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Page "A. E. Becquerel" ¶ 1
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was and connection
Students of anthropology and comparative religion had long been aware that there was, indeed, a direct connection.
In connection with this conference, a 64-page supplement was published in the October 2nd edition of The Providence Sunday Journal.
As long ago as 1851 it was pointed out by Niepce ( 1851 ) that there is a connection between the pituitary and the thyroid.
This connection was clarified by Smith and Smith ( 1922 ), who showed that saline extracts of fresh bovine pituitary glands could re-activate the atrophied thyroids of hypophysectomised tadpoles.
The term enquetes demographiques, previously used for the supplementary investigations carried out in connection with the administrative censuses, was used for the new investigations.
This illusion was described in a far-sighted editorial in The New York Herald Tribune, on March 5, 1947, in connection with the submission of the satellite peace treaties to the Senate.
In this connection, it might be noted that the theory of games was a mathematical discovery long before its uses in political science were exploited.
It seems clear, when one takes into consideration the exceedingly defective eyesight of the patient ( we shall describe it in detail in connection with our second question, the one concerning the psychical blindness of the patient ), that he had to rely on his sense of touch much more than the usual portfolio-maker and that consequently that faculty was most probably more sensitive to shape and size than that of a person with normal vision.
A most useful tool for wetting the surface without running down was made from a greenhouse `` mist spray '' nozzle welded to a hose connection, to be used at low water pressure.
It is the similarity between Estella's hands and Molly's ( `` The action of her fingers was like the action of knitting '' ) that provides Pip with a vital clue to the real identity of both and establishes a symbolic connection between the underworld of crime and the genteel cruelty of Satis House.
If anti-Semitism was on trial in Jerusalem, why was it not identified, and with enough emphasis to capture the notice of the world press, in its connection with the activities of Eichmann's Department of Jewish Affairs, as exemplified by the betrayal and murder of Jews by non-police and non-party anti-Semites in Germany, as well as in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary??
The rule was enforced by demand of Sen. Wayne Morse ( D., Ore. ) in connection with President Eisenhower's cabinet selections in 1953 and President Kennedy's in 1961.
The Revenue Service disallowed the claim, invoking a law provision that generally bars deductions for expenses incurred in connection with what it said was tax-exempt income.
There was no connection between the two events, because Bobbie wasn't rich, either, though he was more aggressive than John.
Perhaps he sensed some connection between the incident on the freighter and the ascetic at Ryusenji, he was unable to put it together.
And very, very few were lost when the final connection was made to the control panels of ship or industrial combine.
Apollo Delphinios was a sea-god especially worshiped in Crete and in the islands, and his name indicates his connection with Delphi and the holy serpent Delphyne ( womb ).
In process of time the title abbot was extended to clerics who had no connection with the monastic system, as to the principal of a body of parochial clergy ; and under the Carolingians to the chief chaplain of the king,, or military chaplain of the emperor, It even came to be adopted by purely secular officials.
The connection many of them had with the church was of the slenderest kind, consisting mainly in adopting the title of abbé, after a remarkably moderate course of theological study, practising celibacy and wearing a distinctive dress — a short dark-violet coat with narrow collar.
The question whether there is a limit to the degree of cold possible, and, if so, where the zero must be placed, was first addressed by the French physicist Guillaume Amontons in 1702, in connection with his improvements in the air thermometer.
The fact that the name occurs on these gems in connection with representations of figures with the head of a cock, a lion, or an ass, and the tail of a serpent was formerly taken in the light of what Irenaeus says about the followers of Basilides:
A search for the author of the publications uncovered the whole plot, yet Aron was only banished due to his connection of the royal line of Bulgaria, whose blood also flowed in the veins of the empress Irene.
Weil realized that to prove such a connection one needed a new cohomology theory, but neither he nor any other expert saw how to do this until such a theory was found by Grothendieck.

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Gavin's stallion was in the barn and he tightened the cinches over the saddle blanket, working by touch in the darkness, comforting the animal with easy words.
Cabot turned back to the men and he was drunk with the thing they would do, wild to break from the cloying warmth of the saloon into the cold of the ebbing night.
Gavin's face was bloodless with excitement.
Still, I was disgusted with myself for agreeing with Montero's methods.
His mouth was open, his neck corded with the strain of his screams.
Out in front of our walls the grass was covered with dead and dying men, war shields, lances, blankets and wounded and dead horses.
The morning air was filled with the sweetish odor of new-spilled blood, the acrid stench of frightened horses, and the bitterness of burned powder.
Above me a dark rider was whipping his pony with a quirt in an attempt to hurdle the bales.
He was shaking with anger, his breath coming in long, painful gasps.
The town was about what Wilson expected: one main street with its rows of false-fronted buildings, a water tower, a few warehouses, a single hotel ; ;
It was, I felt, possible that they were men who, having received no tickets for that day, had remained in the hall, to sleep perhaps, in the corners farthest removed from the counter with its overhead light.
He was a man in his late forties, with graying hair, of medium height ; ;
It was partially cemented by ages and pressure, yet it crumpled before the onslaught of the powerful streams, the force of a thousand fire hoses, and with the gold it held washed down through the long sluices.
The man was tall, thin, with a narrow face and a too-large nose.
The ground was covered with soft pine needles and the slope was gentle.
Was it not possible, after all, that the forest was in league with her and her child that its sympathy lay with the Culvers that she had erred in failing to understand this??
She regarded them as signs that she was nearing the glen she sought, and she was glad to at last be doing something positive in her unenunciated, undefined struggle with the mountain and its darkling inhabitants.
Having persisted too long in deliberate ignorance and denial of the forces that threatened her, Pamela was relieved now to admit their potency and to be taking definite steps toward grappling with them.
Unconcerned, indifferent, unmotivated, the forest was simply there -- fighting man's depredations with more abundant growth and man's follies with its own musical evening laughter.
He was handsome, with his coal-black hair and eyes, his fine-chiseled features.

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