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Page "Jean-Paul Sartre" ¶ 25
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man and if
Now he saw that both the man and woman were moving slowly and irregularly, staggering, as if they found it a struggle to remain on their feet.
He was silent a moment, thinking he could use a man this time of year, and if the girl could cook, it would give him more time in the meadows, but he knew nothing about the couple.
The moon had sunk below the black crest of the mountains and the land, seen through eyes that had grown accustomed to the absence of light, looked primeval, as if no man had ever trespassed before.
`` McLish '', he said as he kicked the horse into motion, `` I'd be a mighty sad man if we never met again ''.
So if all these beers was to get me in bed, man, you just spent a lot of money ''.
He doubted if a man could wade as far as the desolate, dry hills that rimmed the valley.
The big man with the whitened hair murmured something: his words sounded as if they were in the Manu tongue, which I recognized, having studied the dialect in my Anthropology 6, class at the University of Chicago.
It sounded as if the man were calling him: `` Hey, Japanese hey there, Japanese ''.
If love reflects the nature of man, as Ortega Y Gasset believes, if the person in love betrays decisively what he is by his behavior in love, then the writers of the beat generation are creating a new literary genre.
All such imitations of negative quality have given rise to a compensatory response in the form of a heroic and highly individualistic humanism: if man can neither know nor love reality as it is, he can at least invent an artistic `` reality '' which is its own world and which can speak to man of purely personal and subjective qualities capable of being known and worthy of being loved.
Operating as a one man police force in fact if not in name, he is at once more independent and more dedicated than the police themselves.
The assumptions upon which the example shown in Figure 3 is based are: ( A ) One man can direct about six subordinates if the subordinates are chosen carefully so that they do not need too much personal coaching, indoctrinating, etc..
The waspish man stopped me three paces from the bicycle barricade, and asked me in French if I had papers to leave France.
`` Mais non '', the Interior Ministry man coaxed, `` you may come back to Strasbourg, now, if you wish ''.
The reporters were questioning the Interior man and the French officer, both of whom remained noncommittal as to what action, if any, would be taken in my regard.
By this time Woodruff had accurately measured Pike as a man of great personal pride, a man who would fly into a towering rage if his integrity were questioned, and who would be anxious to avenge himself.
As a proud man, his prestige would suffer if he let Pike dictate to him through the governor's office, but to lower his prices would be tantamount to an admission that they had been too high in the first place.
His neighbors celebrated his return, even if it was only temporary, and Morgan was especially gratified by the quaint expression of an elderly friend, Isaac Lane, who told him, `` A man that has so often left all that is dear to him, as thou hast, to serve thy country, must create a sympathetic feeling in every patriotic heart ''.
If man is actually the product of his environment and if science can discover the laws of human nature and the ways in which environment determines what people do, then someone -- a someone probably standing outside traditional systems of values -- can turn around and develop completely efficient means for controlling people.
In fact I cannot imagine myself condemning a man to the noose or the electric chair if I had to take, as an individual, the responsibility for his death.
If a branch extended out too far, each man held it back for the next, and if they met a low overhang, each warned the other.
She was wise enough to realize a man could be good company even if he did weigh too much and didn't own the mint.
When something unexpected happened, one always asked for water if one were a woman, brandy if one were a man.

man and certain
I felt certain he was really a spineless little man.
The knowledge in virtue of which a man is an historian is a knowledge of what the evidence at his disposal proves about certain events ''.
When a man recognizes a certain experience as the exact pattern of a previous dream, we have an instance of deja vue, except for the fact that he knows just why the experience seems familiar.
This conclusion is based on two propositions: that man by the use of his reason can ascertain God's purpose in the universe and that God makes known His purpose by certain `` given '' physical arrangements.
When a man invests a block of his years at a university without gaining the coveted promotion, not only is he faced with the problem of starting over but there is also a certain depreciation in the market value of his services.
Tolstoy defined art ( and by no coincidence also characterized its value ) as the following: " Art is a human activity consisting in this, that one man consciously, by means of certain external signs, hands on to others feelings he has lived through, and that other people are infected by these feelings and also experience them.
In 1173 Pope Alexander III, after reprimanding certain bishops for having permitted veneration of a man who was far from being a saint, decreed: " You shall not therefore presume to honour him in the future ; for, even if miracles were worked through him, it is not lawful for you to venerate him as a saint without the authority of the Catholic Church.
In his 2006 homily for Corpus Christi, Pope Benedict XVI noted the similarity between the Christian story of the resurrection and pagan myths of dead and resurrected gods: " In these myths, the soul of the human person, in a certain way, reached out toward that God made man, who, humiliated unto death on a cross, in this way opened the door of life to all of us.
By contrast, the name ' man ' denotes real things ( men ) that have a certain quid rei.
What is less certain, and what we all fervently hope, is that man will soon grow sufficiently adult to make good use of the powers that he acquires over nature.
A Polish Kabbalist, writing in about 1630 – 1650, reported the creation of a golem by Rabbi Eliyahu thus: " And I have heard, in a certain and explicit way, from several respectable persons that one man close to our time, whose name is R. Eliyahu, the master of the name, who made a creature out of matter Golem and form tzurah and it performed hard work for him, for a long period, and the name of emet was hanging upon his neck, until he finally removed it for a certain reason, the name from his neck and it turned to dust.
But I, though I saw and heard these things, refused to write for a long time through doubt and bad opinion and the diversity of human words, not with stubbornness but in the exercise of humility, until, laid low by the scourge of God, I fell upon a bed of sickness ; then, compelled at last by many illnesses, and by the witness of a certain noble maiden of good conduct nun Richardis von Stade and of that man whom I had secretly sought and found, as mentioned above, I set my hand to the writing.
Because Bergman was taller than her leading man, Bogart had blocks attached to his shoes in certain scenes.
He who paints living animals is more estimable than those who only represent dead things without movement, and as man is the most perfect work of God on the earth, it is also certain that he who becomes an imitator of God in representing human figures, is much more excellent than all the others ... a painter who only does portraits still does not have the highest perfection of his art, and cannot expect the honour due to the most skilled.
For example, a " man on the street " interview which selects people who walk by a certain location is going to have an overrepresentation of healthy individuals who are more likely to be out of the home than individuals with a chronic illness.
We dare not seriously affirm it, but all the same it is certain that man came out of the slime of the earth, and his first appearance must have been in the form of a rough sketch.
In the Mishnah there is also a reference to certain women teaching men the Torah from behind a curtain, so that no man would be offended.
" Rejecting Cicero's view that men join in society primarily through " a certain social spirit which nature has implanted in man ," Hobbes declares that men join in society simply for the purpose of " getting themselves out from that miserable condition of Warre, which is necessarily consequent ... to the naturall Passions of men, when there is no visible Power to keep them in awe.
Reality confronts a man with a great many ' must's ', but all of them are conditional: the formula of realistic necessity is: ' you must, if –' and the if stands for man's choice: ' if you want to achieve a certain goal '.
In the Church — the City of God — marriage is a sacrament and may not and cannot be dissolved as long as the spouses live: But a marriage once for all entered upon in the City of our God, where, even from the first union of the two, the man and the woman, marriage bears a certain sacramental character, can in no way be dissolved but by the death of one of them ..
However, they were certain they did not want the show to be set aboard a starship because Star Trek: The Next Generation was still in production at the time and, in Berman ’ s words, it " just seemed ridiculous to have two shows — two casts of characters — that were off going where no man has gone before.
In book I, the young Hadingus encounters " a certain man of great age who had lost an eye " who allies him with Liserus.
" They now inform him that " at a certain stage of intoxication, no human power could keep from setting out, with impressive unction, to tell about a wonderful adventure which he had once had with his grandfather's old ram — and the mention of the ram in the first sentence was as far as any man had heard him get, concerning it.

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