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Page "New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures" ¶ 2
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fact and is
In fact, one important aspect of their very religion is the annihilation of men ''.
In fact it has caused us to give serious thought to moving our residence south, because it is not easy for the most objective Southerner to sit calmly by when his host is telling a roomful of people that the only way to deal with Southerners who oppose integration is to send in troops and shoot the bastards down.
The fact is due mainly to international wars, both hot and cold.
While the pattern is uneven, some having gained more than others, nationalism has in fact served the Western peoples well.
In point of fact, this is a beige box with a bright red door, about one and a half feet square and hung from the wall about six feet from the door to Wisman's right.
The fact is that the Southern Confederacy differed from the earlier one almost as much as the Federal Constitution did.
To my knowledge, Lincoln remains the only Head of State and Commander-in-Chief who, while fighting a fearful war whose issue was in doubt, proved man enough to say this publicly -- to give his foe the benefit of the fact that in all human truth there is some error, and in all our error, some truth.
In fact the accumulation of the hardware of destruction is day by day increasing our fear of each other.
The new fact the initiates of this cult have to learn is that they must move toward simplicity.
The magic circle is, in fact, a symbol of and preparation for the metaphysical orgasm ''.
Operating as a one man police force in fact if not in name, he is at once more independent and more dedicated than the police themselves.
`` I may possibly be a greater risk than is the normal person of my age '', the President had said on February 29th of the election year, ignoring the fact that no one of his age had ever lived out another term.
In the incessant struggle with recalcitrant political fact he learns to focus the essence of a problem in the significant detail, and to articulate the distinctions which clarify the detail as significant, with what is sometimes astounding rapidity.
we accord it its place there, and in Lawrence's treatment we are given the innocent fantasy of a child, in fact, the form in which oedipal love is expressed in childhood.
There is probably some significance in the fact that two of the best incest stories I have encountered in recent years are burlesques of the incest myth.
How much they esteemed him is shown by the fact that their underground committee selected him as one of the few who would be helped to escape.
That is not to deny that he has been aware of traditions, of course, that he is steeped in them, in fact, or that he has dealt with them, in his books.
There is evidence to suggest, in fact, that many authors of the humorous sketches were prompted to write them -- or to make them as indelicate as they are -- by way of protesting against the artificial refinements which had come to dominate the polite letters of the South.
It seems quite obvious that all the really difficult tasks of human beings arise from the fact that man is not one, but many.
If our sincerity is granted, and it is granted, the discrepancy can only be explained by the fact that we have come to believe hearsay and legend about ourselves in preference to an understanding gained by earnest self-examination.
Perhaps the mere fact that by plucking on the nerves nature can awaken in the most ordinary of us, temporarily anyway, the sleeping poet, and in poets can discover their immortality, is the most remarkable of all the remarkable phenomena to which we can attest??

fact and particularly
Some of us might be inclined to argue, in fact, that an independence of mind and action and an intolerance of regimentation, either mental or physical, are particularly Southern traits.
What made these new location figures particularly impressive was the fact that although 1960 was a year of mild business recession throughout the nation, Rhode Island scored marked progress in new industry, new plants, and new jobs.
This caution has been particularly noticeable in a tendency of retailers and distributors to shift the inventory burden back on the supplier, and the fact stocks at retail are low in many lines has escaped attention because of the presence of higher stocks at the manufacturing level.
`` All too frequently '', points out James O'Gara, managing editor of Commonweal, `` Catholics run roughshod over Protestant sensibilities in this matter, by failure to consider the reasoning behind the Protestant position and, particularly, by their jibes at the fact that Protestant opinion on birth control has changed in recent decades ''.
It is particularly interesting that those who framed the report should refer to `` the organization which actually owns the university '': this seems to show an awareness of the fact that there is more to the problem than the ordinary issue of clerical-lay tension.
It is a striking fact that Ammianus, though a professional soldier, gives excellent pictures of social and economic problems, and in his attitude to the non-Roman peoples of the empire he is far more broad-minded than writers like Livy and Tacitus ; his digressions on the various countries he had visited are particularly interesting.
In fact the area particularly came to be known for its forts, villas, palaces, havelis, gateways, fortifications, and city walls.
It is particularly commonly employed in issues of law where proof of guilt or innocence may be required, or when it must be determined whether a person knew a particular fact before taking a specific action ( e. g., whether an action was premeditated ).
In fact, the three Western commandants regularly protested the presence of the East German National People's Army ( NVA ) in East Berlin, particularly on the occasion of military parades.
Other independent companies were grouped under the Mutual banner in 1912, and there were also important new entrants, particularly the Jesse Lasky Feature Play Company, and Famous Players, which were both formed in 1913 to take advantage of the fact that films could reproduce the real substance of a stage play ( plus embellishments ), and so the best plays and actors from the legitimate stage could be enticed into films.
The word can also be used to describe a particularly insignificant or novel fact, in the absence of much relevant context.
According to many art researchers, particularly in the Netherlands and in Los Angeles, that type of public art is, in fact an effective tool of social emancipation or in the achievement of a political goal.
Spanish news outlets expressed outrage over the Sovereign Bay project in January 2009, particularly over the fact that infill material to create the quays and breakwater was reportedly coming from Spanish quarries in Andalucia.
This fact, combined with a high excitation energy resulting in a particularly rich spectrum of decay gamma rays produced when the metastable state de-excites, makes this isotope useful in nuclear physics experiments as a means for calibrating energy responses and intrinsic efficiencies of gamma ray spectrometers.
Adjusting liability insurance claims is particularly difficult because there is a third party involved, the plaintiff, who is under no contractual obligation to cooperate with the insurer and may in fact regard the insurer as a deep pocket.
Boyarin suggests that this in part reflects the fact that much of Judaism's more than 3, 000-year history predates the rise of Western culture and occurred outside the West ( that is, Europe, particularly medieval and modern Europe ).
In fact, he distinguished himself so notably that the emperor Frederick II., the most genial and enlightened monarch of the time, invited him to come to Naples, and, under the emperor's auspices, to devote himself to his studies, particularly to the rendition of scientific Arabic literature into the more accessible Hebrew language.
Perceval, although unfinished, was particularly popular: four separate continuations of the poem appeared over the next half century, with the notion of the Grail and its quest being developed by other writers such as Robert de Boron, a fact that helped accelerate the decline of Arthur in continental romance.
In fact, injection of methadone does not result in a " rush " as with some other strong opioids such as morphine or hydromorphone, because its extraordinarily high volume of distribution causes it to diffuse into other tissues in the body, particularly fatty tissue ; the peak concentration in the blood is achieved at roughly the same time, whether the drug is injected or ingested.
This is particularly correct when closing the action on the river in Texas hold ' em or on the 7th street in stud poker, where a player can make calldowns with hands that are unlikely to win simply because of the pot odds he is getting and the fact he cannot be bluffed out of the pot.
The anti-Soviet communist parties in western Europe ( e. g., the Trotskyist parties ), who felt that the fall of the Soviet Union vindicated their views and predictions, did not particularly prosper from it — in fact, some became less radical as well.
They maintain that what constitutes child abuse is a matter of objective fact, and that some of the practices which mainstream anthropologists apologize for ( e. g., sacrificial rituals ) may result in psychosis, dissociation and magical thinking: particularly for the surviving children who had a sacrificed brother or sister by their parents.
Further indications of the legend's connection with West Yorkshire ( and particularly Calderdale ) are noted in the fact that there are pubs called the Robin Hood in both nearby Brighouse and at Cragg Vale ; higher up in the Pennines beyond Halifax, where Robin Hood Rocks can also be found.
Early portrayers of the character Sherlock Holmes, particularly William Gillette and Basil Rathbone, took advantage of this fact when it was required to portray Holmes smoking.
In fact, most stories, particularly The Adventure of the Copper Beeches, described him as preferring a long-stemmed cherry-wood or a clay pipe.

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