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Page "Galileo (spacecraft)" ¶ 56
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Some Related Sentences

One and these
One is tempted to say that, on the difference between the concepts of sovereignty in these two preambles, the worst war of the Nineteenth century was fought.
One is that they were established, or gained eminence, under pressure provided by these same immigrants, from whom the old families wished to segregate their children.
One of the most distressing of these scenes occurred at Spring Green toward the end of the open warfare, on a beautiful day in June.
One effect of the spirited give-and-take of these discussions was to focus attention on practical applications and the necessity of being armed with the facts: knowledge of the destructive force of even the tiniest `` tactical '' atomic weapon would have a bearing on judgments as to the advisability of its use -- to defend Berlin, for example ; ;
One cannot but wonder whether these doubts about the success of Khrushchev's agricultural policy have not at least something to do with one of the big surprises provided by this Congress -- the obsessive harping on the crimes and misdeeds of the `` anti-party group '' -- Molotov, Malenkov, Kaganovich and others -- including the eighty-year-old Marshal Voroshilov.
One of these is the solidarity and the confidential relationship of marriage.
One could also add to these analogies that steel loses its magnetism by heat, which proves that steel becomes a better conductor through a rise in temperature, just as electrical bodies do.
One by one, these errors were discussed and one by one he rejected accepting them as errors.
One cannot assume, of course, that all these accumulated meanings were inherent in the stereotype at the beginning of the therapy, or at any one time later on when the stereotype was uttered ; ;
One of these is the fact that the knife employed, no matter how well sharpened, will have a slightly rounded cutting edge.
One can apply these facts to Britain in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries as she spread her dominion over palm and pine, and they can be applied again to the United States in more recent years.
One family bound wounds with bacon or salt pork strips, or, if these were not handy, plain lard.
One of these is the `` dissolve '', which makes possible a visually smooth transition from scene to scene.
One of these men is former Fire Chief John A. Laughlin, he said.
One night, so some of these theories run, Adam would have fallen asleep, much as he fell asleep for the creation of Eve ; ;
One night there were some dried peas lying on our kitchen table, and these peas looked to me like a little group of atoms ; ;
One of these days, I'm going to organize a gigantic exhibition that will span everything that's being painted these days, from extreme abstract expressionism to extreme photorealism, and then you'll be able to see at a glance how much artists have in common with each other.
One of these became the Latin alphabet, which was spread across Europe as the Romans expanded their empire.
One of these techniques involved becoming inwardly and outwardly quiet, an experience that he termed, " silence on the objective levels ".
One camp, often called the " Altaicists ", views these similarities as arising from common descent from a proto-Altaic language spoken several thousand years ago.
One of his first acts as Emperor was to persuade the Senate to grant divine honours to Hadrian, which they had at first refused ; his efforts to persuade the Senate to grant these honours is the most likely reason given for his title of Pius ( dutiful in affection ; compare pietas ).
One of these was now called the main meeting, kyria ekklesia.
One of the more dramatic successes of his theory was his prediction of the existence of secondary and tertiary alcohols, a conjecture that was soon confirmed by the synthesis of these substances.
One particular contribution towards formalizing these differences came from Noah Webster, who wrote the first American dictionary ( published 1828 ) with the intention of showing that people in the United States spoke a different dialect from Britain, much like a regional accent.

One and used
One of the early humorists already mentioned, Thomas Bangs Thorpe, can be used to illustrate another point where Faulkner touches authentic Southern materials and also earlier literary treatment of those materials.
One cannot help wondering whether Molotov and the rest of the `` anti-party group '' are not being used as China's whipping-boys by Khrushchev and his faithful followers.
One should keep in mind that many of the exciting possiblities of roleplaying are largely unexplored and have not been used in industry to the extent that they have been in military and other areas.
One veracious woman tells me she has used thin potato parings for both corns and calluses on her feet and they remove the pain or `` fire ''.
One technique used in factorial designs is to minimize
One, the ABCDE order later used in Phoenician, has continued with minor changes in Hebrew, Greek, Armenian, Gothic, Cyrillic, and Latin ; the other, HMĦLQ, was used in southern Arabia and is preserved today in Ethiopic.
One technique used to reach very low temperatures ( thousandths and even millionths of a degree above absolute zero ) is adiabatic demagnetisation, where the change in magnetic field on a magnetic material is used to provide adiabatic cooling.
One may distinguish between this positional system, which is identical throughout the family, and the precise glyphs used to write the numerals, which vary regionally.
One of the oldest directions of the last stage of the Amber Road to the south of Danube, noted in the myth about the Argonauts, used Sava and Kupa rivers
One or more large arrays are sometimes used to emulate in-program dynamic memory allocation, particularly memory pool allocation.
One common replacement for LocalTalk was PhoneNet, a 3rd party solution ( from a company called Farallon, now called Netopia ) that also used the RS-422 port and was indistinguishable from LocalTalk as far as Apple's LocalTalk port drivers were concerned, but ran over the two unused wires in standard four-wire phone cabling.
One approach used in testing astrology quantitatively is through blind experiment.
On the west side of Hawkcraig Point there is a short concrete jetty that was used as part of the development of radio controlled torpedoes during World War One.
One famous site where historical records have been used to interpret sites is Chichen Itza.
One of the first devices used to amplify signals was the carbon microphone ( effectively a sound-controlled variable resistor ).
One entry of the P-array is used every round, and after the final round, each half of the data block is XORed with one of the two remaining unused P-entries.
One of the first plastics made from synthetic components, Bakelite was used for its electrical nonconductivity and heat-resistant properties in electrical insulators, radio and telephone casings, and such diverse products as kitchenware, jewelry, pipe stems, and children's toys.
One of the latest developments is the identification of a plant gene, At-DBF2, from Arabidopsis thaliana, a tiny weed that is often used for plant research because it is very easy to grow and its genetic code is well mapped out.
One characteristic style of music is his Night music, which he used mostly in slow movements of multi-movement ensemble or orchestral compositions in his mature period.
One famous user of the suburi-sized bokken is Miyamoto Musashi who used one in his duel against Sasaki Kojiro.
Brabham used engines from Australian engineering firm Repco, which had never produced a Formula One engine before, based on aluminium V8 engine blocks from the defunct American Oldsmobile F85 road car project, and other off the shelf parts.
One of the simplest methods used to accomplish increased parallelism is to begin the first steps of instruction fetching and decoding before the prior instruction finishes executing.
One technology used for this purpose was multiprocessing ( MP ).

0.198 seconds.