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new and theory
Accordingly, it is the aim of this essay to advance a new theory of imitation ( which I shall call mimesis in order to distinguish it from earlier theories of imitation ) and a new theory of invention ( which I shall call symbol for reasons to be stated hereafter ).
Bill Ruger's long-awaited Deerstalker ( under $110 ) is a new rifle action in a caliber that upsets all the modern theory of high-velocity fans ; ;
The cards of permanent out-migrants are, in theory, sent to an office in the place of new residence.
Sample areas in the new investigations were selected strictly by application of the principles of probability theory, so as to be representative of the total population of defined areas within calculable limits.
Spontaneity training theory is unique and relatively new.
Although Utopian communism is both new in 1516 and also modern, it is not modern communism or even modern socialism, as they exist or have ever existed in theory or in practice.
Max Gluckman, together with many of his colleagues at the Rhodes-Livingstone Institute and students at Manchester University, collectively known as the Manchester School, took BSA in new directions through their introduction of explicitly Marxist-informed theory, their emphasis on conflicts and conflict resolution, and their attention to the ways in which individuals negotiate and make use of the social structural possibilities.
In the book, he proposed and explained in detail a new theory of humankind: mankind as a " time-binding " class of life ( humans perform time binding by the transmission of knowledge and abstractions through time which are accreted in cultures ).
A year later, in 1931, Dirac modified his theory and postulated the positron, a new particle of the same mass as the electron.
Germain Morin broke new ground by suggesting in 1899 that the writer was Isaac, a converted Jew and writer of a tract on the Trinity and Incarnation, who was exiled to Spain in 378-380 and then relapsed to Judaism ; but he afterwards abandoned this theory of the authorship in favour of Decimus Hilarianus Hilarius, proconsul of Africa in 377.
He established the consistent use of the chemical balance, used oxygen to overthrow the phlogiston theory, and developed a new system of chemical nomenclature which held that oxygen was an essential constituent of all acids ( which later turned out to be erroneous ).
His construction of new cohomology theories has left deep consequences for algebraic number theory, algebraic topology, and representation theory.
Then, following the programme he outlined in his talk at the 1958 International Congress of Mathematicians, he introduced the theory of schemes, developing it in detail in his Éléments de géométrie algébrique ( EGA ) and providing the new more flexible and general foundations for algebraic geometry that has been adopted in the field since that time.
Weil realized that to prove such a connection one needed a new cohomology theory, but neither he nor any other expert saw how to do this until such a theory was found by Grothendieck.
According to this new theory, the shorter Alexandrian text is closer to the original, and the longer Western text is the result of later insertion of additional material into the text.
The discovery and elucidation of aberration is now regarded as a classic case of the application of scientific method, in which observations are made to test a theory, but unexpected results are sometimes obtained that in turn lead to new discoveries.
However, Davy failed to develop a new theory, concluding that " acidity does not depend upon any particular elementary substance, but upon peculiar arrangement of various substances ".
Pascal was an important mathematician, helping create two major new areas of research: he wrote a significant treatise on the subject of projective geometry at the age of sixteen, and later corresponded with Pierre de Fermat on probability theory, strongly influencing the development of modern economics and social science.
Apparently a new unified theory of quantum gravitation is needed to break this barrier.
The advent of the germ theory and advances in bacteriology brought a new level of sophistication to the theoretical use of bio-agents in war.

new and has
In recent weeks, as a result of a sweeping defense policy reappraisal by the Kennedy Administration, basic United States strategy has been modified -- and large new sums allocated -- to meet the accidental-war danger and to reduce it as quickly as possible.
Even though in most cases the completion of the definitive editions of their writings is still years off, enough documentation has already been assembled to warrant drawing a new composite profile of the leadership which performed the heroic dual feats of winning American independence and founding a new nation.
Undoubtedly even the old Southern stalwart Richmond has felt the new wind: William Styron mentions in his latest novel an avenue named for Bankhead McGruder, a Civil War general, now renamed, in typical California fashion, `` Buena Vista Terrace ''.
Today the Negro must discover his role in an industrialized South, which indicates that the racial aspect of the Southern dilemma hasn't changed radically, but rather has gradually come to be reflected in this new context, this new coat of paint.
Thus Faulkner reminds us, and wisely, that the `` new '' South has gradually evolved out of the Old South, and consequently its agrarian roots persist.
`` We were possessed by visions of a new civilization to come, very pure and elevated '', he has said, `` in fact some ideal form of socialism such as we had dreamed of since the war of 1914-1918 ''.
During the past year, our long-range striking power, unmatched today in manned bombers, has taken on new strength as the Atlas intercontinental ballistic missile has entered the operational inventory.
One reason is, of course, that the new scepticism has been willing to maintain the general picture of the invasions as portrayed in the traditional sources.
But it can no longer be so once Benjamin Franklin ( the incarnation of the new rational man ) has flown a kite to it.
Both abolition of war and new techniques of production, particularly robot factories, greatly increase the world's wealth, a situation described in the following passage, which has the true utopian ring: `` Everything was so cheap that the necessities of life were free, provided as a public service by the community, as roads, water, street lighting and drainage had once been.
Since the great flood of these dystopias has appeared only in the last twelve years, it seems fairly reasonable to assume that the chief impetus was the 1949 publication of Nineteen Eighty-Four, an assumption which is supported by the frequent echoes of such details as Room 101, along with education by conditioning from Brave New World, a book to which science-fiction writers may well have returned with new interest after reading the more powerful Orwell dystopia.
These new poems have only a few direct references to jazz and jazz musicians, but they show changes in Patchen's approach to his poetry, for he has tried to enter into and understand the emotional attitude of the jazz musician.
He has shown considerable ingenuity in adapting his earliest symbols and devices to the new work, and the fact that he has kept a body of constant symbols through all of his experiments gives an unexpected continuity to his poetry.
It was a sort of poetic justice that at the time of his own demise a new plot to overthrow the Venezuelan government, reportedly involving the use of Dominican arms by former Venezuelan Dictator Marcos Perez Jimenez, has been uncovered and quashed.
He is basing his guess on new government statistics that show business has broadened its stride -- a new record high in personal income, an increase in housing starts, a spurt in retail sales and a gain in orders for durable goods.
The Carbondale Industrial Development Corp. has obtained a $500,000 loan to help defray the cost of remodeling a city-owned factory to accommodate production that will provide 500 new jobs.
Communist guerrillas recently have been reported increasing their activities and the great flood of the Mekong River has interposed a new crisis.
On net balance, in spite of Controller Gerosa's opposition to the new Charter as an invasion of his office, the Controller will have the opportunity for greater usefulness to good government than he has now.
If this new Bible does not increase in significance by repeated readings throughout the years, it will not survive the ages as has the King James Version.
The Illinois Commission for Handicapped Children, which for 20 years has had the responsibility of coordinating the services of tax supported and voluntary organizations serving handicapped children, of studying the needs of handicapped children in Illinois, and of promoting more adequate services for them, indeed welcomes this new important resource which will help the people of Illinois toward the goal of providing an education for all of its children.

new and been
My new Aunt was perhaps three or four years older than I and it had been a long time since I had seen as gorgeous a woman who oozed sex.
Besides, her endearments and caresses in the carriage had been new and stirring experiences to the simple youth.
Willard Thorp, in his new book, American Writing In The Twentieth Century, observes, quite validly it seems: `` Certain subjects are conspicuously absent or have been only lightly touched.
Running across the deck, which was empty now that the livestock had been killed and eaten, they sniffed the spice-laden breezes that came from the shore, each pointing out new and exciting wonders to the other.
A new bill had been passed under Harding that designated the Government, rather than the President, as the tab-lifter for official meals.
It is difficult to say what Thompson expected would come of their relationship, which had begun so soon after his emotions had been stirred by Maggie Brien, but when Katie wrote on April 11, 1900, to tell him that she was to be married to the Rev. Godfrey Burr, the vicar of Rushall in Staffordshire, the news evidently helped to deepen his discouragement over the failure of his hopes for a new volume of verse.
The younger men, Vere, and Pembroke, who was also Edward's cousin and whose Lusignan blood gave him the swarthy complexion that caused Edward of Carnarvon's irreverent friend, Piers Gaveston, to nickname him `` Joseph the Jew '', were relatively new to the game of diplomacy, but Pontissara had been on missions to Rome before, and Hotham, a man of great learning, `` jocund in speech, agreeable to meet, of honest religion, and pleasing in the eyes of all '', and an archbishop to boot, was as reliable and experienced as Othon himself.
To the middle of September 1918, there had been fewer than 10,000 deaths from disease in the new army.
His reading ranged from Agatha Christie to The Book Of Job and he had an insatiable interest in his fellow-creatures, while his letters were full of gossip about new politicians and old men of letters with whom he had been intimately thrown six decades before.
Under these conditions a new generation of Europeans began to discover the bonds of long association and shared values that for so long had been subordinated to nationalist xenophobia.
The recent experiments in the new poetry-and-jazz movement seen by some as part of the `` San Francisco Renaissance '' have been as popular as they are notorious.
He was thinking his way into a new novel, a big one, one that people had been waiting for.
Even though headquarters actually have been moved into the Chatham building, do they believe that they can make the new name stick??
A new queen, with the prosaic title of Q3, had been planned for several years to replace the Queen Mary.
Since moving from a Chicago suburb to Southern California a few months ago, I've been introduced to a new game called Lanesmanship.
Twenty feet below the street level in the excavation of the new motel to be constructed on this site, a black coal-like deposit has been encountered.
It has not been any great mental effort on my part to keep up with this mechanization which has brought about new ways of dialing.
So the Commission's announcements of the new Soviet shots have been confined to one or two bleak sentences, with the fission yield usually left vague.

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