wall Street, banks and transportation ).
The third is freedom from want which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants everywhere in the world.
* Technological progress For over a century, economists have known that capital and labor do not account for all of economic growth.
Singer's declaration read: " Energy is essential for economic growth ... We understand the motivation to eliminate what are perceived to be the driving forces behind a potential climate change ; but we believe the Kyoto Protocol to curtail carbon dioxide emissions from only a part of the world community is dangerously simplistic, quite ineffective, and economically destructive to jobs and standards-of-living.

and determinism
* Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting ( MIT Press 1984 ) on free will and determinism ( ISBN 0-262-04077-8 )
It is both a history and critique of the statistical methods and cultural motivations underlying biological determinism, the belief that " the social and economic differences between human groups primarily races, classes, and sexes arise from inherited, inborn distinctions and that society, in this sense, is an accurate reflection of biology.
" The principal theme of biological determinism that " worth can be assigned to individuals and groups by measuring intelligence as a single quantity "— is analyzed in discussions of craniometry and psychological testing, the two methods used to measure and establish intelligence as a single quantity.
The revised and expanded, second edition of the Mismeasure of Man ( 1996 ) analyzes and challenges the methodological accuracy of The Bell Curve ( 1994 ), by Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray, which re-presented the arguments of what Gould terms biological determinism, which he defines as " the abstraction of intelligence as a single entity, its location within the brain, its quantification as one number for each individual, and the use of these numbers to rank people in a single series of worthiness, invariably to find that oppressed and disadvantaged groups races, classes, or sexes are innately inferior and deserve their status.
The two main positions within that debate are metaphysical libertarianism, the claim that determinism is false, so free will exists is at least possible and hard determinism, the claim that determinism is true, so free will does not exist.
* c. 800 Al-Jahiz describes the struggle for existence, introduces the idea of a food chain, and adheres to environmental determinism.
Against the proponents of determinism like Einstein and Max Planck, indeterminism championed by the English astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington says that a physical object has an ontologically undetermined component that is not due to the epistemological limitations of physicists ' understanding.
Although Kant conceded that there could be no conceivable example of free will, because any example would only show us a will as it appears to us as a subject of natural laws he nevertheless argued against determinism.
Plekhanov not only found materialism to be the motor force in history, but went on to outline a particular type of materialism the " economic determinism model of materialism as the specific element that moved history.
This gives weight to some of the story's motifs questions of free will and determinism.
The idea of determinism is explored as it is in many of his previous works to assert that people really have no free will.
Against Einstein and others who advocated determinism, indeterminism as championed by the English astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington says that a physical object has an ontologically undetermined component that is not due to the epistemological limitations of physicists ' understanding.
baby boomer background expectancies balance of power base and superstructure The Bell Curve belonging berdache biological determinism bioethics biomedic model biosocial theory Black Power Black Panther Party blended family boomerang generation bourgeoisie brainwashing bricolage bureaucracy bureaucratic collectivism bureaucratization bystander effect

and ecological
Others, such as Julian Steward and Leslie White, focused on how societies evolve and fit their ecological niche an approach popularized by Marvin Harris.
From a geographical point of view, recent political ecological research shifted partially from investigating the politics ' influence on the earth's surface to the focus on spatial-ecological influences on politics and power a scope reminiscent of environmental politics.
It sparked a large number of Haggadahs celebrating various other forms of liberation feminism, vegetarianism, the liberation movements in Latin America in the 1970s, ecological healing, etc ..
Through evolution, new species arise through the process of speciation where new varieties of organisms arise and thrive when they are able to find and exploit an ecological niche and species become extinct when they are no longer able to survive in changing conditions or against superior competition.
Consequently the marsupials a group of mammals that raise their young in a pouch, including the macropods, possums and dasyuromorphs occupy many of the ecological niches placental animals occupy elsewhere in the world.
Although the revolution succeeds in averting ecological disaster, the narrator decries the instincts of many of his fellow Loonies (" Rules, laws always for other fellow ").
Similarity can also result if organisms occupy similar ecological niches that is, a distinctive way of life.
To make this point more concrete: economic, ethnic, cultural, and gender conflicts, among many others, lie at the core of the most serious ecological dislocations we face today apart, to be sure, from those that are produced by natural catastrophes.
These studies began to justify different means of determining value some of which influenced the theory of social capital and individual capital, that emerged in the late 1990s and, along with ecological economics, influenced modern human development theory.
But these hybrids are less well adapted to the peculiar ecological conditions of Laysan Island than the local ducks, and thus have lower fitness, and furthermore, there were apart from a brief time in the early 20th century when the Laysan Duck was almost extinct always many more Laysan Ducks than stray Mallards.
John A. Wiens opposes the traditional view expounded by Carl Troll, Isaak S. Zonneveld, Zev Naveh, Richard T. T. Forman / Michel Godron and others that landscapes are arenas in which humans interact with their environments on a kilometre-wide ; instead, he defines ' landscape '— regardless of scale as " the template on which spatial patterns influence ecological processes ".
Aspects of his book Ecotopia in some ways anticipated " reality TV " which emerged into recognition, and was given a label as a genre, 20 or more years later because in the story the daily life of the legislature and some of that of the judicial courts is televised in this fictional society, and televised debates ( including technical debates concerning ecological problems ) met a need and desire among citizens.
Accordingly with due respect to ecological friendliness with the subtle forces of the spirit those spaces ( quarters ) are assigned as follows: northeast for the home shrine, southeast for the kitchen, southwest for the master bedroom and northwest for the storage of grains.
All expressions of values by Green Parties list ecological wisdom as a key value it was one of the original Four Pillars of the Green Party and is often considered the most basic value of these parties.
In ecology, a climax community, or climatic climax community, is a biological community of plants and animals which, through the process of ecological succession the development of vegetation in an area over time has reached a steady state.
All the 14 families and 189 known Snouter species descended from a small shrew-like animal, which gradually evolved and diversified to fill most of the ecological niches in the archipelago from tiny worm-like beings to large herbivores and predators.
John M. Doris raises the issue of ecological validity do experimental findings reflect phenomena found in natural contexts.
Critics from defenders of proprietorship sometimes assert that the All People's Right threatens the essence of ownership and the " management practices " of property owners, who may or may not have created and preserved environmentally important qualities Private owners and their representatives have also argued that newly created access rights ought to lead to financial compensation for private landowners, though they tend to also argue that there should be no corresponding compensation for people who historically tended now-expropriated land in common, with proven ecological records for example, aboriginals.
Research in this field is on traits of ecological significance that is, traits related to fitness, which affect an organism's survival and reproduction.

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