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Page "Lance Acord" ¶ 4
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which and also
It is also possible, but equally doubtful, that he actually shot down the hundreds of men with which his legend credits him.
This was also a corpse -- a male, judging from the coral arm bands, the tribal scars still discernible on the maggoty face, the painted bone of the warrior caste which still pierced the septum of the rotting nose.
Recognizing that the Rule of Law is `` a dynamic concept which should be employed not only to safeguard the civil and political rights of the individual in a free society '', the Congress asserted that it also included the responsibility `` to establish social, economic, educational and cultural conditions under which his legitimate aspirations and dignity may be realized ''.
In addition to the authentication and acknowledgment procedures which precede and follow the sending of the go messages, again in special codes, each message also contains an `` internal authenticator '', another specific signal to convince the recipient that he is getting the real thing.
There was also a long wooden spear and a woomera, a spear-throwing device which gives the spear an enormous velocity and high accuracy.
As more and more Jewish musicians lost their jobs with professional organizations Steinberg united them into the Frankfurt Kulturbund Orchestra, which also gave guest performances in other German cities.
He added that he also stresses the works of these favorite masters on tour, especially Mahler's First and Fourth symphonies, and Das Lied Von der Erde, and Bruckner's Sixth -- which is rarely played -- and Seventh.
They arise in situations in which one believes that what happens depends not only on the external world, but also on the precise pattern of behavior of the individual or group.
And if I have gone into so much detail about so small a work, that is because it is also so typical a work, representing the germinal form of a conflict which remains essential in Mann's writing: the crude sketch of Piepsam contains, in its critical, destructive and self-destructive tendencies, much that is enlarged and illuminated in the figures of, for instance, Naphta and Leverkuhn.
It resembles, too, pictures such as Durer and Bruegel did, in which all that looks at first to be solely pictorial proves on inspection to be also literary, the representation of a proverb, for example, or a deadly sin.
By `` image '' is meant not only a visual presentation, but also remembered sensations of any of the five senses plus the feelings which are immediately conjoined therewith.
he is questioning, also, every epistemology which stems from Hume's presupposition that experience is merely sense data in abstraction from causal efficacy, and that causal efficacy is something intellectually imputed to the world, not directly perceived.
The networks for military communications are one of the best examples of networks which not only must be changed with the changes in objectives but also must be changed with the addition of new machines of war.
Nothing testifies more clearly to that cleavage than the peculiar editorial page appearing in a July issue of Life Magazine, the issue which also carried the second announcement of the candidacy.
In secret he also acted as a member of the prisoners' Central Committee, which plotted sabotage, planned a few escapes, and maintained a hidden control over the wretched French slave-laborers.
He and also Mr. Cowley and Mr. Warren have fallen to the temptation which besets many of us to read into our authors -- Nathaniel Hawthorne, for example, and Herman Melville -- protests against modernism, material progress, and science which are genuine protests of our own but may not have been theirs.
But Thorpe saw also the hardships of pioneer existence, the cultural poverty of the frontier settlements, and the slack morality which abounded in the new regions.
and he wrote also the masterpiece of frontier humor, `` The Big Bear Of Arkansas '', in which earthy realism is placed alongside the exaggeration of the backwoods tall-tale and the awe with which man contemplates the grandeur and the mysteries of nature.
The Indians who came aboard ship to collect the mail also interested her greatly, even if she was suitably shocked, according to the customs of the society in which she had been reared, to find them `` naked, except a piece of cotton cloth wrapped around their middle ''.
but there is much here also which bears directly on his personal quarrel with Swift.
We may also recognize cases in which the poets have influenced the philosophers and even indirectly the scientists.
It had been whispered privately that she had smiled in the congregation, and the Governor Prence sent to knoe her business, and command, after punishment as the bench see fit, her departure and also anyone who brought her to the place from which she came ' ''.

which and made
Let me pass over the trip to Sante Fe with something of the same speed which made Mrs. Roebuck `` wonduh if the wahtahm speed limit '' ( 35 m.p.h. ) `` is still in ee-faket ''.
She had touched her face, truly a noble and pure face, only with a lip salve which made her lips glisten but no redder than usual.
Suddenly he saw something which made his big heart give a sickening lurch and caused the hairs to bristle on the back of his neck.
It became the sole `` subject '' of `` international law '' ( a term which, it is pertinent to remember, was coined by Bentham ), a body of legal principle which by and large was made up of what Western nations could do in the world arena.
The values and talents which made the tile and the dome, the rug, the poem and the miniature, continue in certain social institutions which rise above the ordinary life of this city, as the great buildings rise above blank walls and dirty lanes.
If his dancers are sometimes made to look as if they might be creatures from Mars, this is consistent with his intention of placing them in the orbit of another world, a world in which they are freed of their pedestrian identities.
They differed in the balance they believed essential to the sovereignty of the citizen -- but the supreme sacrifice each made served to maintain a still more fundamental truth: That individual life, liberty and happiness depend on a right balance between the two -- and on the limitation of sovereignty, in all its aspects, which this involves.
But I suspect that the old Roman was referring to change made under military occupation -- the sort of change which Tacitus was talking about when he said, `` They make a desert, and call it peace '' ( `` Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant ''.
If a child had a single drop of Negro blood, he would revert to the ancestral line which, except as slaves under a superior race, had not made one step of progress in 3,000 years.
It recurred in the press conferences: the President's remarks about his running developed a singular tone, one which we find in few statements made by public individuals on such a matter.
Faulkner's total works today, and in fact those of his works which existed in 1946 when Mr. Cowley made his comment, or in 1939, when Mr. O'Donnell wrote his essay, reveal no such simple attitude toward the South.
It is to say rather, I believe, that he has brought to bear on the history, the traditions, and the lore of his region a critical, skeptical mind -- the same mind which has made of him an inveterate experimenter in literary form and technique.
and, as in the March home, any young man who called on the Szolds found himself confronted with a phalanx of femininity which made it rather difficult to direct his particular attention to any one of them.
What irritated Miriam was that Wright had told the papers about a reasonable offer he had made, which he considered she would accept `` when she tires of publicity ''.
Steele first answers briefly the charges which his `` dear old Friend '' has made about his pamphlet on Dunkirk and his Crisis.
The colonel grunted, then made a remark which might be construed in either of two ways.
Since the recognition of Israel as a nation state, claims are made in many cases which identify the claimant as a member of the new body politic.
The symposium provides an opportunity to confront the self with specific statements which were made at particular times by identifiable communicators who were addressing definite audiences -- and throughout several hundred pages everyone is talking about the same key symbol of identification.
One, a reservation on the point I have just made, is the phenomenon of pseudo-thinking, pseudo-feeling, and pseudo-willing, which Fromm discussed in The Escape From Freedom.
Certainly one of the most important comments that can be made upon the spiritual and cultural life of any period of Western civilization during the past sixteen or seventeen centuries has to do with the way in which its leaders have read and interpreted the Bible.
The outstanding example was in Garibaldi And The Thousand, where he made use of unpublished papers of Lord John Russell and English consular materials to reveal the motives which led the British government to permit Garibaldi to cross the Straits of Messina.
As the field on which my tent was pitched was a favorite natural playground for the kids of the neighborhood, I had made many friends among them, taking part in their after-school games and trying desperately to translate Grimm's Fairy Tales into an understandable French as we gathered around the fire in front of the tent.
A few years before his death Papa had agreed with Mama to make a joint will with her in which it would be provided that in the event of the death of either of them an accounting would be made to their children whereby each child would receive a bequest of $5000 cash.

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