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Page "romance" ¶ 914
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could and imagine
The statement was also made that undoubtedly the railroad had received some compensating benefit from the telegraphers, but that it was difficult to imagine what could balance a job for life.
Time plays an essential part in our mortality, and suddenly for no reason he could imagine ( or admit ) the image of Peg laughing filled his mind -- so desirable, so lusty, so full of nuances of pleasure and joy.
He replied that he could not imagine what importance there might be in thus meeting with a stranger, but -- joy of joys, he would be at home at the hour mentioned.
he had found his style quite early in his career and he thought it quite wonderful that the world admired it, and he could not imagine why he should alter it.
Of course he couldn't say much, really, because of Debora, but Linda Kay could imagine what kind of woman his wife had been and what a raw deal he had got.
What with traders trading for so many different objectives, and what with there being so many unique and individualized market theories and trading techniques in use, and more coming into use all the time, it is hard to imagine how any particular theory or technique could acquire enough `` fans '' to invalidate itself.
for every grown man ( except a few who were always suspected of being shy on virility ) knew at least the fundamentals of baseball, just as every male American in this era liked to imagine ( or pretend ) that he could fight with his fists.
The sound rose on the other side of the hills, vanished and rose again and he could imagine the mad, disheveled hoofs of the Appaloosas, horses the white men once had called the Dogs of Hell.
He could not imagine a flower's being brave enough to grow beside Peony, Larkspur, and the rest.
She could take care of herself and her ambulatory half, in any situation already recorded in the annals of Central Worlds and any situation its most fertile minds could imagine.
They could not imagine that the Germans, whom they had defeated only twenty years previously, could defeat them in a mere six weeks, as happened when France fell in June 1940.
It could be that Ayckbourn had written plays with himself and his own issues in mind, but as Ayckbourn is portrayed as a guarded and private man, it is hard to imagine him exposing his own life in his plays to any great degree.
This suggestion has been recently repeated by Jerome Murphy-O ' Connor: " It is difficult to imagine that an Alexandrian Jew ... could have escaped the influence of Philo, the great intellectual leader ... particularly since the latter seems to have been especially concerned with education and preaching.
Whatever my mistakes or failings, I could not imagine that I should find myself at the center of such a political campaign as has been worked up round my name in the West.
Some speculate that the pope could leave instructions in writing, perhaps in his will, for the appointment to be made known after his death ; but it is difficult to imagine a case in which the pope would consider that his own death would remove the obstacle in the way of publishing the name.
Science fiction author H. G. Wells noted, " Pym tells what a very intelligent mind could imagine about the south polar region a century ago.
The well-known historian of physics, C. P. Snow, says about him, " If Fermi had been born a few years earlier, one could well imagine him discovering Rutherford's atomic nucleus, and then developing Bohr's theory of the hydrogen atom.
If FLARE provided the XM-291 gun project with the sufficient radiative heat to ignite the propellant to achieve a muzzle energy of 17 MJ one could only imagine the possibilities with a fully developed FLARE plasma igniter.
If God exists in the understanding, we could imagine Him to be greater by existing in reality.
I could scarcely imagine myself to be in the woods of Indiana, on the borders of the Wabash, while pacing the long resounding aisles, and surveying the stately colonnades of this church.
The idea that specifically the interdependence between parts would have implications for the origins of living things was raised by writers starting with Pierre Gassendi in the mid 17th century and John Wilkins, who wrote ( citing Galen ), " Now to imagine, that all these things, according to their several kinds, could be brought into this regular frame and order, to which such an infinite number of Intentions are required, without the contrivance of some wise Agent, must needs be irrational in the highest degree.
Rawls asks us to imagine ourselves behind a veil of ignorance that denies us all knowledge of our personalities, social statuses, moral characters, wealth, talents and life plans, and then asks what theory of justice we would choose to govern our society when the veil is lifted, if we wanted to do the best that we could for ourselves.

could and her
He stood looking down at her for a moment, wondering what could have reduced her to this condition.
She showed her surprise by tightening the reins and moving the gelding around so that she could get a better look at his face.
Her hat had come off and fallen behind her shoulders, held by the string, and he could see her face more clearly than he had at any time before.
She remembered little of her previous journey there with Grace, and she could but hope that her dedication to her mission would enable her to accomplish it.
How could he comprehend her need when he himself was innocent??
Bushes and vines abetted the rocks in forming thorny detours for the struggling stranger, and without the direct light of the sun to act as compass, Pamela could no longer be positive of her direction.
For a moment, she could not catch her breath and then, her breath returning in short, frightened spasms, she lifted herself to her feet laboriously.
She could not scream, for even if a sound could take shape within her parched mouth, who would hear, who would listen??
And even with her limited knowledge of such things, she knew that the car could be repaired there ; ;
She wished that she could talk to her mother about it.
Not that her mother knew what had happened, but they could speculate upon it.
At first Matilda could not believe her own eyes.
And now she could see him, looking uncommon handsome, standing there beside Sally Jackson and her folks in front of their trail-worn wagon.
And she was deeply thankful that she could see her now, out there in the midst of a gay, youthful circle, skipping and singing, `` Farmer in the dell, Farmer in the dell, Heigh-ho the dairy-oh, the farmer in the dell ''.
With a swift swoop of his big arms, he grabbed Sally out of the circle surrounding him, and then kissed her soundly before setting her down so she could stand by his side while they jointly chose the rest of their `` outfit ''.
She realized I'd have to notify the police, but fervently hoped I could avoid mentioning her name.

could and at
They, and the two large fans which I could dimly see as daylight filtered through their vents, down at the far end of the hall, could be turned on by a master switch situated inside the office.
I could observe the two fans down at the end, but their size in themselves meant nothing to me as long as I had no measure of comparison.
I was at once disappointed, although just what I had expected him to look like I could not have explained.
Atonement, if atonement were possible, could only be made at that sacred, sacrificial basin.
Then, helpfully, as she merely stared at him in weary silence, `` Maybe you could write it down for me, huh??
He could not grasp that Lord had withdrawn from the fight minutes ago, and that his leaden arms were flailing at nothing but the air.
Jury, judge and executioner were riding the range in the form of a single unknown figure that could materialize anywhere, at any time, to dispense an ancient brand of justice the men of the new West had believed long outdated.
Seeing them waiting there at the foot of Emigrant Rock was so overwhelming that, for a good minute after they rounded the bend and started down the grade leading toward them, Matilda could not speak at all.
At once my ears were drowned by a flow of what I took to be Spanish, but -- the driver's white teeth flashing at me, the road wildly veering beyond his glistening hair, beyond his gesticulating bottle -- it could have been the purest Oxford English I was half hearing ; ;
If you tell him I made a pass at you he might think you misunderstood something I said or did, so instead of just telling him I made a pass, say I tried to date you and that you agreed so you could prove to him what a louse I really am.
The RAF was Britain's weapon of attrition, and flying a fighter plane was the way her sons could serve her best at this point in the war.
He could not keep his eyes off her when at school ; ;
Occasionally he would look across the aisle at Margaret, fourteen and demure in a fresh green organdy dress, sitting in the sixth-grade row, and he could hardly believe she would do what Charles had said she did.
Let us look in on one of these nerve centers -- SAC at Omaha -- and see what must still happen before a wing of B-52 bombers could drop their Aj.
When he started school at the age of five-and-a-half, he could not understand why the alphabet begins with the letter A, instead of C, as in the scale.
He knelt down at his bed as long as he could kneel.
it was mud in wet weather and dust, ankle-deep, in dry, and could be crossed only at the corner where there were stepping stones.
Such problems are of extreme interest as well as importance and are so much like fighting in a rain forest or guerrilla warfare at night in tall grass that we might have to re-examine primitive conflicts for what they could teach.
He could learn at second hand from books, but could not thus capture the real Jewish spirit.

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