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Page "Gianni Agnelli" ¶ 17
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was and however
Over and above that, however, was his growing suspicion of Chuck Stober's part in recent events.
Thus, to cite but one example, the Pax Britannica of the nineteenth century, whether with the British navy ruling the seas or with the City of London ruling world finance, was strictly national in motivation, however much other nations ( e.g., the United States ) may have incidentally benefited.
His purpose, however, was not to establish an empire, but to assert the principle of divine justice.
Henrietta, however, was at that time engaged in a lengthy correspondence with Joe's older and more serious brother, Morris, who was just about her own age and whom she had got to know well during trips to Philadelphia with Papa, when he substituted for Rabbi Jastrow at Rodeph Shalom Temple there during its Rabbi's absence in Europe.
I fled, however, not from what might have been the natural fear of being unable to disguise from you that the things about my bridegroom -- in the sense you meant the word `` things '' -- which you had been galvanizing yourself to tell me as a painful part of your maternal duty were things which I had already insisted upon finding out for myself ( despite, I may now say, the unspeakable awkwardness of making the discovery on principle, yes, on principle, and in cold blood ) because I was resolved, as a modern woman, not to be a mollycoddle waiting for Life but to seize Life by the throat.
There was one time, however, when his face clouded and he suddenly blurted, `` Why did my brother commit suicide ''??
The special guard, however, was still posted on Kehl bridge.
One of Sherman's most serious shortcomings, however, was his mistrust of his cavalry.
Gorton appeared for her, however, and what he told the magistrates must have been plenty, for he was charged with deluding the court, fined, and told to leave the colony within fourteen days.
What is not so well known, however, and what is quite important for understanding the issues of this early quarrel, is the kind of attack on literature that Sidney was answering.
In his dealings with offenders, however, Morgan was typically firm but just.
Without a precise knowledge of Germanic philology, however, it is debatable whether their use was not more often a source of confusion and error than anything else.
They, however much they were in disagreement with the late Victorians over the method by which Britain was Germanized, agreed with them that the end result was the complete extinction of the previous Celtic population and civilization.
It would, however, reach the proctors and other officers in charge of the public-school performances of the incepting bachelors, and the place that any individual obtained in the lists depended greatly on how he comported himself in the public schools during his acts therein as he was incepting.
According to one report, however, Mr. Hammarskjold was considered `` too controversial '' a figure to warrant bestowal of the coveted honor last spring.
Joel knew what he was about, however.
He would have to work without questioning the motives which made him work and content himself with the thought that the eventual victory, however it was brought about, would be sweet indeed.
Now, under the impact of his wife's disclosures, he was brought suddenly to the realization that there was a limit to tolerance, however brilliant, however far-famed the offender might be.
There was little enough time to contemplate them, however ; ;
In such a case, however, we would encourage the recipient country to get on with its programing task, supply it with substantial technical assistance in performing that task, and make it plain that an expansion or even a continuation of our assistance to the country's development was conditional upon programing progress being made.

was and never
When they reached their neighbor's house, Pamela said a few polite words to Grace and kissed Melissa lightly on the forehead, the impulse prompted by a stray thought -- of the type to which she was frequently subject these days -- that they might never see one another again.
But she was caught in it, and she faced the terrible possibility that, if it were a dream, it was one from which she might never awaken.
There was a peculiar density about it, a thick substance that could be sensed but never identified, never actually perceived.
But that indictment was never made.
Visibility continued to be limited, and Greg was never able to get above a thousand feet.
The girl took a couple of steps toward the man in shorts when Benson, in that barefoot courtliness Ramey could never decide was real, said, `` You don't want to go around there, Ma'am ''.
The terrible power of a gun, the thing that blasted the soul out of a living body, man or beast, was one he never wanted to lose.
He went to Key West every fall and winter and was the only man in town who did not know that his title of `` Commodore '' was never used without irony.
His gun was half drawn when he asked the question, but the weapon never left its holster.
But they never said anything, so he figured it was all right.
That night he dreamed a dream violent with passion, in which he and the Woman, now the teacher, did everything except engage in the act ( and this probably only because he had never engaged in the act in reality ), and when he awoke the next morning his heart was afire.
You never heard nothin' like it: Kitty's gonna go have an abortion, and Kitty's gonna go away to a convent, and Kitty's this and Kitty's that like he was nuts or somethin', y'know ''??
It was also subtly familiar, for it was the odor of the human body, but multiplied innumerable times because of the fact that the aborigines never bathed.
Often it is recognized that all the details of the pattern may not be essential to the outcome but, because the pattern was empirically determined and not developed through theoretical understanding, one is never quite certain which behavior elements are effective, and the whole pattern becomes ritualized.
Even Hemingway, for all his efforts to formulate a naturalistic morality in The Sun Also Rises and A Farewell To Arms never maintained that sex was all.
They never troubled themselves about us while we were playing, because the fence formed such a definite boundary and `` Don't go outside the gate '' was a command so impossible of misinterpretation.
The clause reprobating the enslaving the inhabitants of Africa was struck out in complaisance to South Carolina and Georgia, who had never attempted to restrain the importation of slaves, and who on the contrary still wished to continue it.
It is a weakness of Gabriel's analysis that he never seems to realize that his so-called fundamental law had already been cut loose from its foundations when it was adapted to democracy.
He gave us a simile to explain his admission that even at the worst period of his second illness it never occurred to him there was any renewed question about his running: as in the Battle of the Bulge, he had no fears about the outcome until he read the American newspapers.
Bluntly, there never was a Ptolemaic system of astronomy.
Years were to pass before these plans came off the paper, and Wright was justified in thinking, as the projects failed, that much of what he had to show his country and the world would never be seen except by visitors to Taliesin.

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