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Page "Paavo Nurmi" ¶ 35
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Laaksonen and was
He was married to socialite Sylvi Laaksonen from 1932 to 1935.

Laaksonen and .
Finnish Antti Laaksonen got the silver medal, while Ossi Vaananen ended up not playing because of an injury ; Czech Milan Hejduk won a bronze medal.

who and was
He certainly didn't want a wife who was fickle as Ann.
He knew who was riding after him -- the men he had known all his life, the men who had worked for him, sworn their loyalty to him.
He was riding between two warriors, who held him erect when he started to slump.
It was, I felt, possible that they were men who, having received no tickets for that day, had remained in the hall, to sleep perhaps, in the corners farthest removed from the counter with its overhead light.
Hague, like all who worked near the pits, was partly deafened from the constant assault against his eardrums.
Facing the forest now, she who had not dared to enter it before, walked between two trees at random and headed in what she believed was the direction of the pool.
Donna, his young wife, the girl who was both daughter and wife to him.
Lewis was a man who had made a full-time job of cow stealing.
He was a man, those neighbors testified later, who didn't have a friend in the world.
But to the cattlemen who had been facing bankruptcy from rustling losses and to the cowboys who had been faced with lay-offs a few years earlier, he was becoming a vastly different type of legendary figure.
Then, with a glory that almost wiped out the deep, downward sags in her careworn face, Matilda leaned over the wheel and shouted to Hez, who was stumbling along in the heat and the dust on the opposite side of the wagon `` Pa!!
Out in the center of the circle the farmer, who was Dan, wasted no time when they came to the line, `` The farmer choose his wife ''.
`` Gyp Carmer couldn't have known about Colcord's money unless he was told -- and who else would have told him ''??
Mrs. Roebuck smilingly declined and began suddenly to go on about her son, who was `` onleh a little younguh than you bawhs ''.
`` You know who the other man was ''??
Present at the scene -- in addition to the dead man, who was indeed Louis Thor -- had been Thor's partner Bill Blake, and Antony Rose, an advertising agency executive who handled the zing account.
My new Aunt was perhaps three or four years older than I and it had been a long time since I had seen as gorgeous a woman who oozed sex.
I don't even remember who wrote it but it was one of those 15th or 16th century poets.
If it were not that I knew who it was I could have mistaken it for my Aunt so well did her clothes fit him.
The Grafin, who was charmed by her, told her, `` Your sister who was here two years ago has quite dark hair.

who and interested
The women who come to West Venice, having forsaken radicalism, are interested in living only for the moment, in being constantly on the move.
so Cyrus Adler became interested in her friend Racie Friedenwald, and Joe Jastrow -- the only young man who when he wrote had the temerity to address her as Henrietta, and signed himself Joe -- fell in love with pretty sister Rachel.
The Indians who came aboard ship to collect the mail also interested her greatly, even if she was suitably shocked, according to the customs of the society in which she had been reared, to find them `` naked, except a piece of cotton cloth wrapped around their middle ''.
`` The county, though, seems more interested in those people who don't even try, those who sit and draw welfare checks and line up for surplus food ''.
at will, the voice of the auctioneer, the voices of the bidders, and finally the small boy who had been so interested in Mr. Podger's hammock purchase.
It occurred to me that you might be interested in some thoughts which I expressed privately in recent years, in the hope of clearing up a certain confusion in the public mind about what foreign policy is all about and what it means, and of developing a certain compassion for those who are carrying such responsibilities inside Government.
However, there is also much to be gained by making use of the abilities of the local people who are available and interested in recreation.
When Richard's parents told him they wanted to take him to an orthodontist -- a dentist who specializes in realigning teeth and jaws -- their young son was interested.
a review of the philosophy of Communist leaders by Ted Slack, another real estate agent who became interested as a philosophy major at the University of Miami ; ;
Field Marshal Slim has abridged it for the benefit of `` those who, finding not so great an attraction in accounts of military moves and counter-moves, are more interested in men and their reactions to stress, hardship and danger ''.
There is a large number of amateur astronomical societies around the world that serve as a meeting point for those interested in amateur astronomy, whether they be people who are actively interested in observing or " armchair astronomers " who may simply be interested in the topic.
In 1843, the description was translated into English and extensively annotated by Ada Byron, Countess of Lovelace, who had become interested in the engine ten years earlier.
Her second husband, Pere Milà, was a developer who was criticized for his flamboyant lifestyle and ridiculed by the contemporary residents of Barcelona, when they joked about his love of money and opulence, wondering if he was not rather more interested in " the widow ’ s guardiola " ( piggy bank ), than in " Guardiola ’ s widow ".
A good example of the contempt the first democrats felt for those who did not participate in politics can be found in the modern word ' idiot ', which finds its origins in the ancient Greek word, idiōtēs, meaning a private person, a person who is not actively interested in politics ; such characters were talked about with contempt, and the word eventually acquired its modern meaning.
ACM – W also reaches out internationally to those women who are involved and interested in computing.
It was intended specifically for the new class of users that time-sharing systems allowed — that is, a less technical user who did not have the mathematical background of the more traditional users and was not interested in acquiring it.
As with many popular arcade games, experienced players ( who can complete the game relatively easily ) become much more interested in the secondary challenge of obtaining a high score ( which involves a lot more skill and strategy ).
Although there are many people who identify as being into BDSM who don't share the experience with anyone besides play-or sexual partners, " BDSM " is also used to denote a subculture of people interested in BDSM who may socialize together, educate each other, and throw " play parties " at which BDSM activities are welcome.

who and athletics
A student who while in attendance at Carleton College participates in an athletic contest during the school year, other than that sponsored by the College, shall be permanently ineligible to participate in intercollegiate athletics at Carleton College and will also face permanent suspension from the institution.
The `` C '' club is composed of the men of the College who have won an official letter in Carleton athletics.
When Artemis and Apollo heard this impiety, Apollo killed her sons as they practiced athletics, and Artemis shot her daughters, who died instantly without a sound.
At the age of 15, Nurmi rekindled his interest in athletics after being inspired by the performances of Hannes Kolehmainen, who was said to " have run Finland onto the map of the world " at the 1912 Summer Olympics.
the world record for the men's hammer is held by Yuriy Sedykh, who threw at the European athletics championships in Stuttgart, West Germany on 30 August 1986.
* During the Summer Half, there is a division between wet bobs, who row on the River Thames, and dry bobs, who play cricket, tennis or athletics.
The Athletic Department is headed by John Schael who has served as director of athletics since 1978.
Shortly after moving to Melbourne, Bideau her manager introduced Freeman to athletics coach, Peter Fortune who would become Freeman's coach for the rest of her career.
He returned to college in 1946 and resumed athletics, to which he had been inspired by Jesse Owens, who was also from Cleveland and had attended East Technical High School as well.
Chorley are also home to the Chorley Harriers Running Club, who regularly compete in road, cross country, fell and athletics events.
In British English ( as well as other variants in the Commonwealth ) athlete can also have a more specific meaning of people who compete in the sport of athletics.
In athletics, Jonathan Edwards, a now-retired British triple jumper who still holds the world record in that event, was known to be able to kick with either foot while he played rugby.
Latency period children can then direct more of their energy into asexual pursuits such as school, athletics, and same-sex friendships: middle childhood especially is marked by ' the importance of school, teams, classes, friends, gangs and organised activities ... and the adults who run those.
Coach Shirley, who has been the University ’ s director of athletics since 1992, has won 607 games, which places him sixth on the NCAA D-II career wins list and 30th on the NCAA all-divisions career coaching wins list.
In addition to the literal meaning, now mostly historical, the term has acquired a figurative sense referring to " a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness, as in politics or athletics.
The athletics department is headed by Gary Barta, who was previously athletic director at the University of Wyoming.
Other novels about the university include Geese in the Forum ( Knopf, 1940 ) by Lawrence Edward Watkin, a professor of English who went on to become a screenwriter for Disney ( the college faculty were the titular geese ); The Hero ( Julian Messner, 1949 ), by Millard Lampell, filmed as Saturday's Hero, starring Donna Reed and John Derek ( Columbia Studios, 1951 ), about a football player who struggles to balance athletics, academics and a social life ; and A Sound of Voices Dying by Glenn Scott ( E. P.
This is not to say that all women who are successful later on in life played sports, but it is saying that women who did participate in athletics received benefits in their education and employment later on in life.
He was the 2004 winner of the Theodore Roosevelt Award ( NCAA ), which is awarded to graduates from an NCAA institution who earn a varsity letter for athletics and who ultimately become distinguished citizens of national reputation.

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