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Page "Bombyx mori" ¶ 3
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After and they
After another long pause he asked, `` How many people know who they are ''??
After they had finished eating, Melissa took Sprite the kitten under her arm -- `` so that Auntie Grace can teach it about the whistle '' -- and climbed into the station wagon beside her mother.
After they had paid all his debts and the funeral costs, Ralph and Fred had some fourteen thousand dollars, as I remember, with which to pay the bequests.
After all, when one has asked whatever became of old Joe and Charlie when one has inquired who it was Sue Brown married and where it is they now live when questions are asked and answered about families and children, and old professors when the game and its probable outcome has been exhausted that does it.
After all, they are paid by the public, they should be examples.
After she had served the detectives coffee and toast ( they politely declined eggs, uncomfortable about their tenancy ), she settled down with a morning newspaper and began reading the stock market quotations.
After they had left, some of the people moved around, to find more comfortable places to sit.
After that they had sat for five minutes without saying a word.
After the factors just described have been computed, they are applied to the following formula: Af
After figuring out how to regulate the barrels so that they shot to the same point of impact, we fired this little 20-inch-barrel job on my home range and in Marlin's underground test gallery.
After the Turks conquered the city in 1453 they converted it to a mosque, adding the stubby minarets.
After they have developed concepts, they are free from the necessity of manipulating objects ; ;
After a flood of protests, they were reinstated at the beginning of 1953.
After an earthquake in Japan in 1793 people on the coast at Tugaru were so terrified by the extraordinary ebbing of the sea that they scurried to higher ground.
After the usual Honorable Sirs, it went on to say that there had been set off to the widow one full third part of the real estate of the deceased Salu Norberg, one lower room, on the Western side, privileges to the well and bake-oven and to one third of the cellar ( I can show you the cellar when we go up ), also one Cow Right, and lastly they set off to the widow her own land that she brought with her as dower, namely the Beech Pasture.
After the spate of female vocalists we have been having, all of whom took Sarah as a point of departure and then tried to see what they could do that might make her seem old hat, it seemed that all that has happened is to make the real thing seem better than ever.
After a short time, both George and Donald joined the class with me so they wouldn't feel lonely, and we used to hang a sign on the door of the Brush-off reading out to work.
After they each performed, both were deemed equal until Apollo decreed they play and sing at the same time.
After three months, they begin supervised foraging and by four months are normally independent.
After that, a year later, they made a couple of major improvements to the design.
After that, they are then driven into position using a laptop and 56 motor control boards.
After what the MCC saw as the problems of the earlier professional and amateur series they decided to take control of organising tours themselves, and this led to the first MCC tour of Australia in 1903 – 04.

After and have
After a while, Kitty murmured something to Cappy, and he held her close, answering, `` We'll just have to wait till we pull into Philly, honey ''.
After all, a guy's gotta have a little ego!!
After you have taken a breather, reverse the position of your legs so that the front thigh of the previous exercise is now to the rear, and the rear thigh now to the front, and perform the same movement in the same manner.
After it has been seen, have the child start on a mat on hands and knees ( a thin, inexpensive mat is quite sufficient for anything that does not require falling ).
After all, if you were going to set up a workshop you had to have the proper equipment and that was that.
After the male and female andrenas have mated, the cycle is repeated.
After being closed for seven months, the Garden of the Gods Club will have its gala summer opening Saturday, June 3.
After paying tribute to the conductor and his white-clad youthful students, President Kennedy said, `` As an American I have the greatest possible pride in the work that is being done in dozens of schools stretching across the United States -- schools where devoted teachers are studying with interested young men and women and opening up the whole wide horizon of serious music ''.
After all this destruction of old literature, it should be obvious why we have so little information about the early history and development of the Lo Shu, which was already semisecret anyhow.
After a while she said with sort of an unuttered laugh, `` You have snow in your hair and ears ''.
After the records of the property have been traced and the title has been found clear, it is sometimes guaranteed, or insured.
After 1180 BC, the Hittite empire disintegrated into several independent " Neo-Hittite " states, subsequent to losing much territory to the Middle Assyrian Empire and being finally overrun by the Phrygians, another Indo-European people who are believed to have migrated from The Balkans.
After four years of war-torn London, Christie hoped she can return some day to Syria, which she described as " gentle fertile country and its simple people, who know how to laugh and how to enjoy life ; who are idle and gay, and who have dignity, good manners, and a great sense of humor, and to whom death is not terrible.
After Lt Gen Barshadli became Chief of General Staff, subsequent defense ministers from 1992 have included:
After describing the manifestation of the Gospel in the Ogdoad and Hebdomad, he adds that the Basilidians have a long account of the innumerable creations and powers in the several ' stages ' of the upper world ( diastemata ), in which they speak of 365 heavens and say that " their great archon " is Abrasax, because his name contains the number 365, the number of the days in the year ; i. e. the sum of the numbers denoted by the Greek letters in ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ according to the rules of isopsephy is 365:
After Roman times, Einhard mentions that in 765 – 6 Pippin the Younger spent both Christmas and Easter at Aquis villa (""), which must have been sufficiently equipped to support the royal household for several months.
After this point, he was said to have gone insane.
After this failed, he devised a collapsable boat, which would either have its cabin fall in or become shipwrecked.
After the battle, according to a tradition reported by Paul the Deacon, to be granted the right to sit at his father's table, Alboin had to ask for the hospitality of a foreign king and have him donate his weapons, as was customary.
* 1945 – World War II: Führerbunker: After learning that Soviet forces have taken Eberswalde without a fight, Adolf Hitler admits defeat in his underground bunker and states that suicide is his only recourse.
After about 125 BC, the eponyous archon, and probably the others, were normally prominent men, and this oligarchic tendency appears to have been produced by a system of election.
After a player places a tile, and the results of that placement have been handled, he may purchase up to three shares of stock.

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