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is and name
`` Oh, it's that myth, about Orpheus and What is her name??
She said, `` My name is Songau and these girls are Ponkob and Piwen.
`` What is your name, boy??
`` My name is Dandy Brandon, missy.
Isfahan became more of a legend than a place, and now it is for many people simply a name to which they attach their notions of old Persia and sometimes of the East.
His name is Praisegod Piepsam, and he is rather fully described as to his clothing and physiognomy in a way which relates him to a sinister type in the author's repertory -- he is a forerunner of those enigmatic strangers in `` Death In Venice '', for example, who represent some combination of cadaver, exotic, and psychopomp.
that is, on the basis of his own sinfulness and abject wretchedness, Piepsam becomes a prophet who in his ecstasy and in the name of God imprecates doom on Life -- not only the cyclist now, but the audience, the world, as well: `` all you light-headed breed ''.
Operating as a one man police force in fact if not in name, he is at once more independent and more dedicated than the police themselves.
Within this frame of reference policies appropriate to claims advanced in the name of the Jews depend upon which Jewish identity is involved, as well as upon the nature of the claim, the characteristics of the claimant, the justifications proposed, and the predispositions of the community decision makers who are called upon to act.
When decision makers act within this frame they determine whether a claim put forward in the name of religion is to be accepted by the larger community as appropriate to religion.
`` What is your name ''??
Master Gorton, having foully abused high and low at Aquidneck is now bewitching and bemaddening poor Providence, both with his unclean and foul censures of all the ministers of this country ( for which myself have in Christ's name withstood him ), and also denying all visible and external ordinances in depth of Familism: almost all suck in his poison, as at first they did at Aquidneck.
Milton's name being fourth is neither too high nor too low to be assigned to the arbitrary action of vice-chancellor, proctor, master, or other mighty hand.
He had also learned to dispute extempore remarkably well, the main evidence for which of course is the presence of his name in the honors list of 1628/29.
The narrator is an Alsatian serving with the French Army, and he has the same name ( Berger ) that Malraux himself was later to use in the Resistance ; ;
Much more important is to grasp the feelings of the narrator ( whose full name is never given ) as he becomes aware of the disorganized and bewildered mass of French prisoners clustered together in a temporary prison camp in and around the cathedral of Chartres.
But it is tradition rather than the record which balks at the expunging of the Tammany name.
After the Griffin-Byrd political troup has completed the circuit in November in the name of a Pre-Legislative Forum, this is going to be the most politically oriented Legislature in history.
The big question is whether, in the name of a restored Chinese-Soviet solidarity, the Chinese will choose to persuade the Albanians to present their humble apologies to Khrushchev -- or get rid of Enver Hoxa.
It is the same ole same, tell me its name.
And the name Rayburn is one of the most dominant in the history of American politics for the last half century.
You name it, our industry is producing it, and it probably is made in different models.

is and given
It is much less difficult now than in Lincoln's day to see that on both sides sovereign Americans had given their lives in the Civil War to maintain the balance between the powers they had delegated to the States and to their Union.
Life is further characterized, in antithesis to Piepsam, as animal: the image of a dog, which appears at several places, is first given as the criterion of amiable, irrelevant interest aroused by life considered simply as a spectacle: a dog in a wagon is `` admirable '', `` a pleasure to contemplate '' ; ;
Their artistic rationale is given to the witness of unreason.
All such imitations of negative quality have given rise to a compensatory response in the form of a heroic and highly individualistic humanism: if man can neither know nor love reality as it is, he can at least invent an artistic `` reality '' which is its own world and which can speak to man of purely personal and subjective qualities capable of being known and worthy of being loved.
As in experience one is seized by given entities and their interrelations and is forced to respond in value feelings to them, so one is similarly seized in the mimetic presentation of images.
Whitehead contends that the human way of understanding existence as a unity of interlocking and interdependent processes which constitute each other and which cause each other to be and not to be is possible only because the basic form of such an understanding, for all its vagueness and tendency to mistake the detail, is initially given in the way man feels the world.
Since civilizational change is the most difficult to perceive and analyze, it seldom is given adequate attention.
we accord it its place there, and in Lawrence's treatment we are given the innocent fantasy of a child, in fact, the form in which oedipal love is expressed in childhood.
To innocence, a word given is a word that will be kept.
This is given some expression in Beardsley's notion of harmony and the resolution of indecision.
It is obvious that the historian who seeks to recapture the ideas that have motivated human behavior throughout a given period will find the art and literature of that age one of his central and major concerns, by no means a mere supplement or adjunct of significant historical research.
There is plenty more to recommend Gorton, the facts of whose life are given in The Life And Times Of Samuel Gorton, by Adelos Gorton.
Although Patchen has given previous evidence of an interest in jazz, the musical group that he works with, the Chamber Jazz Sextet, is often ignored by jazz critics.
That such expansion can be obtained without a raise in taxes is due to growth of the tax digest and sound fiscal planning on the part of the board of commissioners, headed by Chairman Charles O. Emmerich who is demonstrating that the public trust he was given was well placed, and other county officials.
The bill which passed the Assembly last May and is now pending in the Senate should be given careful scrutiny.

is and religious
Hemingway's fiction is supported by a `` moral '' backbone and in its search for ultimate meaning hints at a religious dimension.
This is the rhetoric of righteousness the beatniks use in defending their way of life, their search for wholeness, though their actual existence fails to reach these `` religious '' heights.
Piepsam is not, certainly, religious in any conventional sense.
If Jews are identified as a religious body in a controversy that comes before a national or international tribunal, it is obviously compatible with the goal of human dignity to protect freedom of worship.
From that time to this my religious concern is that I might give effective help to the bringing in of God's kingdom on earth.
The religious quest is often intense and deep, and there are students on every campus who are seriously wrestling with the most profound questions of meaning and value.
He is a Buddhist, which means that to him peace and the sanctity of human life are not only religious dogma, but a profound and unshakable Weltanschauung.
It is like medical schools in India where, in that fairy-land of religious inhibition, the dissection of dead bodies is frowned upon.
In the last analysis, religion is the means of inducing, formulating, expressing, enhancing, implementing, and perpetuating man's deepest experience -- the religious.
Man is first religious ; ;
The feeling of individual inferiority, defeat, or humilation growing out of various social situations or individual deficiencies or failures is compensated for by communion in worship or prayer with a friendly, but all-victorious Father-God, as well as by sympathetic fellowship with others who share this faith, and by opportunities in religious acts for giving vent to emotions and energies.
The value-system of a community or society is always correlated with, and to a degree dependent upon, a more or less shared system of religious beliefs and convictions.
Even in the United States, with its freedom of religious belief and worship and its vast denominational differentiation, there is a general consensus regarding the basic Christian values.
In America also all of our major religious bodies officially sanction a universalistic ethic which is reflective of our common religion.
Closely related to this function is the fact that the religious system provides a body of ultimate ends for the society, which are compatible with the supreme eternal ends.
As he points out, a religious group cannot exist without a collective credo, and the more extensive the credo, the more unified and strong is the group.
His view is that every religion pertains to a community, and, conversely, every community is in one aspect a religious unit.
This is brought out in the common religious ethos that prevails even in the denominationally diverse audiences at many secular semi-public and public occasions in the United States ; ;
and it is evidenced in the prayers offered, in the frequent religious allusions, and in the confirmation of points on religious grounds.
There is a marked tendency for religions, once firmly established, to resist change, not only in their own doctrines and policies and practices, but also in secular affairs having religious relevance.
To derive Utopian communism from the Jerusalem Christian community of the apostolic age or from its medieval successors-in-spirit, the monastic communities, is with an appropriate shift of adjectives, misleading in the same way as to derive it from Plato's Republic: in the Republic we have to do with an elite of physical and intellectual athletes, in the apostolic and monastic communities with an elite of spiritual and religious athletes.
It omits, for example, practically the whole line of great nineteenth century English social critics, nearly all the great writers whose basic position is religious, and all those who are with more or less accuracy called Existentialists.

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