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Page "Gian Lorenzo Bernini" ¶ 4
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is and only
Bryn Mawr Drive is only two or three miles from the Spartan, and it took me less than five minutes to get there.
Actually, only two men know what the formula is, Blake and '' -- He stopped and looked at Thor's body.
In fact it has caused us to give serious thought to moving our residence south, because it is not easy for the most objective Southerner to sit calmly by when his host is telling a roomful of people that the only way to deal with Southerners who oppose integration is to send in troops and shoot the bastards down.
This is the only case in modern history of a people of Britannic origin submitting without continued struggle to what they view as foreign domination.
Recognizing that the Rule of Law is `` a dynamic concept which should be employed not only to safeguard the civil and political rights of the individual in a free society '', the Congress asserted that it also included the responsibility `` to establish social, economic, educational and cultural conditions under which his legitimate aspirations and dignity may be realized ''.
It is the gait of the human who must run to live: arms dangling, legs barely swinging over the ground, head hung down and only occasionally swinging up to see the target, a loose motion that is just short of stumbling and yet is wonderfully graceful.
They are huge areas which have been swept by winds for so many centuries that there is no soil left, but only deep bare ridges fifty or sixty yards apart with ravines between them thirty or forty feet deep and the only thing that moves is a scuttling layer of sand.
Others are confined to vast reservations, and not only does the Australian government justifiably not wish them to be viewed as exhibits in a zoo, but on their reservations they are extremely fugitive, shunning camps, coming together only for corroborees at which their strange culture comes to its highest pitch -- which is very low indeed.
`` Now that Bruno Walter is virtually in retirement and my dear friend Dimitri Mitropoulos is no longer with us, I am probably the only one -- with the possible exception of Leonard Bernstein -- who has this special affinity for and champions the works of Bruckner and Mahler ''.
Thus, there is freshness not only in the individual movements of the dance but in the shape of their continuity as well.
The answers derived by these means may determine not only the temporal organization of the dance but also its spatial design, special slips designating the location on the stage where the movement is to be performed.
I think it is essential, however, to pinpoint here the difference between the two concepts of sovereignty that went to war in 1861 -- if only to see better how imperative is our need today to clarify completely our far worse confusion on this subject.
To my knowledge, Lincoln remains the only Head of State and Commander-in-Chief who, while fighting a fearful war whose issue was in doubt, proved man enough to say this publicly -- to give his foe the benefit of the fact that in all human truth there is some error, and in all our error, some truth.
It is all around us and our only chance now is to let it in.

is and from
Even the knowledge that she was losing another boy, as a mother always does when a marriage is made, did not prevent her from having the first carefree, dreamless sleep that she had known since they dropped down the canyon and into Bear Valley, way, way back there when they were crossing those other mountains.
The true artist is like one of those scientists who, from a single bone can reconstruct an animal's entire body.
This is puzzling to an outsider conscious of the classic tradition of liberalism, because it is clear that these Democrats who are left-of-center are at opposite poles from the liberal Jefferson, who held that the best government was the least government.
But apart from racial problems, the old unreconstructed South -- to use the moderate words favored by Mr. Thomas Griffith -- finds itself unsympathetic to most of what is different about the civilization of the North.
The Bourbon economic philosophy, moreover, is not very different from that of Northern conservatives.
It is noteworthy that the majority of the delegates to the Congress were from the less developed, former colonial nations.
Today, as new nations rise from the former colonial empires, nationalism is one of the hurricane forces loose in the world.
To him, law is the command of the sovereign ( the English monarch ) who personifies the power of the nation, while sovereignty is the power to make law -- i.e., to prevail over internal groups and to be free from the commands of other sovereigns in other nations.
And Bill Wisman, forty-three, a farmer's son from Beallsville, Ohio, is a quiet but impressive man.
In point of fact, this is a beige box with a bright red door, about one and a half feet square and hung from the wall about six feet from the door to Wisman's right.
from downstream, where the water level is much lower, it is a high, elaborately facaded pavilion.
Here, on the hottest day, it is cool beneath the stone and fresh from the water flowing in the sluices at the bottom of the vaults.
Since it is not far from Viareggio, he will visit Puccini's house, as he never fails to do, to pay his respects to the memory of the composer of La Boheme, which he considers one of Puccini's masterpieces.
`` I have just come from viewing a man who had made the fortune of his country, but now is working all night in order to support his family '', he reflected.
It is interesting, however, that despite this strong upsurge in Southern writing, almost none of the writers has forsaken the firmly entrenched concept of the white-suited big-daddy colonel sipping a mint julep as he silently recounts the revenue from the season's cotton and tobacco crops ; ;
A new South is emerging after the post-bellum years of hesitation, uncertainty, and lack of action from the Negro in defining his new role in the amorphously defined socio-political organizations of the white man.
If his dancers are sometimes made to look as if they might be creatures from Mars, this is consistent with his intention of placing them in the orbit of another world, a world in which they are freed of their pedestrian identities.
Though he is also concerned with freeing dance from pedestrian modes of activity, Merce Cunningham has selected a very different method for achieving his aim.
The fact is that the Southern Confederacy differed from the earlier one almost as much as the Federal Constitution did.
For the family is the simplest example of just such a unit, composed of people, which gives us both some immunity from, and a way of dealing with, other people.

is and late
Bedtime is late, for the balmy evenings are delightful and everyone wants to linger under the stars.
That is, there was no trace of Anglo-Saxons in Britain as early as the late third century, to which time the archaeological evidence for the erection of the Saxon Shore forts was beginning to point.
It is after the late seventeenth century.
On the other hand, the bright vision of the future has been directly stated in science fiction concerned with projecting ideal societies -- science fiction, of course, is related, if sometimes distantly, to that utopian literature optimistic about science, literature whose period of greatest vigor in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries produced Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward and H. G. Wells's A Modern Utopia.
It is perhaps too late now to talk of mandate because it is inconsistent with what is termed political realism.
A call for action `` before it is too late '' has alarming implications when it comes from a man who, in his previous reports on the schools, cautioned so strongly against extreme measures.
Seen in decorating circles of late is a renewed interest in an old art: embroidery.
Among the many stories about the late Speaker Rayburn is one from Rep. Dwyer, R-6th Dist..
) At this late date, it is impossible for St. Michael's College to find a suitable replacement for me.
The founder of the Junior Showmanship Competition the late Leonard Brumby, Sr. ( for whom the trophy is named after at Westminster ) was an outstanding Handler and believed a Junior should have an opportunity to exhibit in a dog show starting with the Junior Showmanship Division.
a stream or pond which is attractive in the springtime may become stagnant or dry in late summer.
Each Friday one manager is chosen by lot to stay late and load the equipment on a truck.
The second walk through the heart of Rome should be taken after lunch, so that you will reach the Pincian Hill when the soft light of the late afternoon is at its best.
-- The flavor of Baltimore's Florida Grapefruit League news ripened considerably late today when the Orioles were advised that Ron Hansen has fulfilled his obligations under the Army's military training program and is ready for belated spring training.
Her husband, who is the son of Alton John Mason of Shreveport, La., and the late Mrs. Henry Cater Parmer, was president of Alpha Tau Omega and a member of Delta Sigma Pi at Lamar Tech, and did graduate work at Rhodes University in Grahamstown, South Africa, on a Rotary Fellowship.
`` In view of the current expansion, which promises to be substantial '' he said the odds appear to favor rising interest rates in coming months, but `` there is reason to believe the change will not be as abrupt as in 1958 nor as severe as in late 1959 and 1960 ''.
Like Philadelphia's late Dr. Albert C. Barnes who kept his own great collection closed to the general public ( Time, Jan. 2 ), Thompson, at 61, is something of a legend in his own lifetime.
( However, there is little evidence that the late Lumumba was a Communist.
And there is the bright note: The gains were achieved in the face of temporary traffic lags late in 1960 and early in 1961 as a result of business recession.
All this will serve to show off the Ory style in fine fashion and is a must for those who want to collect elements of the old-time jazz before it is too late to lay hands on the gems.
Of the nation's eight million pleasure-boat owners a sizable number have learned that late autumn is one of the loveliest seasons to be afloat -- at least in that broad balmy region that lies below America's belt line.
The last stage in the development of the Kouros type is the late archaic period ( 520 – 485 BC ), in which the Greek sculpture attained a full knowledge of human anatomy and used to create a relative harmonious whole.

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