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once and was
It was hotter once they reached the flat, and drier, but the grass was better.
Its front was windowless, but irregularities in the masonry might be an indication that windows, now blinded, had once looked out upon the street.
I was at once disappointed, although just what I had expected him to look like I could not have explained.
I found a trooper once the Apache had spread-eagled on an ant hill, and another time we ran across some teamsters they'd caught, tied upside down on their own wagon wheels over little fires until their brains was exploded right out o' their skulls.
At once my ears were drowned by a flow of what I took to be Spanish, but -- the driver's white teeth flashing at me, the road wildly veering beyond his glistening hair, beyond his gesticulating bottle -- it could have been the purest Oxford English I was half hearing ; ;
He caught up with me once and grabbed me, but I was all covered with zing -- it's very slippery, you know ''.
The lad's once superb body was a mass of scars and welts.
Being somewhat delicate in health, at the age of sixteen he was sent to Southern Europe, for which he at once developed a passion, so that he spent nearly all of the following ten years abroad, at first in Italy, then in Greece, Egypt, Asia Minor, and Palestine.
She was pious, too, once kneeling through the night from Holy Thursday to Good Friday, despite the protest of the nuns that this was too much for a young girl.
In his fight for the Illinois and Indiana delegations, Hearst made several trips to Chicago to confer with Andrew Lawrence, the former San Francisco Examiner man who was now his Chicago kingpin, and once to meet with Bryan.
There was a battle on an average of once every three weeks.
In a letter to Meynell, which was written in June, less than a month before Katie's wedding, he was highly melodramatic in his despair and once again announced his intention of returning to the life of the streets: ``
Meynell once again paid his debts and it was Katie, rather than Thompson, whose life was soon ended, for she died in childbirth in April, 1901, in the first year of her marriage.
the pope was playing a dangerous game, with so many balls in the air at once that a misstep would bring them all about his ears, and his only hope was to temporize so that he could take advantage of every change in the delicate balance of European affairs.
To the Weston house came once William Allen Neilson, the president of Smith College who had been one of my old professors and who still called me `` Boy '' when I was sixty.
and once when he came to see us in New York he walked away in a rainstorm, unwilling to hear of a taxi or even an umbrella, although he was at the time ninety years old.
Lewis was spending his mornings, with the help of two secretaries, on the galleys of that long novel, making considerable revisions, and the combination of hard work and hard frivolity exhausted him once more, so that he was compelled to spend three days in the Harbor Sanatorium in the last week of January.
He is said to have reported that once, when she went to a hospital to call on a friend after a serious operation, and the friend protested that it had been `` nothing '', she replied, `` Well, it was your healthy American peasant blood that pulled you through ''.
Milton was to act as the archfool, the supreme wit, the lightly bantering pater, Pater Liber, who could at once trip lightly over that which deserved such treatment, or could at will annihilate the common enemies of the college gathering, and with words alone.

once and generally
The poet in a written tradition who generally never blots a line may once in a while pause and polish without incurring blame.
When the grammatical dual form of Ajax is used in the Iliad, it was once believed that it indicated the lesser Ajax fighting side-by-side with Telamonian Ajax, but now it is generally thought that that usage refers to the Greater Ajax and his brother Teucer.
The plant is of great economic importance, being harvested for its fibre, once generally called Manila hemp, extracted from the trunk or pseudostem.
Numerous medical studies on treatment of these abscesses with antibiotics have been done with varying results, but the consensus is once pus is aspirated and analysed, provided no unusual bacilli are present, the abscess will generally heal on its own in a matter of weeks.
Mistakes pose greater risks to ballpoint artists ; once a line is drawn, it generally cannot be erased.
The punishments inflicted by the censors generally differed according to the station which a man occupied, though sometimes a person of the highest rank might suffer all the punishments at once, by being degraded to the lowest class of citizens.
In practice a groveling letter of apology to the court is sufficient to ward off this possibility, and in any event the warrant is generally ' backed for bail ' i. e. bail will be granted once the arrest has been made and a location where the person can be found in future established.
In double trigger designs, it is often possible to pull both triggers at once, firing both barrels simultaneously, though this is generally not recommended as it doubles the recoil, battering both shooter and shotgun.
*" Good government generally begins in the family, and if the moral character of a people once degenerate, their political character must soon follow.
" He generally regarded government redistribution of income or capital as an unacceptable intrusion upon individual freedom: " the principle of distributive justice, once introduced, would not be fulfilled until the whole of society was organized in accordance with it.
Since the working life of a hearse is generally one of light duty and short, sedate drives, hearses remain serviceable for a long time ; hearses 30 years old or more may still be in service, although some funeral homes replace them at least once a decade.
While web browsers may show alert dialog boxes to warn users in some cases where reloading a page may re-submit a POST request, it is generally up to the web application to handle cases where a POST request should not be submitted more than once.
Snowfall is rare, generally occurring once or twice a year.
Isaac Asimov once wrote, " In view of what he might still have accomplished ... his death might well have been the most costly single death of the War to mankind generally.
This might have happened during the initial marshaling of forces from a jump off point, or the deployment of reserves, but once the great encircling sweep of frenzied warriors in the " horns " and " chest " was in motion, the izinduna could not generally exercise detailed control.
* Ekashana: A person eats only once a day and generally they have lunch.
They were once thought to form a language family, but this is no longer generally accepted, and has become a minority position among linguists.
Merge algorithms generally run in time proportional to the sum of the lengths of the lists ; merge algorithms that operate on large numbers of lists at once will multiply the sum of the lengths of the lists by the time to figure out which of the pointers points to the lowest item, which can be accomplished with a heap-based priority queue in O ( log n ) time, for O ( m log n ) time, where n is the number of lists being merged and m is the sum of the lengths of the lists.
Beck calls this " the most likely scenario " and states " Till now, Mithraism has generally been treated as if it somehow evolved Topsy-like from its Iranian precursor – a most implausible scenario once it is stated explicitly.
This has led to theories about the relation of the two, including that Njörðr may have once been a hermaphroditic god or, generally considered more likely, that the name may indicate an otherwise unattested divine brother and sister pair such as Freyr and Freyja.
Stagflation is also notable because it has generally proven to be difficult and, in human terms as well as budget deficits, very costly to eradicate once it starts.
While the old German-derived labels “ Wend ” and “ Wendish ”, which once denoted “ Slav ( ic )” generally, have been retained in American and Australian communities, they are today mostly unusual in place of “ Sorb ” and “ Sorbian ” with reference to Sorbian communities in Germany, because many Sorbs consider such words to be offensive.
The half volley is made by hitting the ball on the rise just after it has bounced, once again generally in the vicinity of the net.
The popularity of Elizabeth was extremely high, but her Privy Council, her Parliament and her subjects thought that the unmarried queen should take a husband ; it was generally accepted that, once a queen regnant was married, the husband would relieve the woman of the burdens of head of state.

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