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While and simple
While many tokens point forward, the main achievements stand as a culmination of the simple patterns of the Dark ages.
While the goals are sweeping, the conspiratorial machinery is generally simple: a single, evil organization implements a plan to infiltrate and subvert existing institutions.
While the idea of shared electron pairs provides an effective qualitative picture of covalent bonding, quantum mechanics is needed to understand the nature of these bonds and predict the structures and properties of simple molecules.
While this certificate has limited portability – to other corporations, for example – it is the most simple to develop.
While Rabbi Kaplan defines Judaism as a civilization, there are many who would not agree, citing millennia of religious tradition and observance as more than simple civilization.
While such omissions are inappropriate for managing large projects, they are a common and reasonable occurrence in many very small or simple projects.
While propositional logic deals with simple declarative propositions, first-order logic additionally covers predicates and quantification.
While this may not be desired behavior, it keeps this example simple
While the description of strong and weak interactions within the Standard Model is based on gauge symmetries governed by the simple symmetry groups SU ( 3 ) and SU ( 2 ) which allow only discrete charges, the remaining component, the weak hypercharge interaction is described by an abelian symmetry U ( 1 ) which in principle allows for arbitrary charge assignments.
While popular usage translates it as ' Keep it simple, stupid ', Johnson translated it as ' Keep it simple stupid ', and this reading is still used by many authors.
While these results originally seemed too simple or too technical to warrant independent interest, they have turned out to be central to the theories in which they occur.
While Drexler, Merkle and others have created designs of simple parts, no comprehensive design effort for anything approaching the complexity of a Model T Ford has been attempted.
While they focused primarily on more traditional mission architectures, Zubrin began to collaborate with colleague David Baker on an extremely simple, stripped-down and robust strategy.
While simple processors execute instructions one after the other, superscalar processors are capable of executing several instructions at once.
While no simple continued fractions are available, several generalized continued fractions are, including:
While this may at first seem a simple task, he then goes on to lead us through the problems with each of the possible definitions of the word " game ".
While this simple method worked well in a small community of Christians unified by persecution, as the congregation grew in size, the acclamation of a new bishop was fraught with division, and rival claimants and a certain class hostility between patrician and plebeian candidates unsettled some episcopal elections.
While puns are often simple wordplay for comedic or rhetorical effect, a double entendre alludes to a second meaning which is not contained within the statement or phrase itself, often one which purposefully disguises the second meaning.
While historically thought of as simple, leathery structures composed of skin, research has since shown that the wing membranes of pterosaurs were actually highly complex and dynamic structures suited to an active style of flight.
While it is simple to recognize a political medium in an official newspaper, magazine, TV channel that directly declares to belong to a group, deep concerns might regard submission of communications to political interests and impartiality of media that do not declare their party alliances.
While this is extremely easy to implement on sufficiently simple theories, there are many situations where other methods of quantization yield more efficient procedures for computing quantum amplitudes.
While simple images can be produced rapidly, more realistic and complicated higher-resolution images can now be produced in more reasonable amounts of time.
While most shoes have historically been worn by humans, there are simple shoes that are designed to be worn by other domesticated animals, such as dogs and horses.

While and forms
While patent suits are still among the most complex and expensive forms of litigation, these rules have saved litigants uncounted sums of money.
While strong forms of the various dialects are not normally fully comprehensible to Northern Germans, communication is much easier in Bavaria, especially rural areas, where Bavarian dialect still predominates as the mother tongue.
While much of the construction in these sites conforms to common Pueblo architectural forms, including Kivas, towers, and pit-houses, the space constrictions of these alcoves necessitated what seems to have been a far denser concentration of their populations.
While connection with Anatolian names has been suggested, the earliest attested forms of the name Artemis are the Mycenaean Greek a-te-mi-to and a-ti-mi-te, written in Linear B at Pylos.
While diverse life forms prospered in the oceans, the land was comparatively barren – with nothing more complex than a microbial soil crust and a few forms that apparently emerged to browse on the microbial materials.
While creating a more feminine figure, male cross-dressers will often utilize different types and styles of breast forms, which are silicone prostheses traditionally used by women who have undergone mastectomies to recreate the visual appearance of a breast.
While other forms of church government are more likely to define " tyranny " as " the imposition of unjust rule ", a congregationally-governed church would more likely define tyranny as " transgression of liberty " or equivalently, " rule by one man ".
While modernist critical theory ( as described above ) concerns itself withforms of authority and injustice that accompanied the evolution of industrial and corporate capitalism as a political-economic system ,” postmodern critical theory politicizes social problems “ by situating them in historical and cultural contexts, to implicate themselves in the process of collecting and analyzing data, and to relativize their findings ” ( Lindlof & Taylor, 2002, p. 52 ).
While Cernunnos was never assimilated, scholars have sometimes compared him functionally to Greek and Roman divine figures such as Mercury, Actaeon, specialized forms of Jupiter, and Dis Pater, the latter of whom Julius Caesar said was considered the ancestor of the Gauls.
While masculine, feminine, and neuter genders are recognized, nouns do not normally decline for gender, though some nouns, especially Latin words and personal names, exist in multiple forms corresponding to different genders: Alumnus ( male, singular )/ Alumna ( female, singular ); Andrew / Andrea, Paul / Paula, etc.
While individual equations present a kind of puzzle and have been considered throughout history, the formulation of general theories of Diophantine equations ( beyond the theory of quadratic forms ) was an achievement of the twentieth century.
While the term is applied to events and conditions without agency, the forms of evil addressed in this article presume an evildoer or doers.
While the equation is definitely superior to the ideal gas law and does predict the formation of a liquid phase, the agreement with experimental data is limited for conditions where the liquid forms.
While teaching at the University of Florida, Alfred Korzybski counseled his students to eliminate the infinitive and verb forms of " to be " from their vocabulary, whereas a second group continued to use " I am ," " You are ," " They are " statements as usual.
While gun safety in different forms has existed since the creation of firearms, Jeff Cooper ( 1920 – 2006 ), an influential figure in modern firearms training, formalized and popularized the above-listed " Four Rules " of safe firearm handling.
While controversial at first, various forms of this idea have become accepted to some degree by many within the scientific community.
While controversial at first, various forms of this idea became accepted to some degree by many scientists.
While most commonly being an entire dance, the galliard's steps are used within many other forms of dance.
While Greek fire remained a potent weapon, its limitations were significant when compared to more traditional forms of artillery: in its siphon-deployed version, it had a limited range, and it could be used safely only in a calm sea and with favourable wind conditions.
While there are clear resemblances to other forms of Late Antique religion, it is controversial as to which variety it is most similar to.
While libertarian socialism has roots in both socialism and liberalism, different forms have different levels of influence from the two traditions.
While most stereoisomers can be arranged in pairs of mirror-image forms, there are some non-chiral stereoisomers that are identical to their mirror images, in spite of having chiral centers.
While Chomsky's search for Universal Grammar could be considered an essentially platonic endeavor ( i. e. concerned with idealized forms ), Halliday's orientation to the study of natural language has been compared to Darwin's method.
While there was a substantial formalist reaction within the modernist schools to the breakdown of structure, this reaction focused as much on the development of new formal structures and syntheses as on the revival of older forms and structures.

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