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Page "mystery" ¶ 369
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And and even
And even with her limited knowledge of such things, she knew that the car could be repaired there ; ;
And, as a matter of fact, Nicolas had slept in the park only part of one night, when he discovered that Munich's early mornings even in summer are laden with dew.
And you love Ahmiri, that black bastard of a servant even a little more, because he's a beautiful man.
And Keith's record of kills made him a man to listen to -- a man paradoxically, who might even survive.
And when this was gone, he hadn't even a little bitter tablet to purify other water if he were to discover some stagnant jungle pool.
And any sequence can not only change its positions in the work but can even be eliminated from it altogether.
And the life they lead is undisciplined and for the most part unproductive, even though they make a fetish of devoting themselves to some creative pursuit -- writing, painting, music.
And even hearing it in a concert hall surrounded by hundreds of people the words and the melody would make me a little colder and I would reach out for my husband's hand.
`` And even more right.
And even deeper than that: his fear lest in this closed hall he should suddenly itch to relieve himself.
And dancing school, so helpful in artistic and psychological development, also contributes to this essential early training -- and can contribute even more.
And due to modern resource-use and game management practices, there is still game to shoot, even with the ever-expanding encroachment on land and water.
And even if they stay in resorts part of the time, they might, if the right salesman gets them in tow, develop a yearning to spice the usual vacation fare with a camping trip into the wide open spaces.
And a witty American journalist remarked over a century ago what is even more true today, `` Many a writer seems to think he is never profound except when he can't understand his own meaning ''.
And he could recognize, by touch alone, articles which he had handled immediately before, even though they were altogether unfamiliar to him and could not be identified by him ; ;
And so the authors conclude: `` The conduct of the patient in his every-day life and in his work, even more than the foregoing facts ( mentioned above under 1 ), leave positively no room for doubt that the sense of touch, in the ordinary sense of the word, was unaffected ; ;
And there are even newer foamed plastics that are yet to be evaluated.
And even more complex items can be interpreted to conform to one's own point of view, which is by nature so personal.
And so well is such ignorance preserved by the amateur and the money-maker that even at the college level most of the hundred-odd folklore courses given in the United States survive on sentiment and nationalism alone.
And he hasn't even got a knife on him.
And while less than ten years earlier the wayward Black Sox -- all of them top performers in their positions -- had toiled for stingy Charles Comiskey at salaries ranging from twenty-five hundred dollars to forty-five hundred dollars a year, stars now were asking ten thousand dollars, twenty thousand dollars, yes, even fifty thousand dollars a season.
And anyway Burton was not the kind of guy who would be likely to get in trouble even when he was drunk.
And even as she, having indeed a husband, Adam, but being nevertheless as yet a virgin, having become disobedient, was made the cause of death, both to herself and to the entire human race ; ;
Such fascinating novelties in the score as the fugual treatment of `` On The Side Of The Angels '' and `` Politics And Poker '' were handled splendidly, and I thought Rudy Bond and his band of tuneful ward-heelers made `` Little Tin Box '' even better than it was done by the New York cast ; ;

And and if
And I will greatly appreciate it if you will not tell your husband.
The husband points the steps out with his flashlight: `` Its white stare filling her pale eyes To the blind brim with appetite, Bleaching her hands that grazed my thighs And sent us from the table in surprise To let the dishes soak all night, '' ( Mary Jane asked herself if Meredith was blushing at this line, or was it the fire??
And he would have enjoyed it just as much if he had been a Nazi.
`` And if the dive goes OK he has the exclusive import rights to your line for this country, is that right ''??
And if you get sick, ask the teacher to let you come home early.
And if he is so scornful of the rights of states, why not advocate a different sort of constitution that he could more sincerely support??
And social relations arising out of business ties impose courtesy, if not sympathy, toward resident and visiting Northerners.
And if I have gone into so much detail about so small a work, that is because it is also so typical a work, representing the germinal form of a conflict which remains essential in Mann's writing: the crude sketch of Piepsam contains, in its critical, destructive and self-destructive tendencies, much that is enlarged and illuminated in the figures of, for instance, Naphta and Leverkuhn.
And if Howard Rutstein felt impelled thereafter to formulate the ethics of the medical profession, his article in the Atlantic Monthly accomplished a good deal more.
And if we understand the rocking as an erotic symbol we can also see how well it serves as the symbol of impending tragedy.
And Pike never did find out if Robinson was really responsible for the `` Vale '' letter.
And if we do not aspire to too much, it is also within our capacity.
Perhaps Patchen was once involved in a train accident, and this passage from First Will And Testament may have been how the accident appeared to the poet when he first saw it -- if he did: ``
And if you bore each other then, heaven help you.
And if the foreigners fighting in the Katanga Army are mercenaries then Lafayette and Von Steuben were mercenaries too, as were also the members of the Lafayette Escadrille in the early part of World War 1, and of Chennault's Flying Tigers in the early days of World War 2.
And for him to leave this job now without accomplishing anything would mean practically the end of his career in the Methodist church, if not in all churches.
And listening to such a conversation one morning while taking a cup of chocolate in a cafe, Rousseau found himself bathed in perspiration, trembling lest his authorship become known, and at the same time dreaming of the startling effect he would make if he should proclaim himself suddenly as the composer.
And now Andrei sat on a train on the way to Lublin and wondered if he was not being punished for his lack of belief.
`` And I am not sure that I have any cash -- any money, that is -- but if you will wait just a minute I will write you out a check if I can find my checkbook.
And, if we follow the Rayburn pattern, as consciously or by an instinctual political sense I like to think I have followed it, then the very nature of our loyalty to our own immediate areas must necessarily be reflected in the devotion of our services to our country.
And the more complex the morphophonemic system is in relation to the phonemic base, the less easily a phonemic system will be analysed without close attention to the morphophonemics -- at least, the less satisfying will a phonemic statement be if it cannot be related through morphophonemic rules to grammatically meaningful structures.

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