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Page "Apostolic succession" ¶ 14
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Some Related Sentences

is and one
But there's one thing I never seen or heard of, one thing I just don't think there is, and that's a sportin' way o' killin' a man ''!!
I seized the rack and made a western-style flying-mount just in time, one of my knees mercifully landing on my duffel bag -- and merely wrecking my camera, I was to discover later -- my other knee landing on the slivery truck floor boards and -- but this is no medical report.
The true artist is like one of those scientists who, from a single bone can reconstruct an animal's entire body.
In fact, one important aspect of their very religion is the annihilation of men ''.
It took thirty of our women almost six moons to build this one, which is higher and stronger than the old one.
I clapped the big man with the bleached hair on his shoulder and said heartily, hoping it would make an impression on the women: `` This one is the maku Frayne.
`` This one is a tender chicken, oui??
but he presents it publicly so enmeshed in hypocrisy that it is not an honest one.
My definition of this much abused adjective is that a reconstructed rebel is one who is glad that the North won the War.
For one thing, this is not a subject often discussed or analyzed.
The general acceptance of the idea of governmental ( i.e., societal ) responsibility for the economic well-being of the American people is surely one of the two most significant watersheds in American constitutional history.
A third, one of at least equal and perhaps even greater importance, is now being traversed: American immersion and involvement in world affairs.
Today, as new nations rise from the former colonial empires, nationalism is one of the hurricane forces loose in the world.
Historically, however, the concept is one that has been of marked benefit to the people of the Western civilizational group.
It is one of the ironic quirks of history that the viability and usefulness of nationalism and the territorial state are rapidly dissipating at precisely the time that the nation-state attained its highest number ( approximately 100 ).
But it is more than irony: one of the main reasons why nationalism is no longer a tenable concept is because it has spread throughout the planet.
Accidental war is so sensitive a subject that most of the people who could become directly involved in one are told just enough so they can perform their portions of incredibly complex tasks.
Only one rule prevailed in my conversations with these men: The more highly placed they are -- that is, the more they know -- the more concerned they have become.
However, the system is designed, ingeniously and hopefully, so that no one man could initiate a thermonuclear war.

is and four
As a word of caution, we should be aware that in actual practice no message is purely one of the four types, question, command, statement, or exclamation.
It is of the utmost importance to the people of America and of the world how their governing President `` ends up '' during the four years of his term.
Some accounts are quite lengthy but Florida's is the shortest of all, requiring only four paragraphs.
Although the United States and the U.S.S.R. have been arguing whether there shall be four, five or six top assistants, the most important element in the situation is not the number of deputies but the manner in which these deputies are to do their work.
The Navy, on April 25, announced it is bringing back the carrier Shangri-La from the Mediterranean, increasing to four the number of attack carriers in the vicinity of Cuba.
The company is still broadening its line and is now active on four major fronts.
The Association is governed by a board made up of representatives from each of the four classes.
Moreover, the piece is written in five movements, rather than the conventional four of most quintets, and this gives the opus a serenade or divertimento flavor.
Easy to get to, and becoming more popular every year, it is only fourteen hours from New York by Pan American World Airways jet, four hours from Rome.
The stem is laminated from four pieces.
As everybody is curious to see the battery of glass tubes I have invented, I have had quite a small one made here of four glass tubes ( in Copenhagen I used 30 ) and intend to carry it with me ''.
The real question that follows is -- how are those four years used and what is their value as training??
We found that wherever you can use two teams on a job, five men, not four, is the magic number ''.
For example, when the film is only four minutes old, Neitzbohr refers to a small, Victorian piano stool as `` Wilhelmina '', and we are thereupon subjected to a flashback that informs us that this very piano stool was once used by an epileptic governess whose name, of course, was Doris ( the English equivalent, when passed through middle-Gaelic derivations, of Wilhelmina ).
For example, to move ( as the score requires ) from the lowest F-major register up to a barely audible N minor in four seconds, not skipping, at the same time, even one of the 407 fingerings, seems a feat too absurd to consider, and it is to the flautist's credit that he remained silent throughout the passage.
The purpose of washing is, obviously, to remove soils which are arbitrarily classed in the four major categories given below: 1.
Note that the mass threshold is four times that of 1958 Alpha and that the flux is one fifth as large.
For four of the six ( the anaconda and the amethystine python cannot be included for lack of data ) there is also a correlation between size at maturity and maximum length, the boa constrictor being the smallest and the Indian python the next in size at the former stage.
Other herpetologists have ascertained that in the northern United States the prairie rattlesnake may not give first birth until it is four or even five years old, and that the young may be born every other year, rather than annually.
the former figure is based on a somewhat unusual birth of four by a Central American female ( see chapter on Laying, Brooding, Hatching, and Birth ), the latter on a `` normal '' newly born individual.
Analyses such as these four will simultaneously combat the assumptions that tone is impossible and that it is simple.

is and elements
As the dancer is depersonalized, his accouterments are animized, and the combined elements give birth to a new being.
Often it is recognized that all the details of the pattern may not be essential to the outcome but, because the pattern was empirically determined and not developed through theoretical understanding, one is never quite certain which behavior elements are effective, and the whole pattern becomes ritualized.
This almost trivial example is nevertheless suggestive, for there are some elements in common between the antique fear that the days would get shorter and shorter and our present fear of war.
What is the history of criticism but the history of men attempting to make sense of the manifold elements in art that will not allow themselves to be reduced to a single philosophy or a single aesthetic theory??
It is worth dwelling in some detail on the crisis of this story, because it brings together a number of characteristic elements and makes of them a curious, riddling compound obscurely but centrally significant for Mann's work.
For the present it is enough to note that in the grotesque figure of Jacoby, at the moment of his collapse, all these elements come together in prophetic parody.
that is, he is suspect, guilty, punishable, as is anyone in Mann's stories who produces illusion, and this is true even though the constant elements of the artist-nature, technique, magic, guilt and suffering, are divided in this story between Jacoby and Lautner.
And the best way to conceal and disguise the elements of an incest story is not to set out to write an incest story.
If ( remember this is an assumption ) the minimal polynomial for T decomposes Af where Af are distinct elements of F, then we shall show that the space V is the direct sum of the null spaces of Af.
Where boundary maintenance describes the boundaries or limits of the group, systemic linkage is defined `` as the process whereby one or more of the elements of at least two social systems is articulated in such a manner that the two systems in some ways and on some occasions may be viewed as a single unit.
Our conjecture is, then, that regardless of the manner in which school lessons are taught, the compulsive child accentuates those elements of each lesson that aid him in systematizing his work.
By the time the child first attacks the actual problem of reading, he is completely familiar and at ease with all of the elements of words.
To others whose concern it is to penetrate the significance of Christian Humanism, the Renaissance elements are of primary concern.
The details of the setting of `` Neutral Tones '' are not, strictly speaking, metaphorical, but they combine to create a mood which is appropriate both to a dismal winter day and to the end of love, and in this way love and weather, the emotions and the elements, symbolize each other in a way that is common to many of Hardy's best poems ( `` Weathers '', `` The Darkling Thrush '', and `` During Wind and Rain '', for example ) and to some moving passages in the novels as well ( Far From The Madding Crowd is full of scenes constructed in this way ).
Verbal and adverbial elements too participated in each epic diction, but it is for the present sufficient to mark the large nominal and adjectival supply of semantic near-equivalents, and to designate the members of any system of equivalents as basic formulas of the poetic language.
The major postwar development is the certainty that these elements should not be considered singly but in combination and as being mutually supporting.
Proponents of single elements tend to ensure predominance of that element without determining if it is justified, and the element with the most enthusiastic and vociferous proponents has assumed the greatest importance.

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