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Page "Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey" ¶ 29
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Since and then
Since then, and since the pure grain had gotten him divorced from every decent -- and even indecent -- group from Greenwich Village to the Embarcadero, he had become a sucker-rolling freight-jumper.
Since then nothing has happened to save the life of Pope.
Since then, the flowers she had planted had spread all over the hill.
Since then, there has been a notable increase in the number of stations and also the accumulation of additional data and the development of new techniques for using it, leading to a better understanding of propagation phenomena.
Since then, many Protestant denominations have made separate pronouncements, in which they not only approved birth control, but declared it at times to be a religious duty.
Since then he had worked at this and that, though some said his main interest was gambling.
Since then and during the first decade, the results were given to newspapers for publication at 11 pm on the night of the awards.
Since then, it has focused on improving relationships with Western countries, cultivating links with other Portuguese-speaking countries, and asserting its own national interests in Central Africa through military and diplomatic intervention.
Since then commercial interest in mouthwashes has been intense and several newer products claim effectiveness in reducing the build-up in dental plaque and the associated severity of gingivitis ( inflammation of the gums ), in addition to fighting bad breath.
Since then, the standard set of languages included in Altaic has comprised Turkic, Mongolic, Tungusic, Korean, and Japanese.
Since then, Alumni has played at the highest level of Argentinian rugby and its rivalry with Belgrano Athletic Club is one of the fiercest local derbies in Buenos Aires.
Since the mid-1890s Schweitzer had formed the inner resolve that it was needful for him as a Christian to repay to the world something for the happiness which it had given to him, and he determined that he would pursue his younger interests until the age of thirty and then give himself to serving humanity, with Jesus serving as his example.
Since then God's Naam and Will have become expressed and creative functioning in the universe goes on.
Since then, the antiparticles of many other subatomic particles have been created in particle accelerator experiments.
Since this process does not involve any heat transfer or work, the First Law of Thermodynamics then implies that the net internal energy change of the system is zero.
Since then, other works of his have been translated into English.
Since then, American English has been influenced by the languages of West Africa, the Native American population, Spanish, and immigration.
Since 1977, New Zealand has celebrated Arbor Day on June 5, which is also World Environment Day, prior to then Arbor Day, in New Zealand, was celebrated on August 4 – which is rather late in the year for tree planting in New Zealand hence the date change.
Since then the " Common Strategy " policy in the USA and the rest of the world has no longer been used.
Since 1990, AIX has served as the primary operating system for the RS / 6000 series ( later renamed IBM eServer pSeries, then IBM System p, and now IBM Power Systems ).
Since then many more have been identified and named.
Since John Wesley ordained and sent forth every Methodist preacher in his day, who preached and baptized and ordained, and since every Methodist preacher who has ever been ordained as a Methodist was ordained in this direct " succession " from Wesley, then the Methodist Church teaches that it has all the direct merits coming from apostolic succession, if any such there be.
Since then the corporate headquarters have moved to New York City at 1 Park Avenue in Manhattan.
Since then groups that are not affiliated to the Santo Daime have used ayahuasca, and a number of different ' styles ' have been developed, such as the non-religious approach developed by Daniel Waterman in 2001, popularly termed Ayahuasca Open Style ( AOS ).
Since then the Archbishops of Canterbury have been referred to as occupying the Chair of St. Augustine.

Since and high
Since she could not act, one part suited her as well as any other, and so she was the first person to offer Mr. Lincoln a glass of water, holding it up to the box, high above her head, to Miss Harris, who had asked for it.
Since the concept of high fidelity became important some dozen years ago, the claims of technical improvements have multiplied tenfold.
Since independence from Portugal in 1975, a number of Angolan students continued to be admitted every year at high schools, polytechnical institutes, and universities in Portugal, Brazil and Cuba through bilateral agreements ; in general, these students belong to the Angolan elites.
Since private transfers from the Diaspora tend to be mostly injected into consumption of imports and not in high value-added sectors, the transfers have not resulted in sizeable increases in productivity.
Since this office was a stepping stone to higher office and the Senate, it helped to ensure that only wealthy individuals ( mostly landowners ) would win election to high office.
Since Lavoisier's knowledge of strong acids was mainly restricted to oxoacids, such as ( nitric acid ) and ( sulphuric acid ), which tend to contain central atoms in high oxidation states surrounded by oxygen, and since he was not aware of the true composition of the hydrohalic acids ( HF, HCl, HBr, and HI ), he defined acids in terms of their containing oxygen, which in fact he named from Greek words meaning " acid-former " ( from the Greek οξυς ( oxys ) meaning " acid " or " sharp " and γεινομαι ( geinomai ) meaning " engender ").
Since the Weimar Republic lacked the quantity of raw materials available to the United States and Great Britain, it had to rely on the proficiency of a skilled labor force and an ability to export innovative and high quality goods.
Since the 1960s, blackjack has been a high profile target of advantage players, particularly card counters, who track the profile of cards that have been dealt and adapt their wager and playing strategies accordingly.
Since human plague is rare in most parts of the world, there is no need to vaccinate people other than those at particularly high risk of exposure.
Since the Persian force obviously contained a high proportion of missile troops, a static defensive position would have made little sense for the Athenians ; the strength of the hoplite was in the melee, and the sooner that could be brought about, the better, from the Athenian point of view.
Since the second half of the 20th century, computers have been programmed to play chess with increasing success, to the point where home computers can play chess at a very high level.
Since after independence from Portugal in 1975, a number of Cape Verdean students continued to be admitted every year at Portuguese high schools, polytechnical institutes and universities, through bilateral agreements between the Portuguese Government and the Cape Verdean Government.
Since diamond has the highest thermal conductivity of any bulk material, layering diamond onto high heat producing electronics ( such as optics and transistors ) allows the diamond to be used as a heat sink.
Since the entropy increases with temperature, many endothermic reactions preferably take place at high temperatures.
The Oral Torah is the primary guide for Jews to abide by these terms, as expressed in tractate Gittin 60b, " the Holy One, Blessed be He, did not make His covenant with Israel except by virtue of the Oral Law " to help them learn how to live a holy life, and to bring holiness, peace and love into the world and into every part of life, so that life may be elevated to a high level of kedushah, originally through study and practice of the Torah, and since the destruction of the Second Temple, through prayer as expressed in tractate Sotah 49a " Since the destruction of the Temple, every day is more cursed than the preceding one ; and the existence of the world is assured only by the kedusha ... and the words spoken after the study of Torah.
Since the transcription of the Talmud, notable rabbis have compiled law codes that are generally held in high regard: the Mishneh Torah, the Tur, and the Shulchan Aruch.
Since the corona has been photographated at high resolution in the X-rays by the satellite Skylab in 1973, and then later by Yohkoh and the other following space instruments, it has been seen that the structure of the corona is very various and complex: different zones have been immediately classified on the coronal disc
Since the nuclear pores are located in an area of high traffic, they play an important role in the physiology of cells.
Since 2003 the relative premium commanded by higher quality wool has increased with coarser wool missing out on the high prices in 2008.
Since 1962, when France stationed military personnel in the region, French Polynesia has changed from a subsistence economy to one in which a high proportion of the work force is either employed by the military or supports the tourist industry.
Since the 1960s rather complex mathematical models have been developed, facilitated by the availability of high speed computers.
Since the quality of most services depends largely on the quality of the individuals providing the services, it is true that " people costs " are a high component of service costs.
Since at high concentrations it is capable of activating the insulin receptor, it can also complement for the effects of insulin.
Since ISDN provides a high quality connection this assists in delivering good quality audio for transmission in radio.
Since March 4, 1963, Canada has a high commission in Kingston.

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