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Page "belles_lettres" ¶ 545
from Brown Corpus
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Some Related Sentences

if and one
Morgan hesitated, thinking that if this was a trick, it was a good one.
There's only one way they can get out now and that's through the Gap -- if we ride hard we can take them ''.
As I dug in behind one of the bales we were using as protection, I grudgingly found myself agreeing with Oso's logic, especially when I imagined what would have happened to Missy if Old Knife's large party of screeching warriors had overrun our company.
But she was caught in it, and she faced the terrible possibility that, if it were a dream, it was one from which she might never awaken.
Greg climbed into the cockpit feeling as if he had never been in one before.
The clearly identifiable enemy continued on as if no one else were around.
The spokes were tight again, the iron tires gripped onto the wheels as if of one piece.
While his comrades cocked the trap, that one behaved as if it was some dull maneuver.
What if one or more of them turn irrational or suddenly, coolly, decide to clobber the Russians??
I asked Wisman what would happen if he broke out the go codes and tried to start transmitting one.
The Negro faces as much, if not more, difficulty in fitting himself into an urban economy as he did in an agrarian one.
I was having lunch not long ago ( apologies to N. V. Peale ) with three distinguished historians ( one specializing in the European Middle Ages, one in American history, and one in the Far East ), and I asked them if they could name instances where the general mores had been radically changed with `` deliberate speed, majestic instancy '' ( Francis Thompson's words for the Hound Of Heaven's Pursuit ) by judicial fiat.
Operating as a one man police force in fact if not in name, he is at once more independent and more dedicated than the police themselves.
Even if people do, in a not far distant future, begin to read one another's minds, there will still be the question of whether what you find in another man's mind is especially worth reading -- worth more, that is, than what you can read in good books.
Even if men eventually find themselves able to look through walls and around corners, one may question whether this will help them to live better lives.
At one time it seemed as if the Soviet Union had done us a favor by providing a striking example of how not to behave towards other peoples and other nations.
but both groups were so closely knit that despite individual differences the family life in both cases was remarkably similar in atmosphere if not entirely in content -- the one being definitely Jewish and the other vaguely Christian.
At the same time, I am aware that my recoil could be interpreted by readers of the tea leaves at the bottom of my psyche as an incestuous sign, since theirs is a science of paradox: if one hates, they say it is because one loves ; ;
if one bullies, they say it is because one is afraid ; ;

if and shuns
But he who, as if holding a pair of scales, takes the good and shuns the evil, is a wise man ; he is indeed a muni by that very reason.

if and they
Now he saw that both the man and woman were moving slowly and irregularly, staggering, as if they found it a struggle to remain on their feet.
He remembered Clayton's mocking smile in the saloon when he had asked him what he would do if they brought their cattle to water.
It was all right to put a bunch of ranchers onto horses, to call them Night Riders, to set out to attack the largest mining combination the country had ever seen if all they wanted was adventure.
But if they really hoped to succeed they needed professionals, men who knew how to use a gun against men, who would match the killers on the other side.
`` Gyp'll be holdin' forth in some bar if he's here at all '', Cobb declared, glancing along the street as they stretched their legs.
It was as if they could hardly wait to get into their costumes, cover their faces with masks and go adventuring.
It was spoiled now for seed, and it would sour and mold in three days if they failed to find a place and fuel to dry it.
The big man with the whitened hair murmured something: his words sounded as if they were in the Manu tongue, which I recognized, having studied the dialect in my Anthropology 6, class at the University of Chicago.
Unanimously they believe that the world would become a safer place if more of us -- and more Russians and Communist Chinese, too -- thought about accidental war.
If his dancers are sometimes made to look as if they might be creatures from Mars, this is consistent with his intention of placing them in the orbit of another world, a world in which they are freed of their pedestrian identities.
They look as if they had been sculptured with an unsharpened chisel.
The assumptions upon which the example shown in Figure 3 is based are: ( A ) One man can direct about six subordinates if the subordinates are chosen carefully so that they do not need too much personal coaching, indoctrinating, etc..
Thus, if corporations are not to run away with us, they must become quasi-governmental institutions, subject to public control and needs.
They have indicated the direction but they have not been explicit enough, I believe, in pointing out Faulkner's independence, his questioning if not indeed challenging the Southern tradition.
Perfect, complete entities, if they move at all, do not move towards what they lack.
New Nations, and others struggling with the problems of development, will progress only -- regardless of any outside help -- if they demonstrate faith in their own destiny and use their own resources to fulfill it.
As for missionaries, even if they succeeded in getting into the country they probably would not be allowed to preach the Christian faith to the Burmans.

if and say
But her mother would rebuke her if she mentioned it, and say that it was none of her concern.
She placed her palms, fingers outspread, on the desk in an odd gesture as if to say, `` Now, what next ''??
May I say that you have just demonstrated the truth of an old proverb -- the younger Pliny's, if memory serves me -- which, translated freely from the archaic Latin, says, ' The more haste, the less peed ' ''.
William Wimsatt and Cleanth Brooks, it seems to me, have a penetrating insight into the way in which this control is effected: `` For if we say poetry is to talk of beauty and love ( and yet not aim at exciting erotic emotion or even an emotion of Platonic esteem ) and if it is to talk of anger and murder ( and yet not aim at arousing anger and indignation ) -- then it may be that the poetic way of dealing with these emotions will not be any kind of intensification, compounding, or magnification, or any direct assault upon the affections at all.
The Hearst men say that if Hearst is nominated, he and his immediate friends will contribute to the Democratic National Committee the sum of $1,500,000.
He invited Mr. Case to stop by to say hello if he ever visited the academy and then added that he was on the managerial staff of the freshman football team
I once heard a comedian say that if you are killed by a taxicab in New York, it is listed as `` death due to natural causes ''.
Bobby Joe was trying to get Linda Kay to say she would cook one if he brought it home.
Indeed, if pressed, we would say what the late Robert Henri, American painter, said to a pupil, `` Anything will do for a subject: it's what you do with it that counts ''.
The president has little influence in day-by-day curricular changes, but if he looks ahead two, three, or five years to anticipate issues and throw out challenging ideas, he can open the way for innovation, and he can also have a great deal to say as to what path it will take.
`` Oh, I forgot to say that if one is taken to the funny house in the funny wagon, he is removed to a mental institution in an ambulance.
We say that N is nilpotent if there is some positive integer R such that Af.
and `` cannot say '' if they were not certain.
If anyone asked us, after we made the remark that the suffering was a bad thing, whether we should think it relevant to what we said to learn that the incident had never occurred and no pain had been suffered at all, we should say that it made all the difference in the world, that what we were asserting to be bad was precisely the suffering we thought had occurred back there, that if this had not occurred, there was nothing left to be bad, and that our assertion was in that case mistaken.
When we repeat the remark that such suffering was a bad thing, the feeling with which we made it last week may be at or near the vanishing point, but if we were asked whether we meant to say what we did before, we should certainly answer Yes.
And if we can see that what we meant to say remains the same, while the feeling varies from intensity to near zero, it is not the feeling that we primarily meant to express.
My point is this: whether there is such fitness or not, we all assume that there is, and if we do, we express in moral judgments more than the subjectivists say we do.
He has his cake and eats it too: if the workers say they are dissatisfied, this shows conscious alienation ; ;
if they say they are satisfied, this shows unconscious alienation.
Other experts say, however, that if sexual domination by one or the other partner exists for longer than a brief period, it is likely to shake the marriage.
Two weeks, a month, we talk it over again, and maybe if nothing happens meanwhile to say the cops know this and that, then we make a little deal, isn't it ''??

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